Maids & A New Power

Lei Jin waited in the hall until the Supreme Elder was far off out of respect. He could tell this was the only Supreme Elder who didn't actively suppress others. Rather there was no good way to get around it beforehand. Lei Jin started to understand the meaning behind her words. "So she wants to have a family that would keep me in check and avoid becoming an Ink Disciple." Lei Jin said softly to himself as he raised his legs up to float in the air.

Floating cross legged he began floating around the residence again taking in the scenery. The maid servants and other residence workers would look at him in wonder. There were a few maid servants gathered together. They would gossip a little about some things. Nothing a cultivator would usually enjoy talking about. This was because all of the maid servants were not cultivators.

"Senior! Isn't that cultivator over there the new master?" A servant said to another.

"Yes! Isn't he so handsome? I wonder what it would take…" the other maid started saying then getting cut off.

"Don't finish that sentence sister. Just look at him, he's different from the other cultivators. Can't you feel it?" The third maid said.

"He gives off a feeling of serenity. Like the sky after a rainy day and the sun comes out." The first maid said, speaking casually.

The other maid felt it too. Then a short time later they felt some of their wounds heal. Even more, the fact that they felt the warm sensation was odd. This meant that Lei Jin's presence directly affected the world. As if his presence brought peace and healing. This was the only way that a mortal could possibly sense anything like this.

"Wait, does it seem like the new master is in deep thought?" The second maid said.

"I wonder what he could be thinking about?" The first maid asked.

"Oh, there were several young women cultivators that arrived earlier, remember? Maybe he is going to… spend some time with them?" the third maid said. She covered her mouth in a slightly dramatic fashion.

"But why is he floating instead of walking?" the first maid asked. She put a finger to her chip and tilted her head to the side.

"Perhaps he is trying to keep himself free of any dust in preparation for the night ahead?" the first maid said, blushing just thinking about it.

"Stop thinking such thoughts! It's not a proper attitude to have towards the residence master." The third maid.

"But, sister. You're thinking the same thing right now. Aren't you?" the first maid said.

"I am not, don't say such things! I'm not thinking of how handsome he is! With such a perfect figure. Oh… No, I'm not thinking about this." The third maid refuted earnestly. Shaking her head back and forth.

Meanwhile the second maid was standing there all innocently like and blushing as she heard everything the other two were saying. She could also tell that he was the man they were talking about was now coming their way. "Stop saying such things, the master is coming this way! Us maids shouldn't hold any desires for the young master." The second maid said, shyly.

Lei Jin had been thinking about the reasons they could have for preparing this large residence. "Was their aim simply to give me a home that could support and house myself and my wives?" He thought. "No, that can't be it. This place is quite good. Not something that even supreme elders would get lucky enough to have. Did my master order this to be prepared ahead of time? If so then when and how early?" Lei Jin thought to himself.

Soon after these thoughts flooded his head he noticed that his Qi had been siphoned to heal someone's wounds. They were superficial, all except one that is. This woman alone had required a fair amount of healing. No, it was more like the complete rebuild of an important organ or something. He looked in the direction and saw three maid servants gathered clearly talking nonsense. He naturally could hear every word they were saying. "Guess I should go over there and see what it was that used so much Qi. Whatever it was, it would be helpful to know the capabilities of my Rainbow Light." He said and headed in the direction of these maids to inquire about it.

His Rainbow Light would always be active in the area around him and slowly heal some wounds. But the wounds that would be healed are never known to him. This was the need behind his approach. It didn't take long for him to arrive.

"Ah, this maid apologies for her casual speech, young master. I beg for the young master's forgiveness." the first maid said, dropping to the ground and prostrating.

"Young Master, please forgive me. I didn't mean to harbor such thoughts about the handsome young master. Oh, please forgive my tongue, young master." the third maid said, dropping the ground prostrating. Then shivering after she had a slip of the tongue directly to Lei Jin's face.

The second maid dropped to her knees and bowed almost as if she was praying to a god of sorts. "Please forgive us young master. We didn't mean to harbor such thoughts with the young master." she said, in the position of prayer. She knew exactly what it was he had healed and she couldn't be more thankful for this. Even if she were to be exiled for not properly prostrating she felt it was needed to give her thanks to the heavens for such a miracle cure.

Lei Jin sighed softly. He hadn't intended to reprimand them for their thoughts. After all such thoughts were commonplace and natural. It would be hard not to think about it. "I care not what you say. You should know I am only here to find out what it was that this maid servant who seems to be praying had healed." Lei Jin said, calmly. His master said this was what you had to do when dealing with mortal affairs. Lei Jin hated this feeling already. He just wanted to find out what it was that used so much Qi to cause a small drain on his overall Qi.

The three maids were surprised. Generally thinking such thoughts would mean exile or punishments handed out directly. Even public embarrassment and lashes would be considered as just. Though that did depend on what it was they did. Here the maids would likely get a few lashings in front of the other residence servants so no one else would think this way. This was the worst case scenario.

"Then this maid will answer the young master's question. I was injured in my home village a long time ago. And my womb had been destroyed in the process. Later I was given the chance to come work for this residence. Just now I felt my womb heal. So the young master has healed my worst injury." The second maid said, with rivers of tears flowing down her face.

