Corrupted Plot & Revelation

The waiting room was quiet and tense. Lei Jin could sense something was wrong. This couldn't be what a tournament was supposed to be. Sure it should have dangers but this level of tension was too much. Moreover he could sense the ink force had corrupted several of these people. "Ah, well I guess I'll just have to wait for the tournament to begin." He thought to himself.

An announcement came from someone. "Welcome to the Blue Blaze Sects, Dao Seal tournament. Today all the men in the sect will participate and prove their worth to take home a cultivation partner. Will someone be able to beat the reigning champion?" The person said.

The crowd got excited for the matches and couldn't help but to scream out. "Fight, Fight, Fight." It was truly a massive level of excitement.

"Good, now let the matches begin!" The person said. Two cultivators rose to the stages littered in the arena.

The matches began and what Lei Jin could sense was terrible. The contestants were outright killing each other. The ink corrupted participants were killing their opponents. The only exception was battles between the weaker ones. It felt like they were trying to build their numbers. Even the audience was disgusted by this turn of events.

In the stands Elder Hong and Lei Jin's three wives were sick. The sight before them was far too distasteful.

"Master, this can't seriously be what this Sect has been doing all this time." Qing Ning whispered to Elder Hong.

"This is too terrible. Who the fuck allowed this tournament to happen? How many times has it been like this?" Zi Rong whispered.

"This is downright, Hateful." Ling Shi whispered.

"Might I ask how the Sect master came up with this tournament? It seems like there are a large number of deaths. Can you explain this?" Elder Hong said. This was not something that the Cave Heaven would allow to continue.

"Senior, this junior received enlightenment some time ago. This death tournament is exactly what we need. To improve our disciples' cultivation they must learn to kill their opponents. I had run, this idea by a senior from Azure Void Cave Heaven before implementing it." The Sect Master of Blue Blaze said.

"This is too much. Change it at once!" Elder Hong said, clearly furious.

"Forgive this junior, senior. I can not change this tournament in the middle of one. I can't do as you say. Instead, enjoy the show. Or are you afraid your disciple will die? Ahahaha. This will be a good show. That boy born with such fortune will experience his death here today." Blue Blaze Sect master said, laughing at the sight of mighty tigers hiding like turtles.

"Husband! This isn't a regular tournament! They say you're supposed to kill your opponent!" Zi Rong and Ling Shi shouted out.

"Ahahaha, good then once this brat dies I'll have my son take his sloppy seconds!" Blue Blaze Sect master said.

Lei Jin heard all of this. He was furious. This wasn't a tournament! It was simply a slaughter disguised as a tournament. "No wonder why I feel so tense. This is infuriating." He thought to himself.

"Oh, is the Cave Heaven Bitch gonna cry? Just give up! Let me kill you!" Lei Jin's opponent said, mocking him.

Lei Jin sighed "Now I know you don't deserve saving. You'll be removed from the tournament." He said. Knocking the opponent out of the ring dead on the ground.

By the time he had gone up the ones who were not influenced by the Ink force were all dead. These ones were nothing better than husks of who they were prior. They were now only to be called tools. Truly disappointing.

The matches continued until the remaining winners of their own brackets faced off in a battle royal. 7 remain, one of them was Lei Jin. 5 were random lackeys of the other one. Who was the sect master's own son. He was clearly far older than the generation of people he had just murdered before in cold blood.

This was shameless. The Supreme Elder was still hanging around. The losses that happened here today were not small. She was busy closing off everything so no one could escape. Lei Jin was gonna have a lot of work to do. She was also thankful that she made arrangements ahead of time to have more elders come to secure the place.

On the platform the seven remaining members quickly formed 2 groups. No, it was 1 group and a lone man to face them.

"Ahahaha, we're going to kill you today. Did you ever think that you would die like this?" The sects young master said cocky like.

"You are not enough to defeat me." Lei Jin said simply.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy watching the life leave your eyes. You were born into such a wonderful place. Had everything handed to you on a silver platter. Yet you act so arrogantly before me! It's 6 versus 1 you don't stand a chance. And then I'm going to take my time and ruin those women you have. I'll be claiming them as the prize. I'm sure even seconds will be tasty as well." The fat young master said.

"What did you just say?! You fat ugly retch. Not even in your dreams!" Lei Jin shouted back.

In the stands sitting with one of the two elders who weren't inked was also the disciple Lei Jin was here to save. She watched on as this man was getting ready to fight the fatty.

Lei Jin was not going to hold back too much anymore. That was the final straw. No one should dare to claim his wives. Moreover this low life fatty had no talent. He only succeeded in reaching the Dao Seal realm through the Ink force. Meaning even if there was a way to turn him back it would be useless. He was an incarnation of hatefulness. The other 6 seemed to have been corrupted for only a short time.

"You! How dare you judge me! You're the vile one. But don't worry I'll only use those women until they are used up. They will fuel my growth." The fatty said.

The six corrupted disciples charged at Lei Jin. All readying their artifacts and other attacks.

"Razor Swipe!" A swipe came at Lei Jin's leg.

"Crushing Palm!" A palm from the sky went barreling towards Lei Jin.

