To Recover 7th Ranks

In the greeting hall there were many visitors who were waiting for Lei Jin. There were 3 7th rank masters along with their disciples. Some of the Supreme Elders were waiting patiently as well. All of them knew Lei Jin was the most busy man in the whole Cave Heaven. Yet here they were taking advantage of his ability once again.

Lei Jin finally appeared in the room and sat down in his chair. He was not pleased with what he saw. Every single one of these people before him was an ink disciple. Azure Heart looked at Lei Jin and could tell he wasn't pleased. The same look they had determined was to say that there were ink ink disciples in his presence.

"How many and which ones? I'll seal their cultivations." Azure Heart Supreme Elder whispered to Lei Jin.

"You'll need the help of the others to seal this many." Lei Jin whispered back.

"Which ones, are they young man?" another Supreme Elder asked.

"How many are in front of me? That's how many." Lei Jin said.

The whispering conversation ended with the Supreme Elders in shock that all of these people were indeed ink disciples. Yet they all prepared to take action and suppress their cultivations.

"Welcome, to those from afar. Thank you for answering my summons. I trust you know the reason I called you here?" Lei Jin said, asking them to respond.

"I Zhuo Bu Qun have a few ideas. I brought my disciples in anticipation of this." He said, far too relaxed.

"I Chu Liu Shan have a few ideas as well, but how about this junior tells us his reasons?" He said, also far too relaxed.

"Very well, your disciples performed the evil art of Forced Soul Searching on someone for their own gain. I have since healed this person's broken soul. However, this is not enough. You must take responsibility for such actions. I demand an explanation." Lei Jin said, showing his seriousness to carry this out.

The pressure from the Supreme Elders increased and suppressed their cultivations.This was only to be expected. However the third 7th rank didn't understand why they were suppressed for a moment.

"Sir Lei Jin, Seniors. Why are you suppressing this one and his disciples as well?" they asked.

"Simple, it is only fair to treat you all the same." Lei Jin said, focusing and building his strength. "You are all inked! And I will return you to your senses! NOW!" Lei Jin shouted.

A fluctuation of Qi unlike anything he had ever used before cast out and swirled through all of these people in front of him. These people with their sealed cultivations couldn't hope to fend this off. All of them were unable to resist the call of the rainbow waking them up to reality. It took longer than Lei Jin and the other supreme elders had wanted. But Lei Jin pushed through. Every time he would do this his strength would increase drastically.

"Lei Jin, Are you alright?" Azure Heart asked him, after seeing him stumble slightly before recovering.

"I am. The Supreme Elder need not worry about this one. I've been through far worse." Lei Jin responded by giving another push.

The energy had finally finished restoring these people to their senses. All of them stared at their hands in awe that they had been de-inked. Lei Jin returned to his chair once again. He wanted to go lay down in his wonderful bed filled with his four lovely wives right now. But he had business that needed to be resolved.

"I had succumbed to the ink force of my own will! I had not known I myself would be put into such a state. It was like I wasn't myself." Chu Liu Shan said, cupping his hands and bowling respectfully. His disciples doing the very same.

"Yes, I was lured in by the prospect of advancing to the 9th rank. This isn't worth it if I am not myself though. Because it wouldn't be me who reached the 9th rank." Zhuo Bu Qun said, bowing now that he had been recovered.

"Congratulations on your recovery. Now make up for the mistakes of your disciples from before. Also hand over a description of your experience with ink so I might refine my process more. The more refined it is the better." Lei Jin said, getting up and leaving the room.

The now restored were sitting in the presence of many 8th ranks and had no good explanations. It was going to be a long day for them.

"I beg the seniors for forgiveness for our actions." They all said, shaking.

"I feel bad for Lei Jin, he cares so much for others. I hope he spends some good quality time with his wives this time." Azure Heart said.

"Ah, yes. He has corrected these foolish disciples' mistakes. Something he didn't have to do." another supreme elder said.

"It's been hard on him. Maybe we can find a few more women for him? The faster we fill out those 5 remaining slots the sooner we can let him promote." another said.

"But first us old fogies must work hard to help him with these matters. Now then former ink disciples. Be sure to work hard in making up for sins you've done in the past." Azure Heart said.

"Yes, we will work hard. Us disciples will try our best to bring the other inked ones to this sir Lei Jin. and perform any other orders the seniors have for us." Chu Liu Shan said alone.

"Oh? Does anyone disagree?" the supreme elders said.

Not a soul dared to disagree with this. Lei Jin had just spent a great effort to save their lives and shouldn't do anything that would jeopardize it. Thus they all remained steadfast and resolved to see this through.

"Good, then you should submit your reports on the experience you had with ink. As for the Myriad Demons and Xuan Yuan disciples you should then do what you can to make up for the trouble you have caused for Void Land. Lei Jin has been quite adamant about this. He must see something we do not." Azure Heart Supreme Elder said as she looked at everyone.

"We will do as the Supreme Elders command." Everyone said in unison.

A flurry of information scrolls were pulled out and filled with the experience of transforming and being an ink disciple along with the recovery from being one. This could be the final step of the process Lei Jin needs to perfect the technique. Only time could tell. And where he was right now he couldn't care less about anything else aside from what he was surrounded by.