Build Up Journey & Blue Blaze Sect

The crew boarded and set off on a course to the Blue Blaze Sect. The location of inspection. Lei Jin was the Pillar Disciple of Azure Void and by extension this meant he was also a Core Disciple. Doing such inspections was merely a part of the duty description, it would also earn some benefits within the Cave Heaven.

The ship was hurtling through space at breakneck speed now. Lei Jin's 3 wives were all talking in one of the rooms aboard the ship. All three decided to exclude him for this particular conversation. They were worried they may get carried away and go all out again. However, there was simply no time for that.

The Supreme Elder and Lei Jin were speaking out on the deck of the ship with Elder Hong present. The three of them had to talk about the particulars of this mission.

"Disciple Lei Jin, your mission is to claim the first place. No matter what. This won't be easy, even for you." The Supreme Elder said.

Lei Jin couldn't help but become curious at hearing this. "What does the Supreme Elder mean by that?" Lei Jin asked, having a hard time holding back his interest in this.

"It is because the true goal was to take back the Disciple I had them take care of. She was put in a bad spot all this time. Even her cultivation has slowed. Now they want to give her away to the winner of the tournament. As if she was some prize to be mistreated like such." The Supreme Elder said, regretfully.

"We are also going to investigate if the sect master needs to be changed out with a more obedient head. It took no small effort to get this opportunity for you to compete." Elder Hong said, adding to the information Supreme Elder gave.

Lei Jin looked at the two and could tell that something must be going between them. He ignored this as it wasn't his place. "So this Disciple is to compete in the tournament and win as a way to ensure the overall success of freeing this woman's bonds… I dont hate this idea. However, I'm not stupid enough to believe that this was all there was to the plan. Are there any restrictions or limitations of sorts I should be aware of?" Lei Jin said, calmly.

"Yes, the one who I mentioned previously that ruined so many women is going to compete. And his father… is the sect master. So they might have some devious tricks." The Supreme Elder said.

"They could send a small army of great emperors and it still wouldnt be enough to defeat this Pillar Disciple. The Supreme Elder worries too much." Lei Jin said.

"That fatty has always challenged his opponents to life and death battles. With the sect master as his father he can get away with quite a bit. As such he has killed many disciples even though he is pathetically weak. He only reached the Great emperor realm because he stole it from the vast number of them he was forced to die." Elder Hong said.

"I see, however if this happens I'll deal with it accordingly. Though it sounds like you're asking me to come specifically for another purpose." Lei Jin said, glancing back and forth between the two seniors.

"You really do understand more than you let on. Very well we are asking you since we discovered that the ones that had been killed were all those who had the ability to reach the 5th rank or higher directly!" The Supreme Elder said.

"I see, and you don't think this is a simple matter. Perhaps the ink clan has… well it's useless for this disciple to ponder thoughts in this manner. We will naturally figure these mysteries out, seeing through the veil." Lei Jin said, rubbing his jaw in thought.

"Naturally this will be the case. It would be convenient if this went smoothly." Elder Hong said.

"Nothing is ever so easy. We should be prepared for the events to cascade out of control. Lei Jin, how confident are you in your ability?" The supreme Elder asked him.

"This Disciple took the time to receive some pointers from the various masters of Azure Void Pass. I am confident that I would have no rivals at and below the 2nd order Open Heaven. 3rd order Open Heavens I can stall. Anything else is too difficult to say or I would lose." Lei Jin said.

The Supreme Elder was surprised that he sounded so confident. She put her hand on his head and felt the strength he just talked about. Even if he said it, the Supreme Elder wanted to verify this herself. She was after all responsible for keeping this Pillar Disciple alive. The sensation she got from reading his strength was different from what he said.

"It seems you underestimate yourself. Disciple Lei Jin, you possess quite a foundation. I wouldn't be surprised if 4th orders wouldn't be your opponents." The Supreme Elder said, then ruffling his hair.

"The Supreme Elder praises me too much. I dare not expect to fight so high from my current rank. Even if I have this strength it would not be a good idea to use it too soon." Lei Jin said, showing a large degree of wisdom.

"This is true indeed. Save your strength for now the tournament is going to be rough on you. Having to hold back so much will certainly be difficult." The Supreme Elder said.

"Is there an Elder of this Blue Blaze Sect we can trust? I suppose there should be at least a few. Was it one of them who informed the Supreme Elder of the situation?" Lei Jin asked.

"There are several. It's just that the Sect master there is not so simple to deal with. He kept refusing to talk so the Elders that are more loyal to us were able to get a spot for you to compete in the tournament." The Supreme Elder said again.

"Well, then I shouldn't fail in this matter then. Don't worry I will bring this Azure Void Disciple back with us. Let us hope this has nothing to do with the ink clan." Lei Jin said, then turned to look out in the wide open space they were currently blazing through. "I'll be fine here by myself. I have no further questions. Rest well Elder Hong and may the Supreme Elder do the same." He continued.

The two of them were surprised. Did Lei Jin sense something? How did he know? But they didn't worry about it as the two left for the same room. Confirming the suspicions Lei Jin had about them from earlier. "Good, father-in-law is being taken care of. This is a good thing." He said to himself.

The trip was not too difficult. Lei Jin was standing at the front of the ship looking out and enjoying the view. Each time he did this. He felt a connection to his parents, the uncles and aunts he had before. Everyone was fighting a battle of proportions unknown to the human race. The sense of protecting this place is what kept all of the warriors there going. Lei Jin was slowly experiencing the beauty of the world. A vital element in the driving force behind the Human race's resistance against the ink clan.

