Conversation & Hidden Message

Lei Jin, his wives along with Xin Xia arrived on the transport ship. The Supreme Elder was waiting for them to arrive in a small hall aboard the ship. Even going as far as to have tea made already.

"I see everything went well this time. Not that I had any doubts about that person's disciple." The Supreme Elder said, as Lei Jin appeared in the room.

Lei Jin was exhausted but it would be impolite not to visit with the Supreme Elder once after she went through the effort to have a relaxing tea prepared in advance. "The Supreme Elder praises this disciple too much. I simply did what was needed." He said, cupping his hands respectfully. Albeit low and weakly. He had used up a great deal of energy recently any regular 3 rank Open Heaven would be drained after that.

The Supreme Elder raised her brow having noticed the degree of exhaustion Lei Jin was currently experiencing. "Please sit down and have some of this tea before you go to rest." She motioned for everyone to sit down.

Everyone sat down and sipped their tea. Lei Jin had some difficulty at first. He slowly got used to the feeling. This and the tea did help him recover slightly. His tea was definitely a very different one from what the others had. However it was a bit late to change this outcome now that he had drank the whole cup.

"I hate to ask but, does the Supreme Elder happen to have more of 'this' tea? It's delicious and soothing." Lei Jin said. And another cup was poured for him. "Many thanks!" He said.

"Now then, Xin Xia, it's good you are safe. Your master asked this Supreme Elder to make sure you would be safe. I thought you would have been safer here than in Azure Void." She paused for a moment and sipped on her tea. "However, things have since changed. You may return to Azure Void Cave Heaven with us." She continued saying.

Xin Xia started crying. She knew that after her master left it wouldn't be good for her to stay there alone. Even with the Supreme Elder in her corner. Even still getting the chance to go home was not something she would pass up.

"The Supreme Elder means there is a place for me? This Disciple can go home now?" She said, crying shyly. It was the place her master raised her for a good portion of her life.

"Yes, Lei Jin has his own residence. Living there will be enough for others to keep from making fun of you. Making lite of a pillar Disciple is not something just anyone would do. Besides, I'm certain that your master would have loved the two of you to grow close." The Supreme Elder said, then quickly filled her mouth with the rest of her tea. She wasn't going to say anything else for a moment.

Lei Jin looked at the Supreme Elder and just sighed deeply. Qing Ning was the first to say something "The Supreme Elder is being unfair. You want my husband to take another wife so soon. Let us wives have a chance to warm him together. It's been too long and I won't wait 2 more months on top of the trip back." She said, a little upset.

"That's right if sister Xin Xia is going to marry into our family she can do it after we have a chance to play with our husband again." Zi Rong and Ling Shi said in unison. The two had been in sync ever since their husband had… learned the joys of music.

"I um, I'd like to know where you got that artifact from. Is it convenient for junior brother to say?" Xin Xia asked, slightly fidgeting.

"Disciple Lei Jin, you can tell her. My intention is for her to marry you so she will naturally find out." The Supreme Elder said. "I was entrusted with her well being by her master. I feel entrusting her to you is good." She continued, stealing a glance back and forth between the two.

Lei Jin sighed heavily, not wanting to talk about this right now. But he wouldn't get to sleep anytime soon if he didn't. "That artifact is the last thing I have of my mother. She along with my father and their whole team made a great sacrifice to protect an 8th rank from dying. It was later through the efforts of another that these artifacts came home to me." Lei Jin said, reluctantly. Bringing up these memories was not something he enjoyed.

Xin Xia was the only one who was shocked. Sitting across from her right now was the very flesh and blood of her master. And she also found out that her master was in fact dead. Killed in battle and likely with the regret of never seeing her own child again. Hoping that her death would not stunt Lei Jin's growth.

The Supreme Elder naturally knew that Xin Xia's master was Lei Jin's mother. So she wasn't the least bit surprised by this.

As for Lei Jin's wives. They all heard the stories and saw the memories of Lei Jin's parents. It was like a right of passage for them. Because this was the closest way to gaining their approval to marry Lei Jin.

Xin Xia was now shaking with agony. She knew her master had been sent to a battlefield. She didn't expect that she would hear of their deaths so soon. "So, Master is gone now?" She said through tears. Turning to the Supreme Elder. "Is it true? Is my honored master really gone?" Her face became frantic and full of grief.

"Yes, it was an unfortunate situation and they made a sacrifice to keep a powerful master alive." The Supreme Elder said. Holding the now frantically crying Xin Xia close. Doing her best to comfort her.

Lei Jin remembered there was a disciple his mother had left behind in this 3000 worlds. He didn't expect to find her here. He could have broken the news a little easier but that wasn't something he could be blamed for. Then he had a feeling of guilt come over him. He hadn't made a shrine to honor his parents yet. There hadn't really been a need. Having the remaining artifacts on him at all times made him feel like his parents were still there. Keeping him safe.

Now it was different. There in his view was his mothers disciple. And it would naturally be wrong of him to keep the artifact all to himself. It was time for him to build a shrine with the artifacts on display.

He was still exhausted but he stood up and placed his hand on Xin Xia's head. "Senior Sister Xin Xia. When we return, let us build a shrine to honor my mother, your master. In the meantime I will give this to you. My honored mother would want you to have it." Lei Jin said, handing over his mothers artifact.

Xin Xia stopped rubbing her face into the Supreme Elders body. "Isn't this the last thing you have of your mother? Why give it to me?" She said looking at the Artifacts being handed over to her.