"Hmm… I see, then. I must thank you for telling me. If there is something you wish for and it is within my power ask and I'll grant it to you." Lei Jin said. Now floating upside down in the air. He had flipped upside down after hearing this explanation.

"Then, would it be possible for the young master to help match me with a man? I would like to have a child if possible. And maybe have that child be a cultivator." The second maid asked without thinking. Even if this was a once in lifetime chance, asking for something like this would be considered too much. All Lei Jin had done was heal her injuries.

"Sister, this is too much. That's asking for far too much from the young master." the third maid said, gasping.

"Sister is right, you should be happy the young master even took the time to heal you." the first maid said, adding on to what the third said.

"Sisters are right, I shouldn't have asked for more. Please forgive me, young Master. I asked for too much. I should be satisfied with being healthy once again." the second maid said, crying again.

Lei Jin sighed a bit heavier this time. Dealing with mortals was indeed not easy. "I'll grant this request. However, it may not be as soon as you like. Don't lose heart." Lei Jin said, confidently. This set all of their minds at ease.

"The young master is the most generous. This humble servant is grateful." The second sister said, ecstatic.

"You helped discover a new capability of mine. Thus you have indirectly helped all of those other women who suffer from similar such wounds. Repaying you with this not too much. However you must understand, the child you bear will need to have aptitude in the way of the Dao. If this child does not have such aptitude then there is nothing I can do." Lei Jin said, calmly. He had to make sure that this mortal understood the limitations of cultivating. Otherwise she may lose her way in the future.

"This servant understands. This maid will do everything she can to have a healthy child. This is how I will repay the young master for his graciousness. If the child can't be a cultivator, then the child will learn to be a servant of this residence to serve the young master." The second maid said full of energy.

"Good, now then, I will not punish the three of you for thinking the thoughts you had before. Just leave them be as thoughts. Once they become spoken and one tries to take them back, it is like returning a half eaten fruit. No one wants this fruit back." Lei Jin said, before leaving the three of them alone.

The three maids were stunned. They had never heard of such a good hearted cultivator. Some would even use the punishment to have their way with the maid servant. This was not uncommon. However Lei Jin was different.

"We are lucky the young master is so generous. I thought for sure we would be forced to publicly shame ourselves at the least." the third maid said.

"Yes and the wisdom he shared with us lowly servants was deep. The young Master is a good man." the first maid said.

"I'm thankful I had the opportunity to receive this blessing." The second maid said.

Lei Jin had still been well within ear shot. And heard these things. He smiled a small gentle smile. "It seems my power truly does lay within healing. I wonder what else I could heal? Maybe even completely restore a person's body. It might depend on the degree of injury. Hmm… Is this really everything this Rainbow Light is capable of?" He said to himself as he floated away towards where his wife Qing Ning and the two potential candidates were.

"It can't simply be healing? My heavenly tribulations would always have feedback on the cultivators Small Universe world. Perhaps my Rainbow Light was limited and suppressed by the excessive ink force. This could be the explanation behind my rapid growth." Lei Jin continued to think to himself. "I wonder, is what Smile's old Ancestor thought true? I know she didn't mean to say it but I'll have to find out. I'm glad I learned Martial dao a bit before I arrived. Otherwise I might have been delegated to being a cultivation furnace. I'm not certain I could have avoided that even with the identity as the pillar disciple." Lei Jin thought to himself.

He arrived to see his new wife was talking with the other two sisters. He didn't want to pry too much into what they were speaking about. "I'll leave these thoughts aside for now. I'll focus on what's in front of me for the time being." He thought to himself and smiled as his eyes met with Qing Ning's eyes. He floated over and sat down at the table to join them for what he thought was fruit tea.

"Husband, was the conversation with the elders fruitful?" Qing Ning asked as she poured him a cup of the same thing they had all been drinking.

"It went as well as it could have gone. In the end the Supreme Elder will cooperate with this disciple. However there is no need to be too worried. I'm sure that there will be no real issues." Lei Jin said, as he drank some of the fruit "tea".

"So how is the wine Junior brother? My master gave a bunch of it for us to all enjoy." Zi Rong said, slightly tipsy.

"Wine? This is the first time I have enjoyed such a beverage. There wasn't much on the battlefield after all. I'll have to thank Elder Mei for this gift another time." Lei Jin said, downing the rest of his cup.

"Junior brother really likes this fruit wine. I wonder what other luxuries Junior brother has missed out on being in such a place? Perhaps you can take your time to enjoy these things here." Ling Shi said, clearly drunk. There were a few empty jugs on the floor already.

"Don't worry junior sister Ling Shi, I'll be sure to teach him well." Qing Ning said, wantingly.

They all drank more before Zi Rong and Ling Shi left for their own rooms. They weren't going to try and make any moves on Lei Jin that night. It would be improper. This was because it was Qing Ning and Lei Jin's first night together. No one is allowed to interrupt this moment. And the both of them didn't want to be interrupted either.

Qing Ning and Lei Jin were now in the residence master's bed chamber. This was his bedchamber. And there was plenty of room all around the bed for all sorts of activities. They were both inexperienced. Yet they felt comfortable alone together.