Blessing & Gifts

The five former ink disciples that were there heard Qing Ning's words. All were surprised beyond surprise. Qing Ning's words implied that she had sensed one of the three women there had conceived. Lei Jin knew this right off the bat he sensed it from the moment he left his own bedchambers. The servants including these cultivators had conceived.

"Before we reveal who it is that has managed to conceive. Let us have them joined in union. However, there is one thing I want from you. You must agree to this for my blessing." Lei Jin said.

"What is it that the master desires from these servants?" The five of them said. The women stayed standing just in case it was them. The men prostrated before Lei Jin.

"Oh my, it's nothing hard. We just need you to be willing to love more." Qing Ning said. She knew exactly what Lei Jin was thinking.

"You must be willing to accept more women as your wives in the event such a need arises. Understand?" Lei Jin said. "This is not limited to the men. You women must also love these wives as much as your husband. Care for each other and work together. There will soon be a great many more of these former ink disciples joining this courtyard." he added.

"We accept this arrangement." The five said without reservation. "Anything to help pay back our debt." they added.

"Good, then you have my blessing. Nowthen return the three tokens for the homes that are empty." Lei Jin said.

He received the tokens and removed the wills imprinted on them and reassigned the token to its temporary home hovering over the roofs. In this manner the homes would still be open for the servants to continue tidying and cleaning tasks.

"Now then, ladies, Qing Ning will take you to privacy. There she will tell all of you which among you has conceived." Lei Jin said.

"Follow me, inside." Qing Ning said, waving her arm to the side.

A temporary shelter formed in the area. The four of them went inside. Yong Shen and Yu Dao were curious why all three of them went in. Lei Jin could see it written all over their faces. Lei Jin then pulled out several copies of the information he had about the Artifact Worlds and handed it to each of them.

"You two should be patient. We didn't reveal it before for the sake of having you wed first. Just so there won't be any issue in their future. Then we wanted to watch you two squirm in anticipation." Lei Jin said. "In the meantime you should glance at the information there. I have compiled everything we have learned together. And also gave you a copy of what my own achievements were. I expect you to continue working hard." he added.

"I see, so we get our anticipation up and get excited to see our new wives reveal themselves." Yu Dao said, as he started scanning the information within the scrolls he just received.

"Master Lei Jin, you're attainments… this is fascinating. Simply fascinating. This I…" He said before stopping.

Inside the temporary structure. Qing Ning had Chu Lu, Jun Sang, and Niu Li lined up. She was ecstatic at the sight. She got to be the one to tell them they were carrying. Such a wonderful feeling it was. To be the one to give them the news.

"Pay attention now everyone. I brought the three of you in here to make those men sweat a little in anticipation. Are you ready to find out?" Qing Ning said, almost jumping with excitement.

"I am ready to hear the news. Please mistress Qing Ning tell this junior the news whether it be good or not. I will swear not to be jealous of the result." They all said, while cupping her hands.

"Okay, these space rings either contain the new dress I have designed. Or they will be empty. I will give you each a ring. If you receive one with the dress then I'll offer my congratulations. I won't offer it until you each open the ring." Qing Ning said.

Chu Lu, Jun Sang and Niu Li held their hands out as if scooping water up from a lake to drink. Qing Ning smiled and floated over 3 space rings. One landed in each of their hands. All three of these women were beyond excited. It was difficult to conceive so getting a chance like this was already something incredible.

"You can search the rings now." Qing Ning said, gently putting her hands together next to her check and smiling.

"Sisters Jun Sang and Niu Li. I have a dress here! I… am so happy." Chu Lu said, welling up with tears of happiness.

"Sisters, I have a dress too. This means… Oh, This is a blessing." Jun Sang said, also brimming with happiness.

"Sisters… I…" Niu Li started.

"Don't worry, sister Niu Li, I'm sure you will get the chance soon." Chu Lu said, recovering when she noticed Niu Li stop.

"Sister Niu Li, go on tell us. Is there a dress in there for you?" Jun sang asked.

"I'm pregnant too… I have a dress… Perhaps, this is a blessing." Niu Li said, through gentle tears of happiness.

"Congratulations, ladies. This time next year you will hold a young one born of your own flesh and blood." Qing Ning said with excitement.

"This is simply amazing. How did all three of us get pregnant so quickly and easily? I've always heard it was an incredibly hard thing to do." Chu Lu said.

"Sister is right, for one of us to have this happen must be the heavens giving us a chance to redeem ourselves through our offspring." Jun Sang said, pondering her thoughts out loud.

"What… if it has something to do with Master Lei Jin? He was able to get rid of the evil ink force from us and even give us a way to be immune to such an influence." Niu Li asked, looking over to Qing Ning as if looking for validation.

"You are indeed a smart woman. My husband did in fact have something to do with this. He wants as many new lives as possible. So he has temporarily held back his own fertility for the sake of his people." Qing Ning said, with a light smile.