"It isn't easy for me to part with this. But I can not be selfish with the inheritance my honored mother left behind. Even still, these Artifacts are more suited towards women. As such I will never be able to use them to their fullest. You, on the other hand, were trained as my mothers disciple. These should work better with your strength. Besides that my honored mother would want to keep you safe as well. I still have my father's Artifact and so she can rest easy knowing that I will still be watched over. Right now she can not rest knowing that you, her disciple, is not protected." Lei Jin said calmly, he was trying to convince himself too.

"Then, I will accept this." Xin Xia said, now holding the last thing she had of her master. "Thank you Junior Brother. This senior sister will cherish her master's Artifact. This senior sister would be honored to help build the enshrinement." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Lei Jin, are you sure about this?" The supreme Elder asked.

"Yes. Sister Xin Xia possessing this artifact is a good thing. I haven't lost anything. I was only the carrier. I have gained much from this trip." Lei Jin said.

"So, about the topic of marriage? Will the two of you marry?" The Supreme Elder asked.

"Let's table this discussion for a short time. Sister Xin Xia has just received the news of her master's death. It isn't appropriate to talk about such things till the time of mourning has passed." Lei Jin said, not refusing but also not accepting.

"Junior brother Lei Jin, let us spend some time later. I'd like to know more about master's ways." Xin Xia said before going back to getting comforted by the Supreme elder.

"Good, we can speak more later. For now it seems we both have other responsibilities." Lei Jin said, "Supreme Elder, I'll leave Sister Xin Xia in your care. I must go and… rest." He finished saying. Taking his leave in a respectful fashion.

"Us three will leave with husband, take care, Supreme Elder." Qing Ning said. All three bowed respectfully. Then making their exit. Qing Ning was slowly becoming anxious, She had been waiting for this day for a few months now.

In the room remained the Supreme Elder and Xin Xia. "Disciple Xin Xia, I know you are hurting. However, you should be grateful your master's inheritance came to you." The Supreme Elder said, patting Xin Xia's head as if she were her very own daughter.

"I am grateful. I just wish I could have said goodbye. It hurts to lose my loving master. She was too kind to me. And now I have my honored master's inheritance in my care. I won't disappoint her." Xin Xia said, looking up at Supreme Elder.

"I don't mean the artifact." The Supreme Elder said, simply.

"Is it really alright? He already has 3 beautiful wives." Xin Xia asked.

"Lei Jin would welcome you with open arms. I'm sure those three would accept this. Besides, I made sure there was a place for you." The Supreme Elder said with a smile.

"This, what does the supreme Elder mean? I feel all I've done is cause him pain. How could I possibly stay by his side?" Xin Xia asked. "Especially when he already has 3 lovely wives. I'd simply be imposing. I don't want to be hateful on top of hurtful." She continued.

"When he announced that he would advance to the 9th rank directly. I placed a small restraint on him. He must marry a wife for each rank he advances directly. Currently he has three wives. Which leaves you with a spot." The Supreme Elder said.

Xin Xia hugged the Supreme Elder tighter and buried her face. The thought of being with Lei Jin went through her mind. The Supreme Elder could feel Xin Xia's body grow warmer from these thoughts.

"As for being hurtful, It certainly hurt him to hand over the last thing that reminded him of his mother. However, that hurt will fade if you stay with him. I'm sure that's why he was willing to give it away to you. Perhaps you should inspect the artifact for any messages left behind by your master." The Supreme Elder said picking Xin Xia up like a little kid.

Xin Xia nodded, pulling out the sword and passing her divine sense through it. She could sense the brand that was on this weapon was actually the one left behind by her own master. It was obvious that Lei Jin hadn't refined it for himself. After a short time she kept exploring the brand left behind by her master. There was indeed a message.

"My dear Disciple Xin Xia. If you managed to hear this message it means I am no longer among the living. I trust that the Supreme Elder is taking good care of you. I wanted to leave behind a message in the hopes you might find it. I had a son not long ago. His name is Lei Jin. He is such a cute little guy. Unfortunate that I have left him all alone in such a place. We were going to come home before he turned 8 but it doesn't look like luck is on our side this time." The message said, pausing for a moment. "Fortunately, I raised a wonderful girl some time ago. I wish the two of you to take care of each other. Marry if you desire each other. I just ask, my Disciple… Will you take care of your master's only regret? If so, please stay with Lei Jin in the future? I'll give you permission to marry over mourn. Take care and farewell my darling disciple. Your Master loves you, please have a good life with Lei Jin. Whether you marry each other or not, live full lives. Though I wonder how cute your kids would be." Her master's message continued.

It ended with a small flash of her master's energy creating a body of light and held Xin Xia. It wasn't the same as a truly physical embrace but it was the last hug Xin Xia would ever receive from her beloved and honored master. She knew this and did her best to enjoy the presence of her master.

"I will miss you master. Please rest peacefully." Xin Xia said.

The vision disappeared and so did the brand that had been left behind on the Artifact. Her Master was now truly gone. "Now Master lives on through her teachings." Xin Xia said, saddened.

"That's not all Xin Xia, your master's own flesh and blood still remains alive and well! It is up to you now to decide what you will do." The Supreme Elder said.

The Supreme Elder was right. Lei Jin was her master's spawn, her flesh and blood. "Supreme Elder, I have decided! I'd like to go through with marrying Junior brother Lei Jin!" Xin Xia said, with some enthusiasm.

"Good, then when we arrive back at Azure Void I'll have the two of you sign a contract." The Supreme Elder said, pleased by this result.