Good Results

With the plan decided upon, Lei Jin, Azure Heart Supreme Elder and the other Artifact refining Supreme Elder, Feng Guang, worked together and began refining the first two Artifacts. Feng Guang had already memorized the recipe so he wouldn't have to worry about the struggle after. His two simultaneous attempts began at once. His attainments in the Artifact Refining Dao were immense here he was easily controlling 2 different and separate processes at once.

The time came to offer the primordial world force which was something Supreme Elder Azure Heart was in charge of. She had mastered it on the first try even handling both of the artifacts at once. And then came Lei Jin's portion. His eyes glowed and his aura flared showing off the immense power of both the Dao of Time and Space.

This process was far smoother than Lei Jin had expected. He had originally thought it was going to be more difficult but after seeing this he decided it would be best to not worry about the number he is refinine at once and instead just work on finishing them as fast as possible. 6 or 7 at a time by this point was a cinch for Lei Jin. So long as the others were all able to do this properly it would be worth the extra effort. Feng Guang finished the refining process of the first two Artifacts.

"Lie Jin, can you confirm the results? I believe it was successful. I'm not even tired. That 8th rank fire resource really made this easy. Perhaps three at a time would be a cinch as well." Feng Guang said, stroking his ego and lightly laughing.

Lei Jin took the freshly made Artifacts and inspected them according to what he knew of them. The results were good. No! The results were identical to the previous Artifact worlds he had made. Only these are starting out with a far more rich world force. He won't need 1st or 2nd rank resources to strengthen it up. These ones should stand up to the test of 3rd rank materials. It doesn't sound like such an amazing thing but when it comes down to it the less resources needed to upgrade them the better.

"Supreme Elders, these two artifacts are of similar quality to the ones I have now. With these the way they are we can safely assure that these will stand up for good use. Let us continue. Oh! Supreme Elder Feng Guang while you might be able to do three at once I'd prefer you to stick with two at a time. There is no sense in worrying about the amount of artifacts produced by each refinement." Lei Jin said, hinting at, but also not outright saying the quality might degrade if focus was split too much.

"I see, but why is there no need to worry about how many we make each refinement?" All of the Elders asked.

"This is reasonable since we have called so many here. Very well, it is but a simple reason. We have finished a whole two Artifact worlds in the span of a day's time. When last I made these it took two weeks to perform such a feat. My wife Zi Rong and my Mother-in-law Elder Mei, can both attest to this. With this kind of rate, even if it takes two days to finish, we are already surpassing the previous time by leaps and bounds. As such I hope we have enough resources for this endeavor. Oh! We can take a break once for a whole 2 days each week. In this manner we can meet the goal and relax at the same time." Lei Jin said.

"I'm on board! Let's begin in earnest." An Elder said.

"I'm excited. To refine a whole world from scratch without going through the pain of breaking through to the open heaven realm. This is truly a good thing." Another Elder said.

"Also as a reward for assisting in this endeavor I will grant each of you your own Artifact world. There may not be much use for it right now as you are. However I'm positive that with you all having an extra world to draw power from it should level out the gap between you and weapon cultivators if only a little." Lei Jin said.

"Young Pillar is rich! Us masters, we certainly will not turn this opportunity down now." Supreme Elder Feng Guang said. The rest of the elders all nodded their heads in agreement.

Thus the next week flew by. And with 5 days of refining before the first 2 day break. They refined 26 total this time since the first day was simply a test. A test that Supreme Elder Guang had desired. Lei Jin knew that they would have quite a great speed but he couldn't help but wonder. "Would it be the same speed for mother-in-law? She did bear the brunt of the refining last time. It was also a new concept without a proper recipe." Lei Jin thought as he was relaxing in his closed off courtyard.

Zi Rong appeared. "Husband, I believe my master would be able to do the same if not better than the other Elders. She was only bested by the peak 7th ranks and we developed the original Artifact world recipe." She said, proceeding to lay close to him.

"You're right. I don't doubt my mother-in-law's ability. The struggle of removing her own world force must not have been an easy thing to deal with. It's a good thing I asked Supreme Elder Azure Heart to step in and help with that matter. My only concern is the amount of force being taken away. Perhaps it would be a good idea to only do this refining for two weeks and then take an extended break." Lei Jin said, rubbing Zi Rong's back lovingly.

"After this next week you should take that extended break. Those two women, Le Xue and Lein Yue, are good. Us wives have gotten to speak with them quite a lot over the last week." Zi Rong said.

"Good, though you don't have to say it. I already know it." Lei Jin said, kissing Zi Rong's Forehead.

"It felt good to say, so I said it, silly. But those two will fit well with us in that bed of ours. As well, the air above it." Zi Rong said, in between kisses along his neck.

"I'll speak with them about this matter. From what you have shared with me I have no issue making them my 5th and 6th wives. They are both beautiful and seemingly well raised." Lei Jin said, his hand sliding down her back and playing with her bottom.

"Ahn.. You liked them both as well. I can tell. Remember you can't hide anything from your wives. Lei Jin, you should bring them in. not only are they a perfect match for us but it would result in easing the worry from Elder Na Ren." Zi Rong said, playing with Lei Jin's ear.

"I won't accept wives to ease someone's worry. There exist other methods for such things. However, I do like Le Xue and Lein Yue. They are both beautiful and desirable. That desire is not just my own. Remember, I may not be able to hide my feelings from you, but that is the same the other way around. You can't hide how you feel from me." Lei Jin said.

Lei Jin flipped the both of them so that Zi Rong lay face up looking into Lei Jin's eyes. She knew what he was planning to do but still the thrill of asking was something she couldn't ignore.

"What do you plan to do, husband?" Zi Rong said, staring into Lei Jin's calm eyes.

Lei Jin's hair fell and covered their faces, as if enveloped in a rainbow. "I'm going to kiss one of my beautiful wives. Are you going to stop this husband?" He said.

Zi Rong didn't stop Lei Jin. Instead he lowered in and they kissed in passion. Only upset by the fact it won't go any further than this for now. Still they indulged in this matter as if in heat.