Brutal Victory & Xin Xia

Lei Jin had finished the preparations for his attack. "I'm ready, Supreme Elder. I don't sense many ink disciples here. But there are a few random ones in the mix." He whispered to the Supreme Elder.

"Good, now do what must be done. This supreme Elder will do her part to perfection. Elder Hong is also prepared to act." The Supreme Elder said.

Lei Jin let out a light breath. Then let out a battle cry, "RAHHHHHH!!!". The dust cloud dispersed around him with great force. A burst of Lei Jin's Aura could be seen having taken the place of the dust cloud.

"What?! How is he alive!" The Sect master shouted.

"Young master, this man is… still… alive." The lackey said terrified. The pressure coming from Lei Jin right now was not normal. The lackey felt like a pebble facing a mountain.

"You hateful cave heaven disciple! JUST DIE!" the fatty young master shouted angrily. This person was not being brave. It was just sheer stupidity.

The two of them charged up attacks once again, only this time putting in far more effort. Lei Jin had to let them do this. It wasn't that he wanted to, but rather, he couldn't move right now. That expansion he did just now was to reveal all of the ink disciples in the entire Blue Blaze Sect. It's not a small place.

Currently, the supreme Elder was gathering all of the ink disciples up. The thought of possibly turning them back was worth the risk to take a few back with her. The number of Ink Disciples that were present was rapidly dwindling, and / or they were being knocked unconscious and cultivation sealed by the Supreme Elder. Something that was absolutely effortless for her.

"I think that should be enough test subjects. I captured 5 ink disciples. All 2nd ranks, and I've sealed their cultivations. The only two who are left are for Elder Hong to take care of himself. I'll see you again on the ship." The Supreme Elder said her presence had indeed finished rescuing all of the injured and killed off all the ink disciples.

The two idiots who were still daring to fight Lei Jin head to head had just launched their attacks. "DIE, AHAHAHA." They shouted as the attack beams raced towards Lei Jin.

Lei Jin raised his brow slightly. "These fools even dared to embed their Dao Seals into this attack! A shame. They could have died painlessly, but now. Well, it's going to be unimaginably painful." He thought to himself.

The attacks swirled and spiraled into one focused beam. Then, it suddenly stopped in its tracks completely.

"WHAT!" the fatty young master shouted again angrily. "Why won't it budge! I need to kill this man. So keep going! AHHHH!" A very miniscule amount of extra Qi was forced into this attack after that display.

"Young Master, I can't hold on." The lackey said utterly drained.

"If you give up I'll kill you too. Put everything you have into this! You'll get to pick which one of those fairies you want." The fatty young master said blatantly.

It was obviously a lie, but it was enough to get the lackey to start burning his own life force and add the energy into the attack. This, however, would still remain fruitless. The problem was that Lei Jin had raised his left hand. Which had the gauntlet Artifact left to him by his loving mother. Though even without it blocking, an attack of this level wouldn't be too difficult. How much life force could a low life have anyway? In short, it wasn't much.

From above in the stands, the former Azure Void disciple was just staring in awe. For the first time in so many decades, she saw the very same artifacts her master used. It was unmistakable. She was currently going through many different possibilities as to how Lei Jin had it.

The Elder of Blue Blaze Sect that had been taking care of her all this time was curious about this. He noticed that she was oddly fixated on the artifact and not the fight. "Are you worried about something, my dear?" The Elder asked.

"Elder, this young man Lei Jin, the artifact that's in his hands right now." She said, almost unwilling to finish.

"What about this artifact? I can see it is clearly quite a powerful weapon artifact. Does the disciple know of hidden significance?" The Elder asked.

"That was my Honored Master's Artifact. I could never forget it after seeing it so frequently this disciple knows it belonged to my Master. Honored Master Liang Yu, how did this young man obtain your prized artifact?" The Disciple said, wondering in deep thought.

Elder Hong and the others heard this clearly. All of them quickly realized that the Supreme Elder had known of this beforehand. Otherwise, there was no real need for Lei Jin to be the one to "Win" the disciple back. Anyone could do it. But now it made complete sense.

Lei Jin was getting bored of just standing there. "It's time. When you get to hell, and the king there asks who sent you. Tell that king who it was." He said, annoyed by this whole event.

"You're the one who is going to hell!" The two of them shouted back at Lei Jin.

In response, Lei Jin balled his left hand into a fist and, in doing so, caused the energy waves to explode with great force.

"Ahahaha! He blew himself up!" The fatty young master said. Laughing and pointing in the direction of Lei Jin.

"Did we really do it?" The lackey asked, completely drained.

Lei Jin was naturally completely fine. The blast didn't harm him in the slightest. He rushed forward, appearing briefly directly in front of them. The next moment, the lackey was sent flying into the wall as well. Dead on impact. And Lei Jin was now behind the fatty young master holding his sword out in front of him in a lunge of sorts. He was facing the wall.

"What How dare… yo… u" the fatty young master tried speaking while turning around. What happened next was deserved but still incredibly gruesome.

The sect master and Elder of Blue Blaze Sect watched on as the fatty young master tried turning around. His body fell apart bit by bit. Each piece of fat hitting the platform flooring and splattering into a mess. Not a single part of his body was in one piece. A fitting end for such a hateful waste. However, in the eyes of these two leaders in the Blue Blaze Sect, they were furious.

Both in a fit of rage got up and launched toward Lei Jin. "You brat! You were supposed to die! Yet you kill my son! HOW DARE YOU!" Blue Blaze Sect Master said full of rage.

"This day next year will be your death anniversary." The corrupted elder said, through fury while flying straight for Lei Jin.

