Blessing & Gifts 2

The news that their life saving benefactor Lei Jin who had become their master, was sacrificing such a thing for all of them. The realization that this meant his wives were being robbed of such an opportunity. The weight of such a gift and blessing was not lost on them. Yet Qing Ning didn't seem upset in the slightest. Rather she seemed delighted to know that this still had a positive effect.

"Head Mistress, us servants don't deserve such a heavy and valuable gift." Chu Lu said, sweating at the realization of what this meant for them.

"Head Mistress, while this lowly one is unworthy of such a gift. I swear to treasure this great gift with everything I have." Jun Sang said, bowing slightly.

"Head Mistress, this little one growing inside this servant. Was possible through the sacrifice of such an opportunity that should have been the head mistress's. Please allow this one to thank you." Niu Li said, through happy tears.

"Yes, I wish to thank the head mistress as well!" Chu Lu and Jun Sang said.

Qing Ning looked at the three of them. "They are so cute when they get worked up like this." She thought to herself. She knew the real reason behind this and thus didn't need any thanks. It was simply Lei Jin who didn't want to waste such a powerful fertility. It was her idea to keep herself from having a child this time in the interest of fairness. All of Lei Jin's wives were to be treated equally. And thus giving one of them a child before the others even had a chance to know him would provide too many difficulties.

"Alright first, continue to follow the rules of the residence. Now that you are pregnant you must follow these rules for your and your child's health. Raise these children well, with good temperaments. That can be your thanks to me." Qing Ning said, hugging all of them shortly before taking a step back.

"We swear to follow Master and his Mistresses orders!" The three of them said, standing with their hands cupped.

"Good, now strip down to your naked bodies." Qing Ning said, energetically.

She could have said it slightly differently but it was true that she needed to exercise such a power they just gave her. This also wasn't a problem for them since the only one that would see them naked was Qing Ning. They were likely going to undergo some kind of body inspection. So they complied. All three of them stripped down to their bare naked bodies. Qing Ning took this time to do a thorough exam on each of them to find any hidden issues.

"Head mistress's hands feel good, ahn" Chu Lu said, as she felt Qing Ning's fingers feel around.

"Bear with it. My husband could do this inspection in an instant but I lack such experience." Qing Ning said, continuing to run her fingers along Chu Lu's body. She was indeed looking for any other abnormalities as well as see how long Chu Lu will take for her breakthrough.

"Can Master truly perform such a detailed inspection in an instant?" Jun Sang asked.

"My husband is constantly keeping track of every single person that lives in the residence. He has grown accustomed to his Aura spread now that such things like this are trivial." Qing Ning responded simply.

"So he could sense every time any of his servants had relations? And inspect the state of someone in an instant from afar." Niu Li said, curiously.

"Yes, this time I wanted to get practice with this method so that I can better use his aura. I want to make sure each baby is healthy and without hidden dangers or problems. In truth I could have done this with you being clothed. But I find that it is easier to practice this method on bare skin. I have much to learn when it comes to this." Qing Ning said. "However it isn't just that my husband can tell when a man and a woman are making love. He can feel the satisfaction from both. He has many abilities. And one of these you all will witness in the coming months so pay close attention to it." She continued.

She then finished the inspection on all three of them and each was fine, safe and healthy. They were in perfect condition for their pregnancies. This pleased Qing Ning to no end. Her idea to hold off was honorable and seeing that just a small proportion of Lei Jin's fertility aura had enhanced these people to the point where they all conceived with ease. It made her extremely hopeful for the future.

"Alright ladies, put your new dresses on. It is time for you to surprise these new husbands of yours." Qing Ning said.

"Yes, head mistress QIng Ning. Thank you for your sacrifice and guidance. And thank you for making sure we were all in good health." Chu Lu, Jun Sang and Niu Li all said in unison.

"It was my pleasure to help. My husband has a grand plan and will definitely need all the help he can get. That is why he even eliminated the pain of birthing a child." Qing Ning spoke as the three got dressed. "Once the four of us wives found that out we couldn't help but desire his body. Such a righteous and powerful blessing." she thought to herself.

The three of them were now done getting their new dresses on. A center cut loose fitting Azure color dress, with rainbow frills at the bottom. The belly area was made from a soft and comforting material forming a soft yet expansive material. This dress looked as if it was form fitted but in reality it wasn't restrictive in the slightest and was incredibly comfortable. There was a natural glow to the dress that enhanced the beauty of the wearer. This glow would get brighter as the pregnancy progressed.

"Good you all look beautiful. I'm sure your husbands will be overjoyed with happiness at the news combined with the beautiful women they married." Qing Ning said.

"I can't wait to see the look on Yu Dao's face. He is probably worrying himself silly since it's just him and I for now." Jun Sang said, covering her mouth and giggling a little.

"I bet Yong Sheng will go crazy at seeing the both of us like this." Chu Lu said, smiling at Nui Li.

"Sister Chu Lu is right, I can't wait to see his reaction." Niu Li said, giggling at the thought of it.

"No matter what, they will have a good reaction. They got married today and found out they are going to be fathers. It could be quite interesting. Now then let's go." Qing Ning said, snapping her fingers.