Returned With Zi Rong

It only took a few seconds for the lightning show to end. The fate of one who dies from this is said to be permanent soul destruction. "Such a waste. He could have grown into a halfway decent 5th rank. Instead he chose to not only give all of that up for the sake of his unrequited love. But also any chance of being resurrected in the future." Lei Jin thought to himself after the show ended.

"What is your name?" Lei Jin asked the fourth rank open heaven. Now locked in and staring at him.

"I am known as Lan Gang." the fourth rank said.

"Good, I'll remember your name. You said before that you are grateful for the leniency. Is this true?" Lei Jin asked, raising his brow slightly.

"Sir I would walk through hell and burn to death if it would serve you. I wish to make amends for my part in what has happened this time." Lan Gang said, prostrating.

"Then when you get out, come find me. I believe I can find a use for you. You would have real work and have real responsibilities. So reform yourself well." Lei Jin said, showing the compassion that the people around him know so well.

"I'll handle the rest of this matter, Young Pillar." The guard said, before flying off with Lan Gang.

Lei Jin and Zi Rong walked through the city to gather the materials that still needed to be purchased. Zi Rong had been trapped before she was able to acquire anything. So they both naturally needed to acquire the materials that they had come for.

"Thanks to my husband coming to find me. This wife avoided catastrophe. Please accept my apologies for worrying you." Zi Rong said as they walked through the city purchasing the materials and picking up orders.

"Zi Rong, you are my wife. I love you dearly. Yes I was worried about what might have happened. However, you are okay now and the culprits are either dead or repenting. You on the other hand will only receive love from this husband of yours. I will come when you are in danger. So please do not worry about this." Lei Jin said, holding her closely.

"Husband, we need to get home quickly." Zi Rong said, feeling the urge to indulge in her husband's body.

"Don't worry Zi Rong, the five of us will be together for quite some time very soon. Where I will make sure to love you with intensity and passion. More than enough to rid your heart of any worries or doubts." Lei Jin said.

The two of them quickly hurried with the collection of the materials they needed. Both extremely anxious to return home. The materials took a few hours to find even with them hurrying along with the process. Both flying back to Rainbow Residence as fast as they could. Exhaustion didn't matter. Since they would be exhausted either way after what they are about to do.

"I have returned." Lei Jin said, landing in a courtyard.

"Sister's Husband has brought this sister back." Zi Rong said.

Soon Qing Ning, Ling Shi and Xin Xia all arrive and group hug. They were thankful to see her again. Elder Mei had come out of seclusion just a few moments before Lei Jin returned. She was actually right there in the courtyard.

"What happened to you Zi Rong? Who hurt you? This master will teach a lesson." Elder Mei said, worried.

"Master, I am fine. Everything is alright now. Husband came to save me from my kidnappers." Zi Rong said, in the middle of getting a motherly hug.

"Lei Jin, you have done a good deed today." Elder Mei said, with a satisfied look in her eye.

"Mother-in-law is too serious, I simply did what I must do for my wife. She is the future mother of my children. I couldn't possibly let anything happen to her. If I know something is wrong I will resolve it. If I can't do it alone, then that is where my wives come to help." Lei Jin said, seriously.

"You have proven that you are indeed a great husband with what you have done today. I'm proud of you Lei Jin. In fact, I know that your parents would be incredibly proud of you as well. They had a good boy, and now that boy has become a Pillar others look up to." Elder Mei said, giving him a motherly hug as well. "I know I can't possibly hope to give you the same kind of hugs your mother did…" she said, stopping.

"Don't compare, this hug is just fine, mother-in-law. I know the warmth that my wife must have felt when she received one of these. And that is comforting." Lei Jin said, enjoying this motherly hug. It had been a really long time since he got an actual good one. This hug carried with it a mother's love. Not a woman's pity. The feeling each gave off was totally and completely different from each other.

"So Zi Rong, who was the mastermind who thought they could lay a finger on my darling disciple?" Elder Mei asked, now putting her hands on her hips.

"It was the poor shopkeeper who refined a 3rd rank material. He paid off a desperate open heaven master to help him in kidnapping me." Zi Rong said, still waiting in anticipation. She wanted so badly to just start stripping and partaking of Lei Jin's body and her sister's wives. This feeling was reaching an incredibly strong fever pitch and not limited to just Zi Rong.

"I see then, I don't know what possessed such a toad to desire swan meat. He should have stayed and ate bug meat. That idiot wasn't even thinking straight. He is dead now so I'll just have to teach his reincarnation a lesson. Of course I'll keep an eye on him first." Elder Mei went on.

"That might be difficult, Master. You see, he suicided using the heavens oath." Zi Rong said.

Elder Mei heard this and looked at Lei Jin for confirmation.

"It's true, though the heavens didn't need much power to kill him. My promotion to the Dao Source realm had more power than that lightning did. As for the Lan Gang, the 4th rank open heaven who was a part of this. He is serving a hundred year sentence in the mines. Later once he finishes this, I will put him to work inside one of the Artifact worlds." Lei Jin said, revealing the plan he had. The one Zi Rong had quietly kept her misgivings about.