Zi Rong Kidnapped!

Lei Jin flew at top speed towards the star city. It also just so happened he wanted to pick up a few things himself anyways. Though the number one among these was his wife Zi Rong. Landing at the entrance he showed his pass to the guard and entered the city unrestrained.

"Hey what is this! I've been waiting for 3 hours in line! Why does this young man get to go inside so easily!" an ugly man said angrily.

"Yeah what's going on here. Are the guards even doing anything? What are they paying you for?" another said.

"SILENCE! That young man is my Azure Voids Pillar disciple. Do you continue to dare show disrespect to such a person!" a guard said.

The once roaring crowd shut their mouths at once. A pillar disciple is not some random person. acting against them in any manner would be akin to asking the whole cave heaven to hate their family for thousands of generations. That was simply the weight behind a pillar.

"Ahahaha, it's fine guards. I haven't been here long and I've caused you difficulty. Allow me to make it easier on you." Lei Jin said, he used a healing art on all of the people who had been waiting in line.

It wasn't nearly as good as the one in his residence. He did that on purpose. "These people dared to raise their voice for such a small thing. So I won't heal them completely. I'll only alleviate a small portion of their pain." he thought when he mobilized his strength.

Though it was significantly weaker than anything he had in his residence it still managed to completely restore some of the people to full health. Which was good.

"I trust that makes up for any inconvenience. Just remember this is a one time thing. Next time don't just blurt out when you see my people come in." Lei Jin said.

"Thank you for your benevolence, hail to the pillar disciple of Azure Void." The crowd said.

"You are even more amazing than the supreme elders said. so benevolent and caring. You will have a good future, young pillar." The guard said, with a smile.

"You don't need to worry about this too much. When the time comes I ask all of my Azure void to help. we can not carry into the future without us all working together." Lei Jin said, then healed the 7th rank's injuries completely and granted a True Rainbow.

"I thank this amazing Junior for such a gift. Perhaps this elder can be of help? Oh, I can introduce you to my youngest disciple. She is currently in seclusion using a supreme treasure to help her grow her Dao Seal. Or perhaps you need some help in this star city?" The Elder said. He was also a guard of the gate. there would be a 7th rank at each gate. they could handle pretty much any feasible situation on their own so it only made sense to do so making sure the star city was safe.

"I'm here looking for some materials and ingredients. Though my main goal is to locate my wife Zi Rong. She should have come through to deliver some completed artifacts." Lei Jin said.

Lei Jin could trust this elder. The healing he performed before revealed much about the man.

"I see, I think the young miss went to a small merchant's shop. If you follow this map you'll arrive there." The elder said.

"Thank you Elder, have a pleasant day." Lei Jin said, then darted off.

"Such A powerful young man. He was able to heal the injury I got 7 hundred years ago. To think he re-stabilized my Small Universe. He needs to be protected at all costs. I now have the chance again to promote to the 8th rank. it was impossible before he came along." He thought to himself as he and his team at the gate managed the crowd wishing for admittance.

Lei Jin walked through the city taking in every single detail. He took a mental note of everything he saw. He would need to construct one of these things later anyways. By one it was really millions. He planned on repairing the entire 3000 Worlds. His ambition was vast yet not selfish. He simply knew how important it was.

He got into a certain range and could now feel the presence of his wife. She was in a state of exhaustion and judging by the distance she was at the place marked on the map.

"I better hurry." Lei Jin thought. He sped up and flared the energy fluctuation that Zi Rong had.

"Husband, has come. I really lucked out this time. No more dealing with these idiots." She thought, once she felt the fluctuation.

"Where is the owner of this store?" Lei Jin said, walking into a general store. This place sold an array of items. They would only barely be suitable for emperors if that. "This place must be a sick joke of sorts." He thought to himself as he looked at the wasteful garbage in the shop.

A young looking man came out. He looked angry for some reason. "How might I help the customer?" he said.

Lei Jin looked at him and learned quickly what was happening. He knew that Zi Rong was being held in the back. So he just ignored the idiot and walked to the back.

There, trapped in a restriction and bound, was Zi Rong. Her strength was rapidly being drained. to the right was an open heaven realm that clearly did mercenary work and odd jobs.

"So, care to explain what is going on here?" Lei Jin asked, his brow twitching. He was angry. No, he was livid.

"What's to you brat?" the 'shop keep' said, in a challenging tone.

"Brat, I suggest you leave now. Before I kill you for interfering with my payment." The open heaven rank said. He was a fourth rank.

Lei Jin sighed. "You really are idiots. Attacking another man's wife like this is hateful." he said. "Even more hateful to me since you have attacked my wife," he continued. his strength activated.

"WHAT! So you're the man who stole my woman from me! Kill him, that's an order." The 'shop keep' shouted angrily.

"It's not personal, young man. It's just business. So I'll send you on your way now. Blame your own misfortune for this." The fourth rank Open Heaven realm said. Rushing in for a killing blow.