However, with a peak 7th rank Open Heaven Realm there in the form of Elder Hong. This effort would only be done in vain. Elder Hong took action at once. This was the moment he had been waiting for. A moment he knew that Lei Jin would find a way to give him. Even if it was quite brutal. And two brilliant flashes of energy killed both the Blue Blaze Sect master and the Corrupted Elder.

Actions like these would naturally confuse the masses of cultivators around. So, Elder Hong took the time to address this issue as well. "Blue Blaze Sect! The Sect Master and Elder that have died just now were corrupted by an evil force. This changed their temperaments drastically. Unfortunately, there is no way to return them to who they had been before. This is why they had to be killed. To avoid causing more corruption in the future, it was necessary. Your 1st Elder will be installed as the Sect Master from now until it is changed." He said, having his voice carry throughout the entire Blue Blaze Sect.

The 1st Elder who had been taking care of the Azure Void disciple stood up and bowed respectfully. "This humble Elder will not disappoint the Senior's words. This one accepts the position, I trust that my Blue Blaze Sect will work together to rebuild and recover from this tragedy." He said politely.

"Hn, good. Work well to have this be the last time such a tragedy occurs." Elder Hong responded.

The tension that had been so prevalent in the air faded. Lei Jin put his artifact away and relaxed a little. Now that this had been solved, he could go lay down and get some rest. However, he still had something to do. Lei Jin turned his head slightly to look at each of the five masters of those unfortunate disciples he had no choice but to kill.

"Am I correct in assuming that the 5 seniors here were those five disciple masters?" Lei Jin asked with a polite tone and respectful posture.

"That we are, what is it the Disciple of Azure Void wants with us?" The one who had no choice but to watch his disciple die asked painfully.

"I only had the opportunity to speak with the first two. I had used a method to give them temporary clarity. Forgive me for not being able to return them permanently. However, the two I had spoken with wanted a message relayed. They said they could not live with themselves after what they had done and asked for seniors to forgive them. They both continued to say that it wasn't the seniors' fault this happened." Lei Jin said, relaying the message.

"They were good young men. None of them should have had to end up like this. Whatever this corruption is, it must be absolute evil. Nothing short of this could bring my disciple to kill his brothers and act like a raving lunatic." One senior said. Then the others agreed.

"Don't worry too hard about this, seniors! Your disciples will return and be reincarnated. With the evil flushed from their souls. Seek them out and train them anew. I'm certain your disciples would like to spend time with their masters once again." Lei Jin said, cheering them up.

"Wise words from a young man." They all said before leaving.

Lei Jin made his way over to where his wives were. Seeing they were safe and unharmed was a relief. Elder Hong could see the happiness exuding from Lei Jin once he arrived. However, it wasn't time for this. The rewards still need to be distributed. Even if it was a tournament of death, this time, there are still rewards to be distributed. So the now new Sect Master introduced himself to Lei Jin.

"Junior Lei Jin, congratulations on your victory. I am the new Sect Master Wang. As my first duty, I will present you with the rewards for taking home the victory." He said enthusiastically.

"Senior Wang need not be so worried about this. My mission this time is to bring back the senior sister to Azure Void Cave Heaven. Speaking of which, I haven't heard her name spoken once." Lei Jin said, then taking a glance over towards the Azure Void Disciple.

The young woman, albeit older than him, saw he looked at her as if to hear her introduce herself. She looked at the new Sect Master Wang. The Elder who had taken good care of her for many decades.

"Go on and introduce yourself. You'll be able to go home after today. The Supreme Elder of Azure Void said so herself." He said, giving the encouragement needed.

She looked back to see the three women who were basically huddling around Lei Jin. She knew that two of them were Lei Jin's wives. "Junior Brother Lei Jin, I was granted the name Xin Xia by my master 3 centuries ago." She said, cutting herself off from asking the other question.

"Senior Sister Xin Xia! Your master must be an amazing person to give you such a lovely name. It's good that we could come and bring you back with us. It would be a shame for senior sister to end up like the other victims." Lei Jin said, frankly. His filter was struggling. He had been quite upset about what had happened earlier.

"Well, the reward for all of the top 10 was their own cultivation furnace. So naturally, Lei Jin, you have earned all of these. I'll have them brought to your ship." The sect master said.

"No, I only came here to return with Senior Sister Xin Xia. She is a disciple of my Azure Void Cave Heaven and deserves to live there. The cultivation furnaces you speak of should be for the Blue Blaze Sect. After such an event, surely you'll need everything you have to help with the recovery." Lei Jin said, quickly refusing the furnaces.

A cultivation furnace is a cultivator with no Dao. They merely grew their strength to various degrees. They can be either male or female. Though it is far more rare for a male to be one. These individuals are usually the easiest method of advancing another cultivator's strength. This is because they can match with any Dao's Dao strength as they themselves are Daoless. So being able to keep them is quite helpful.

However, Lei Jin just had no use for things like this. He had 3 wives now and would need to find 6 more in the future before he would be allowed to promote to the Open Heaven realm. A rule that the Supreme Elder would not rescind no matter what. Having so many partners already, his strength has already been rapidly approaching the absolute maximum.

"Azure Void's got a magnanimous Disciple in you, Lei Jin. This Sect Master thanks you for this. And for the aid you have given my Sect today. I am forever grateful." Sect Master Wang said.

"It is not something to be so serious about now. It is simply my duty as the Pillar Disciple of Azure Void to take care of such matters." Lei Jin said.

"You all show Xin Xia to the ship. And Lei Jin, get some rest. You've earned it." Elder Hong said, and everyone left but himself. A few other matters needed to be addressed privately.