"Piercing Finger!" An energy ray hurled towards Lei Jin's chest.

"Shattering Fist!" One of the idiot's had gotten close and aimed for Lei Jin's gut.

"Tiger Claw!" An energy attack from behind aimed to shred Lei Jin's back.

"World Binds!" Plants came up to bind Lei Jin in place.

All attacks landed and a sea of debris and dust filled the air around him. Also concealing the other 2 guys who had come in close.

"Ahahaha! Look at that. He was only a waste after all!" The fatty said.

"Too easy, ahahaha. So arrogant!" The three others said laughing.

Qing Ning, Zi Rong and Ling Shi were not as worried as Elder Hong. They knew his strength first hand. Surely attacks like this wouldn't be so terrible.

"Senior Hong, I swear this is not how this tournament was supposed to be. The Sect Master changed it last minute when he found out about this young man's participation." The elder who was responsible for getting the slot whispered to Elder Hong.

"I know, there is no way my Azure Void would ever allow this." Elder Hong whispered back.

The woman who they had come to retrieve was staring in defeat. The hope she had of leaving was now just a plume of dust. "Elder! No, I can't. I don't want that disgusting worm to touch me." She said frantically.

The four on the stage that were laughing slowly came to a stop.

"Young master! The other two haven't come out yet?" One of them said, looking back at the plume of dust.

"They probably just got knocked out. They should come soon." The fatty young master said. "In the meantime, I'm going to take those women and play with them now." He continued.

At this moment two trails of dust came from the center of the cloud of dust. Both were flying directly for two of the other 4 Dao Seals who had been laughing up until this point. The impact sounded like two explosions went off. The two that were hit, got lifted up, launched out of the platform and deep into a wall. The dust revealed that the things that caused the trails were the bodies of the two idiots who had closed the distance.

"What! Young master, what just happened!?" The last remaining lackey asked in a panic.

"There's no way he could have survived that! Which master dares!?" The fatty young master shouted out angrily.

The two of those original six who were still alive just stared at the dust cloud for a moment. Then began showering it with attacks. A couple of Low rank Open Heaven Realms looked at their disciples now embedded into the wall. Not understanding why this had to happen. They had to accept this result given that everyone else had accepted the result prior. None of them knew what the Sect Master was thinking to lead to such carnage. Even further asking what happened to their disciples. They saw them just a few days ago and they were completely fine upstanding young men, not cold hearted murderers.

"The Sect Master must give us an explanation for this. Let us hold back our anger for now. A cave Heaven Disciple is not someone we should raise our hand against." one of the five gathered there said.

"Will my disciple come out of this unscathed? I wonder?" The one whose disciple was still alive said looking on. He was wondering where he had gone wrong.

"This tragedy will forever be the responsibility of the sect master. Fortunately the female disciples were spared such a fate. We can say the generation is not completely lost." another said, placing his hand on the shoulder of the one staring at his disciple.

"Senior brother is right. I shouldn't expect my disciple to escape this fate." The Low rank Open Heaven cultivator said having a tear run from his eye. The other eye had been injured a long time ago. "Let us make it so this never happens again. Aim to the future." He continued, in rational thought.

In the stands the former Azure Void Disciple was staring at the martial arts platform. A similar sensation had appeared. It was a familiar feeling but she couldn't quite remember it clearly. But she could sense it coming from the dust cloud.

A short time before these events from Lei Jin's perspective. In the dust cloud Lei Jin was holding the two unfortunate fools by the neck. He poured his Rainbow light's immunity into their Dao Seals. It was enough to bring temporary clarity. However, it wasn't enough to completely cleanse them.

"Kill me before I go back. I can't live with myself having killed my brothers and defiled my sisters. Please tell my master I'm sorry for what I've done." the one who had gone for the punch said.

"Brother from Azure Void, this one apologizes for his actions. I won't beg for forgiveness. I don't deserve it. I ask only for this brother's wish to be granted. Get back at that bastard. The sect master is evil. And tell my master his disciple apologizes." the one who went for the leg swipe said.

"It seems like my innate ability isn't enough to force the corruption out even to someone recently corrupted. A pity this is the case. I can only kill the enemy. I'll make your deaths painless out of respect for your true loyalty." He said, saddened by this result.

"Thank you Brother Lei Jin." The two of them said, before the resistance faded.

The two flashed back to ink disciples. Then Lei Jin crushed their necks, killing them instantly. Then Threw them to kill two more. The knowledge that his rimmunity can not be shared with others is already corrupted as his resolve for doing this.

"Supreme Elder, I will have to ask you to take action the moment I give the signal. I can't return anyone back to normal. So when they are revealed I ask that you give them painless deaths." Lei Jin said, solemnly.

"It is a pity indeed. Perhaps in the future this ability can be learned. It is not your fault. Don't let it get to you too much." The Supreme elder said, confirming her ability to act.

Lei Jin took out his mothers artifact, and prepared to charge. Knowing there was no way to save them, there was no need to hold back. There wasn't a soul in this world who was his equal in the Dao Seal Realm. Even Low rank Open Heavens would find themselves unable to resist in most cases.