Kidnappers Death

"Ahahahaha, now you die! Hateful man. stealing another man's woman! Oh, this is good." The 'shop keep' laughed maniacally.

He did this as the fourth rank open heaven realm closed the gap. The attack was going to hit Lei Jin dead on. However Lei Jin wasn't worried. This open heaven realm was pathetic. They were strong enough to attack a regular Great Emperor. This was how Zi Rong had fallen into their hands. However, measuring Lei jin by the standard was a fool's errand.

Just then one of the city guards appeared and just tanked the hit. Lei Jin hadn't mobilized his power because he knew this guard had been following him. If the guard wasn't there Lei Jin would have straight up killed this fourth rank to avoid any accidents.

"Pillar Disciple Lei Jin, by order of the gate Elder I followed to protect you. I hope you don't take offense to my butting in." The Guard said, cupping his hands.

"What?! You idiot! Did you just pay me to steal a Pillar Disciples wifes and kill him? You Garbage idiot! You Waste!" The fourth rank said, now knowing the truth. He was full of abject fury.

"What, you can't be the Pillar Disciple! You're lying. Now die!" The 'shop keep' said charging at Lei Jin. He had a sword in hand and was aiming for Lei Jin's neck.

"Let it hit me. It won't hurt in the slightest." Lei Jin whispered to the guard.

"Ah… as you wish sir." The guard whispered back, confused and worried.

The one attacking him was a half open heaven. Lei Jin would have to be some kind of freakishly powerful Great Emperor to handle that kind of strength. Either way now that he had said so, the attack must land. It also helped to see that the woman who was trapped in a restriction wasn't worried at all.

The blade made contact with Lei Jin. However it didn't even graze his skin. Instead the attacker was launched into the wall. Smashing the terrible quality merchandise he had been selling. More like ripping others off.

"You bastard what did you do?" The man shouted getting up.

Lei Jin broke the restriction around his wife and released her from the bindings. He was furious this happened to his wife. Anyone who hurt his family deserved death. Let alone the fact this 'shopkeep' did all of this deliberately.

The 'shopkeep' was furious at the prospect of being ignored. He picked up one of the swords in his stock and charged again. This was a stabbing attack.

Lei Jin was completely un phased by this attack though. He kissed his wife before worrying about anything else. The attack was supposed to drive right through his heart. Instead the sword snapped and shattered into nothing but dust.

"How? No, You must die! You stole my woman!" The 'shopkeep' screamed furiously.

At this point though there was already a crowd outside. Since he couldn't win he could only sway the public opinion. He ran out of the shop.

"Friends, this hateful young man stole my woman from me! Help me seek justice!" The 'shopkeep' said, faking tears.

"Lies you bastard! Who wants to be your woman? You're nothing more than a stalker and kidnapper. I was never your woman and never would be. I'd sooner die than be bound to that for the rest of my long life!" Zi Rong shouted furiously being held in Lei Jin's arms.

"YOU! How dare you speak that way to me, woman!" the 'shopkeep' said.

"No, how dare you! You hired someone to help kidnap me. Then even tried to kill my loving and talented husband. These actions only prove my master was right to turn you away. You're not qualified to even make the list of suitors let alone be a husband to me. You're hateful!" Zi Rong yelled at him.

The crowd was confused at what was happening but there weren't many who didn't agree with Zi Rong.

"The fairy is right!" a crowd member said.

"This 'shopkeep' is simply a toad lusting after swan meat. How can he compare!" another person said.

"This 'shopkeep' is no man! simply hateful." another crowd member said.

"Listen up everyone, this 'shopkeep' hired me to kidnap this young woman. I had no idea this young woman here would be the Pillar Disciples wife. I swear on the heavens that this is the truth!" the fourth rank open heaven said holding the swear symbol up.

Everyone waited with bated breath. If this man was lying the thunder would come down and strike him with a great and powerful furry. The heavens hate liars. Nothing happened. The sky didn't change and the man didn't form a heart demon either.

"This 'Shopkeep' has broken the laws of Azure Void Cave Heaven and Azure Void Star City. I will now enact the punishment for his crimes." The guard said.

Everyone was excited. The crimes committed warrant death. It was something that was rare to see. Though very few of the people there had ever seen such a hateful man. So getting to see their death was actually an exciting prospect for them. Hateful people like the 'shopkeep' were hated by heaven and the people.

"For the crime of aiding such crime I sentence you to the mines for 100 years." The guard said. This punishment was exactly what the law said the minimum punishment was.

"I thank the sir for his leniency. I will serve this punishment and when done I swear never to do this kind of crime again." The fourth rank said bowing his head in thanks. "Seems the Pillar Disciple had intervened for me here. I'll have to do what I can to thank him in a hundred years." He thought as the guard restrained him.

"The punishment for the 'shopkeep' is death. In place of your master. I, a noble guard of Azure Void Star City, will carry out this punishment. May you make no mistake in the next life." The guard said, about to take the life of the criminal.

"I refuse to die by your hand! I swear upon the heavens I have not done a single thing wrong in my entire life! It's this evil man who stole MY woman!" The 'shopkeep' shouted.

Destruction lighting formed and struck down upon the 'shopkeep' with a ferocious energy. Everyone aside from Lei Jin and Zi Rong turned away. Zi Rong was protected by Lei Jin. Lei Jin had multiple breakthroughs that made this thing look like child's play. So it didn't faze him.

"No wonder he is a Pillar Disciple. As Expected he isn't phased by this in the slightest." The guard thought to himself as he looked at the young but absolute regal form of Lei Jin.

"If anyone can lead us into the future it is this Pillar Disciple. I just hope I can wash this shame from my soul." The fourth rank thought to himself.