2 Future Wives

Lei Jin's other wives were all talking to Le Xue and Lein Yue when they experienced the sensation of Zi Rong and Lei Jin kissing with incredible desire. It was quite clear on their faces that this is what was happening. However the feeling passed after a couple of hours.

"Oh I want him to do that to me too! It felt so good." Xin Xia said, clearly wanting it far more than the others did. Easily realized by the fact she spoke out first.

Zi Rong appeared and sat down in a chair that had been her's before she had left to check on Lei Jin. "Husband is so bold! I love him!" She exclaimed, holding her hands to her face.

"Your turn darling Xin Xia." Lei Jin said, appearing out of nowhere.

Lei Jin's teleportation was an ability that was naturally his own so he was far more experienced with it. Thus no one noticed him there until Xin Xia was lifted out of her chair. Lei Jin sat down in her place and turned Xin Xia to face him directly. This time he didn't wait a bit. The kiss with Zi Rong from before made him desire more and more. He continued to kiss his wives with great vigor after this. Each time only being disappointed by having to end them before it got any further.

"We all want to partake of each other's bodies. You yourself said we were too busy." Qing Ning said, pouting cutely.

"I know, when we all go at it in earnest we need a couple of months to be satisfied." Lei Jin said.

This realization caused Elder Na Ren to nearly spit out her tea in surprise. To think that they spent two months having relations all at once was not something she thought she would hear.

"Two months! That is quite impressive. That must be where you four young ladies knew he would recover from." Elder Na Ren said, shocked.

"To keep it up for two months it must feel absolutely legendary." Le Xue said.

"I know, it must be perfect. I wonder what it feels like." Lein Yue said, looking at Lei Jin seductively.

"Elder Na Ren, I will commit to this arrangement. However, I must wait just a short while. I have given the other elders and Supreme Elders 2 days break and then we will refine once again for 5 more days. I'd love it if you could stay here until that time is up." Lei Jin said, drinking the wine his wife poured him.

"Good, I'll stay here and enjoy the peaceful environment here. I am happy you are willing to accept them. This worry for my disciples can finally settle." Elder Na Ren.

"I'll have to stop you there. I would be unworthy of any wives for all time if I accepted any for such a simple reason. Such a remedy is not appropriate. However, over the last several days. Both Sister Le Xue and Sister Lein Yue have shown they would be an excellent fit for myself and the family I have currently." Lei Jin said, calm and serious.

"The young Pillar is truly a righteous young man!" Elder Na Ren said, excitedly.

"We can say it now! Future husband Lei Jin." The two said enticingly.

"Now you have a choice. And I offer this only to be fair to all of my wives. We can marry the same day and you both come with me to the chambers. Or you figure out amongst the two of you who goes first and who goes second. Keep in mind the one who goes second will have to wait 2 months. You do not need to give an answer just yet. Take some time to think it over." Lei Jin said.

"Yes! Future husband has given us much to think about. Oh this is exciting" They both said holding each other's hands.

"Now, you should know I have a grand plan. One that requires the aid of as many people as I can possibly gain on my side. It is for this reason along with the War against the ink clan that I am creating these Artifacts in such great numbers." Lei Jin said then drank more.

He had two cups infront of him one from each of his two new betrothed. He naturally had to drink half of each and return the cups.

"What is this grand plan, future son-in-law?" Elder Na Ren asked, curiously.

"Forgive me Elder Na Ren. The place you are going in a few years makes it inconvenient for me to say anything further. Otherwise my current wives would have already said much about it. Though my new future wives will both understand the nature of this plan. Neither of them would say it is bad. It is merely a difficult goal. And would be far easier if I was Open Heaven but 9th rank resources are not easy to come by." Lei Jin said, sitting back and holding the wives on his left and right, Xin Xia and Qing Ning respectively.

"Have you found any of these 9th rank resources yet? Something like that must be difficult to obtain. I can't imagine needing to gather 9 of those on your own." Elder Ne Ran said.

Of course everyone knew that a Pillar Disciple could only achieve such a feat if they could breakthrough to the 9th rank directly. The other option wasn't possible, at least in their minds. It was only natural to think that Lei Jin was a Pillar because he possessed the strength needed for such a title. After all, you could gather a multitude of geniuses at the Great Emperor Realm and all together they wouldn't have succeeded in holding back the storm of an 8th rank promotion the way Lei Jin did. It would have been a mess.

"I have found at least 0. And at most 6. I'm sorry I can not give you the actual number. It is simply too dangerous to do so. I'd prefer you not to become an ink disciple but there is no guarantee in that forsaken place." Lei Jin spoke as if from experience.

There were few who knew of his real origins. They were limited to his immediate wives, and their masters. Along with the Supreme Elders. There were a few exceptions to this. However, Lei Jin didn't want to release too much information.

"Open your small universe and I'll give you something excellent." Lei Jin said. His wives nodded as if to say it was okay.

Elder Na Ren opened her Small Universe and Lei Jin poured a highly noticeable amount of qi into creating a highly powerful True Rainbow.

"This… this is… Wow! My Small Universe's world force. It's increasing more rapidly. It's not a massive change but it is incredibly helpful." Elder Na Ren said, excited.

"I didn't have an opportunity to give it to you before. You should know though, it can help you resist the ink force. But beware it is only permanent if you aren't resolving the inkforce. But if you come into contact with it the Rainbow will start to negate the ink force and thus slowly disappear." Lei Jin warned.