"Mother, Father, this son of yours will find your reincarnations." Lei Jin muttered to himself in the void of space.

Qing Ning, Zi Rong and Ling Shi were talking about their experiences with Lei Jin. The three of them were coming up with different things to do the next time. Each of them became more and more lewd as they kept on building on each other's ideas.

The trip was quiet and uneventful. Just a peaceful journey. Or in Lei Jin's mind, the calm before the storm.

The Supreme Elder came out of her chamber after sensing they were close to the Blue Blaze Sect. She walked up to Lei Jin who had been standing in the same spot as before. He hadn't moved an inch.

"Lei Jin will arrive within half a day's time. Are you prepared? You'll have another woman to accompany. So you must be excited." She said, then expanded her divine sense out slightly. She could tell that Lei Jin had something on his mind.

"The Supreme Elder should be ready to act at any time. Stay hidden from everything and keep a line in contact with Elder Hong." Lei Jin said, his face completely filled with seriousness.

"Why ask this? Is there something off with Blue Blaze Sect?" She asked.

"You said in half a day's time in the direction we are currently flying correct?" Lei Jin said, clearly worried.

"That's correct Blue Blaze Sect is located there. Do you sense anything wrong with it?" She said, asking.

"There is definitely ink force coming from that direction. However, it is a 6th rank aura. This is why I'm worried. I fear we were right all along." Lei Jin said.

The Supreme Elder knew there were only 3 6th ranks in the entire Blue Blaze Sect. This news was not good. The distance was massive. So she understood the reasoning behind Lei Jin's worry. It was likely there may be 2 6th rank ink disciples.

"Well, we shouldn't let it bother us too much. With me here it'll be difficult for anyone to do anything." The Supreme Elder said, trying to lift up his spirits.

"Ink disciples are cunning bastards. I wouldn't put it past them to find an 8th rank from the shattered heaven. That's why I'd like to act only if needed." Lei Jin said.

"Fine, I wasn't going to do anything to begin with but let's go with this. It will be safer." The Supreme Elder said, defeated by Lei Jin's logic. This was the difference between a warrior born on a battlefield and a regular person born to train until they reach the battlefield. Lei Jin had first hand experience and exposure to the cruelty of war. Now he meets the enemy in another place.

A short while later everyone was out of their rooms watching as they reached the Blue Blaze Sect. Lei Jin made a note to keep track of everyone that he saw. And inspect all of their strengths secretly to find out if they were ink disciples or not.

They arrived at the ship dock and were greeted by all of the 6th rank Open Heaven 2 Elders and the Sect Master. Lei Jin could tell that two of the now four 6th ranks were ink disciples.

"Greetings, my Blue Blaze Sect welcomes the honorable inspector from Azure Void Cave Heaven." The Blue Blaze Sect Master said, glancing around and landing his gaze upon Lei Jin.

"Blue Blaze Sect Master, this Hong hopes you are well and thanks you for such a lavish greeting." Elder Hong Said, "This is the young man who will be participating in the tournament you hold. We are eagerly awaiting his performance." Elder Hong said, motioning towards Lei Jin.

"Hmm, yes. I look forward to seeing his matches. It should be entertaining." The Sect Master of Blue Blaze said.

"It is a great opportunity to see where I stand when it comes to the members of Blue Blaze Sect." He said, holding back his disgust. Lei Jin was disgusted by having to play nicely with this incarnation of corruption standing before him.

"Good well, the matches begin in half a day's time. This sect master feared you may not make it in time." He said, deviously.

"Hmm, wasn't this supposed to begin in a few days. Not a few hours?" Elder Hong said, clearly not pleased.

"Oh, perhaps there had been a mix up in the message. Please forgive this Sect Master." He said, playing falsehoods.

Lei Jin was shown to the arenas. He scanned the participants' abilities. One by one sizing them all up. He noted all of the individuals who were able to advance to the 5th rank or better directly. Another thing he noticed was the lack of female cultivators. Simply put there were no females to be seen.

He then looked at the board and found there were many more people in a different tree of the tournament than the other. This was another interesting thing. He would soon figure it out so it doesn't matter. He was going to wait and see what would happen in the future. It wasn't far away after all.

"This place is odd. Either they don't allow women to participate or there simply aren't any. Either way it's quite cruel. Much of a cultivator's strength comes from learning through combat. So keeping them from competing limits this Sects growth. And it's convenient for the enemy because they can use the pretense to protect the women from dangerous gambles to the death. So they inflate the idea that it's a dangerous competition to the death. Only to kill off the talents and then also permanently weaken the women as well. And the men will continue to be lured like moths to a flame at the thought of receiving a cultivation partner." Lei Jin thought to himself.

"Supreme Elder, have you found any other hidden masters around? I'd like to end this quickly, these ink disciples are hateful." Lei Jin said through the communication to her.

"There are none within a half day's flight from here. Though, I did find something sickening." The Supreme Elder said. She then conveyed what it was she found.

Lei Jin's face was now filled with unbridled fury, anger and hatred upon hearing this description and then receiving an image of what she saw. Lei Jin's stomach churned with fury. "Supreme Elder, this is unlikely to be the only Sect that does this. Once we return I'll do what I can to make it so the elders can sense out the ink force as well.