Return Trip

Lei Jin was resting in his room aboard the ship. The Supreme elder and Elder Hong would naturally take care of the rest. So he naturally didn't need to worry about anything else. All he needed to do now was rest. His wives laid with him. Occasionally his wives would take advantage of his exhaustion and play around with him.

Elder Hong spent a few more days setting up arrangements before arriving back on the ship. Once he did, the ship departed. Under his control they speed back towards Azure Void. He and the Supreme Elder sat down for a talk of their own.

"So how were the arrangements? Did everything go smoothly?" The Supreme Elder asked.

"I gave them a one time pass on paying tributes. Aside from that everything else went smoothly. So once next time we expel members from our force I promised to prioritize their force. Since they lost many disciples this time." Elder Hong said, confident this would be enough.

"Hm, Good. I owe the new Sect Master a great deal for keeping Xin Xia safe all this time. These are acceptable measures." The Supreme Elder said.

"So then, did everything go well here?" Elder Hong asked, looking around and noticing that no one else was there aside from the two of them.

"It's in the works. Both are willing to marry. But Lei Jin didn't say this to her, yet. And neither has Xin Xia." The Supreme Elder said, giving Elder Hong a look. "By the way, when are you going to promote?" She said, clearly anxious about this.

"I can not say how much longer this will take. It's best not to rush. I'm not some crazy talent myself." Elder Hong said.

"The longer it takes the longer we have to hide our relationship. Ah such a shame." The Supreme Elder sighed.

Elder Hong's face flushed completely. He didn't expect her reasoning to be purely out of her own desires. He thought the pushing was to strengthen the Azure Void.

"I see, It is quite difficult to sneak around like this. I wonder if anyone has found out at this point?" Elder Hong said, after recovering from the flushing in his face.

"I'm sure at least one other Supreme Elder has found out by now. And I wouldn't put it past Lei Jin. He seems to be even more perceptive than most others." The Supreme Elder said, then holding her head in thought. "Perhaps, he knew that there had been a message from his mother to her disciple embedded in the artifact. If he could see that he could certainly figure us out since he hardly ever sees the both of us separated." She continued.

"Supreme Elder is right, I got the same feeling before we arrived at Blue Blaze Sect. Maybe his Rainbow Aura has hidden effects. It is a shame that it wasn't able to reverse the effect of the ink force." Elder Hong said.

"Well, I just want to see which women he brings into his family. Perhaps we should find some women from the other cave heavens and paradises? Or should I leave it to his own strength? Hm, Elder Hong, would you help to put out a few feelers? We should help to raise him to the best of our ability." the Supreme Elder said resolved in her plans.

In another room Xin Xia was cultivating and slowly making her honored master's weapon artifact her own. She was wearing her mourning clothes and sitting cross legged. "Master, this disciple will carry out your wish. This disciple will take care of Junior brother. However, this disciple must mourn your passing first." Xin Xia said resolved in her will. "Master, this disciple is thankful and grateful. Master had found and taken in this disciple. Taught her how to live and cultivate. Now the Master has even found a husband for this disciple even after the master's passing. This disciple will not let her master down." She continued even more resolved.

Lei Jin and his wives spent the whole trip together making a mess of their sheets. The room would likely need to be aired out later. It took Lei Jin just a few days after departure to make a full recovery. Something even his wives had shown some surprise about. Just before they all left the room after arrival in Azure Void Cave Heaven, his wives stopped him from leaving the room for a moment.

"Husband, are you planning on taking sister Xin Xia?" Qing Ning asked quickly.

"This is something I'd like to know for certain." Zi Rong said, staring at Lei Jin.

"This wife would also like to know." Ling Shi said, also looking at Lei Jin up and down.

"Yes, I do plan on this. However, since I don't know for certain what sister Xin Xia is thinking right now. I allowed her the time needed to think it over. Do the three of you have thoughts on this matter?" Lei Jin said.

"This matter, she is the disciple of your mother. Are you certain about this? She is a beautiful and kind girl, I only worry it might be too much for you husband." Qing Ning said.

"I'm a lucky man to have my wives care so much about their husband. However the worry is misplaced. Having Sister Xin Xia around will have a warm feeling. Not any negative effect." Lei Jin said, with an odd level of confidence.

"Husband seems certain of this? Could you tell us what it was that led you to this?" Zi Rong spoke up this time.

"When I tried to refine those artifacts my parents left behind for me. I was unable to refine my mothers. However, my Father had left a message behind. He told me that if I found my mothers disciple I should give her the artifact. In the message he said something good may happen after this." Lei Jin said, Summarizing the message given by his father. The rest of this message was just his father conveying how much his parents loved him.

"How did you determine that this good thing that would happen would be marrying your mothers disciple?" Ling Shi asked, what was on all of his wives' minds now.

"This is simple, I haven't had anything better happen to me in this life than marrying each of my lovely caring wives. Nothing else can compare." Lei Jin said, then embracing all three of them in a close hug.

"You're too good for your own good husband. Us wives will support your decision to marry sister Xin Xia." They all said in unison.

"I love all of you and nothing will change this." Lei Jin said, He gave each of them a kiss. "Now let us go back and see how things have gone in the residence since we were away." He said, opening the door and walking out of the room.