Elders Disperse & Musician

Lei Jin, Zi Rong and Ling Shi all went into Lei Jin's bedchambers. The restriction was activated and the three began the Dual Cultivation Method. Qing Ning stayed out of it this time. She would have changed the pace completely. Her 6th rank Open Heaven was quite high and Lei Jin could only manage two months before his cultivation began expanding faster than he could control it.

"Are you jealous, Qing Ning? Your husband is with two women right now while you remain here." The Supreme Elder asked. This was after all her fault. The restriction of a minimum of 9 wives was her idea. Though it was to ensure the pillar disciple Lie Jin wouldn't have to suffer being suppressed. This method did put a strain on the women who would become his wives.

"This Qing Ning is not jealous. I was my husband's first woman. That is an experience no other woman can take from me. Besides that, I knew even before the Supreme Elder had put a restriction of his cultivation that he would bring more wives into our family." Qing Ning said, dignified and calmly.

"That is a relief. I hope this feeling stays with you." The Supreme Elder said.

"Also, I know this will be the only time those two get him all to themselves. The next time he will use more space on that bed." Qing Ning said, sipping her tea. "For now though while my husband is busy, I will take good care of this place. Taking into consideration what happened with the servants here. Well, someone has to take care of them if they require something" Qing Ning finished.

"Oh, what did he do? I've noticed that the servants around here seem more enthusiastic. Does it have something to do with this?" The Supreme Elder asked, looking up from her tea cup that was in front of her face.

"All of our servants have formed families under the guidance of my husband. That is why they are so spirited." Qing Ning confirmed.

The Elders were shocked by this development. But then they understood quickly why it had to be this way. There were a multitude of reasons why the Pillar Disciple would not want to get rid of any of his servants. Moreover there were even more reasons why he would rather fill his servants with only the population currently there to begin with.

"So Lei Jin wishes to have a lineage of loyal servants rather than risk any issues from outside the residence. This is a good plan." Elder Mei said, first before the others.

"Though it could cause some issues with inbreeding. How will he resolve this in the future? Does Lei Jin have a method of avoiding such things all together?" Elder Kong asked, puzzled. Even though it was a great plan the odds of births were still quite low even amongst mortals.

"I am currently holding the servant registrar my husband created for this purpose. There will be no issues in the future. Furthermore we won't refuse recruiting from outside the residence. This just keeps our servants safe from others for the time being. My husband is a caring man. Even if the person is a servant of our home they will not need to worry about their safety. This is what it means to live in the Rainbow Light residence." Qing Ning explained.

"Then we won't worry about this matter any further. I will go and study the contents of this scroll for my new son-in-law." Elder Mei said.

"I shall do the same. I believe that this won't be impossible. I just wonder how he came up with this thing. Truly a mystery." Elder Kong said.

"Please take care Elders and don't share those scrolls with anyone else." Qing Ning said cupping her hands respectfully.

"Worry not disciple Qing Ning, us Elders will naturally take care of this matter carefully." Elder Mei said.

The two of them left the Hall and then the residence. Neither of them could wait a moment longer. Both of them had been repressing feelings for the other for quite some time. Now was a time they no longer had a need to worry about such things.

"Qing Ning, could you tell me how many homes need to be built on this residence to fit all of the new families. And is there anything else you'd like your master and myself to find for you and your husband?" The Supreme Elder said.

"I dare not ask for anything. My master has given this disciple the best gift a master can give. Everything is now up to my husband to fulfill. I am certain that he will do just that." Qing Ning said. She didn't want to jump on the chance for any handouts. It would make her seem ungrateful for having such a husband, and there was nothing wrong with the husband she had.

"My disciple, allow this master to help you. Tell me is there anything you need? This master will find it." Elder Hong said. He was proud of Qing Ning's loyalty to her husband. It hadn't been long but it was already so deep.

"The residence could use several more servants. With what we have done we expect at least a quarter of the women to become pregnant. Naturally this would happen after so many new families were formed. And having been bathed in the Rainbow Light my husband provides it is only expected." Qin Ning said, simply.

"I see, well this Supreme Elder is one who found all of this staff. I'll say it is difficult to find more right now. However, I'm sure it is still possible. Tell me, did Lei Jin heal all of their injuries from before? To include illnesses." she said, crossing a leg over the other.

"The Supreme Elders' intuition is right. My husband has indeed healed all of the injuries and illness within everyone here. To include the hidden ones that some possessed. If the Supreme Elder can not find healthy people to come and work. My husband has said even receiving the sick and injured is preferable to having none and would actually be for the best if they were in such a state." Qing Ning responded.

"Good then, That is what the two of us will do. I'm sure there are many who wouldn't mind finding a new home. And this environment is good for such rehabilitation." The Supreme Elder said. "We should also find someone who would be a good teacher. So the newborns will have a good education while living here." She continued. "Well Elder Hong and I better head out now. There is much to be done." She said, grabbing hold of Elder Hong and speeding off.

Qing Ning didn't even get the chance to say a proper send off. The two were in her view and then not. She still bowed respectfully because it was only proper.

"Your disciple seems to have grown into a wonderful woman." The Supreme Elder said to Elder Hong as they were flying.

"Yes, my disciple is a good woman. I'm glad she was lucky enough to find such a man. Her future is bright because of that young Lei Jin." Elder Hong replied, with a little happiness.

"I think you have it mixed up, Elder Hong. It is not just your disciple who was lucky. That young man Lei Jin is the lucky one. He has a wife that will support and love him that much. In this case, Lei Jin is truly the lucky one." The supreme Elder said.

"If you're the Supreme Elder who said this then I'll believe it, Azure Heart Divine Monarch." Elder Hong said, giving a soft glance back towards her.

Lei Jin and his two new wives had begun their dual cultivation technique. The sun was dominating the sky at the moment and thus he was in control at the moment now. His fingers conducting their explorations. His fingers were quite a fair amount more experienced this time. It was far easier to find all of Zi Rong's sensitive spots along with Ling Shi's sensitive spots.

Zi Rong would make the cutest sounds whenever Lei Jin would channel his Rainbow Light into her Knowledge sea. These sounds made Lei Jin feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He couldn't help but make her let these out.

Ling Shi made some similar sounds but they had a different tune. Between the two of them Lei Jin could play a song if he hit the right spots at the right moment. This is something he couldn't help doing. So for the remainder of the time the sun was in the sky Lei Jin played a cute and sensational song using the confidence boosting sounds his wives made.

The two were quite drained from this. Each looking into eachothers eyes. Making a secret agreement between them to pay Lei Jin back for this. He was making them feel amazing but still, he was playing a song with their voices they let out. The Sun went down and Lei Jin was now laying on his back at his wives' mercy.

Ling Shi sat up and smiled deviously at Zi Rong who had also sat up. Zi Rong returned the devious smile and then the two glanced at the currently helpless Lei Jin. Each smirking with a glint in their eyes.

"Husband, you played a song with us before. So don't complain." Zi Rong said, as she dropped the remaining bits of clothes she had on.

"Sister is right, Husband should be prepared to bear the consequences." Ling Shi said, also exposing the remainder of her lustrous sparkling skin.

The two women in his view had not a single blemish on their beautiful skin. Two fairies stared at him, each running their hands down his muscular frame. Not giving him a chance to resist or recover from each of them playing with his sensitive spots. He would let out his own sounds further enhancing their desires to explore his body. This was no mere adventure. No, each of his wives were mounting an expedition.

With every passing breath they would feel out every part of his body. For some reason Lei Jin felt even more embarrassed by this than when he did this with Qing Ning. She was like a perfect match to him. His current wives were also excellent matches but with both of them having been fueled by the song he played before they were relentless.

They had fully explored his body by the end of the night. But would now face being under his control once again. However, he made sure to completely explore their bodies this time. Finding every secret and advancing the cultivation technique. They were advancing quite quickly. But this was because all three knew that once the foundation had been laid, the real intense fun can begin. The two of them received a portion of his soul inside of their Knowledge seas.

"Oh, husband, this. I love you!" Zi Rong said, jumping on him, taking him down onto the bed. The two kissed.

"Husband, I'm not going to be left out." Ling Shi said, playing with his Man sword, and kissing Zi Rong's back.

The sensation Zi Rong got caused her to fly back a small bit. She could feel something. Instead of stopping. She moved with it. Her face filled with instant pleasure, And she leaned forward placing her palms on Lei Jin's chest. She hadn't realized what it would be like so it took her a moment.

"Sister, Ling Shi. Husband, is amazing." Zi Rong said, looking behind her to see Ling Shi.

"Oh, then I must wait my turn to be his sheath. I bet it will be a wonderful feeling." Ling Shi said.

"It feels wonderful. The Rainbow Light's energy is coursing through my body now. It is incomparable to what we experienced before." Zi Rong said, through the satisfied look on her face.

"I can't leave sister Ling Shi out of this." Lei Jin said, pulling her to over top of his face. The two wives faced each other.

They continued to practice their methods for quite a while. Trying a myriad of different forms and expressing their feelings. The combination of their Aura's mixing and permeating through the air with their souls cultivating together. And their physical bodies experience the wonders of each other. It was safe to say their cultivations soared.

The time they spent together ended just a few days shorter than the time Lei Jin and Qing Ning had been together for. They all walked out of the chamber. Greeted by Qing Ning who could tell at a glance that this time it was the two wives who had been the ones who reached their limits instead.

"Husband, junior sisters. I trust everything went well! Though from what I can see, saying that it went well would be an understatement." Qing Ning said, "Though I'm sure the three of us will have plenty of time to discuss this while we follow our husband to inspect the Blue Blaze Sect. Also Mother-in-Law and second Father-in-Law will help to take care of things relating to the residence." She continued.

"I'll have to thank them when I next see them. And it seems the first father-in-law and the Supreme Elder have sensed that the restrictions around my bedchamber have dropped. And are making their way here." Lei Jin said. "Qing Ning, it's been hard on you these past couple months." He continued.

The Supreme Elder and Elder Hong arrived. "Good, everything is prepared, let us depart for the Blue Blaze Sect at once." The Supreme Elder said, pulling out a ship for them all to gather on. "This is the ship we will be using to make our way there. Is everyone ready?" She continued.

"This disciple is ready!" They all said.

"Good, Lei Jin. I will inform you of more details on the way. That is if your wives don't claim you for the duration." The Supreme Elder said.