Elder Mei Hugs

Xin Xia and Lei Jin stayed there holding each other through the night. No one bothered them until Elder Mei came out of dual cultivation seclusion with Elder Kong. The two of them were going to see the shrine in thanks for having such a good opportunity. The two of them have remained ever hopeful of reaching the other's heart. It took the efforts of such a young man that brought them together. So it was time to go and give thanks to Lei Jin's parents for such a good son.

"Look at this Mei. It looks like they had a heartfelt moment." Elder Kong said. Seeing Lei Jin and Xin Xia in each other's arms.

Elder Mei couldn't hold herself back. This sight brought out a side of her she didn't show often. She walked up and held them both in her arms. Lei Jin and XIn Xia felt this and noticed it felt very different.

"Thank you mother-in-law. Your hug has reached the level akin to my own mother. Please stay like this for a little longer." Lei Jin said, snuggling himself in.

"I agree mother-in-law's hug has indeed reached my beloved master's hugs. I have missed this hug, I love you." Xin Xia said, also snuggling into the motherly hug.

"Then, let me do this for you whenever you feel the need. Mother-in-law will make the pain go away." Elder Mei said, holding them closer and tighter. "I will do my best to fill these shoes the two of you have left behind." She said to the shrine.

Elder Kong came over and placed a hand on Lei Jin's head. He began to cry tears that had been held back for so many years. He cried right into Elder Mei's chest. Finally after all this time he could feel the warmth of a mother and approval of a father. The session went on for a few more hours before everyone calmed down.

"It's almost time to begin refining the Artifacts again. Mother-in-law I'd love it if you could join us this time." Lei Jin said, sitting upright.

"Oh, you refined more of these already? And of course I will join you in the refinement process. I recovered all of the world force I had used previously. So I can spare some again." Elder Mei said confidently.

"That won't be necessary for Mother-in-law. Supreme Elder Azure Heart is supplying the world force. And I have changed the recipe slightly since last time. Take a look." Lei Jin said, passing the new recipe along with the results of the last session over to Elder Mei.

Elder Mei looked it over carefully. She began looking through the results. It was not going to take a short time. And Elder Kong noticed so he decided to speak up.

"Lei Jin, I'll my dear to you I must go and begin refining more of those temporary true rainbow pills. Have any more been refined during my stay in seclusion?" Elder Kong asked.

"There were a few but those are my secondary focus. I'd firstly like to give this Artifact to you. Refine it and nurture it. We can use it as a place to grow our own herbs. The time inside flows 5 times that of the outside." Lei Jin said handing an artifact world over to Elder Kong.

"This… the environment inside is quite good! This would be a perfect place to grow herbs. I'll shift some of my focus to this over the next 2 years. But I would like to make as many of those pills as I can." Elder Kong said.

"Don't worry too much about them. I'll be sending the recipe along to each of the passes with an Artifact World completely filled with my Aura. My beautiful wife Ling Shi is going to write copies of the recipe for this very purpose." Lei Jin said.

"I see, I hope she can also take some time to refine these pills as well. The number needed is no small amount. She may not be as good as I, but having her aid in this matter will be greatly beneficial." Elder Kong said, still worried about the deadline.

"Ling Shi is now able to freely manipulate my aura in the residence. So she could probably manage to make a few more pills this time. I did tell her to take a short break but I'm sure she would love to help out. So feel free to ask her for assistance." Lei Jin said.

"Lei Jin, this new recipe is amazing. I could handle making one of these a day with this new method. Tell me how many were able to make last time?" Elder Mei said having now finished inspecting the recipe and the results.

"With the help of four elders and one supreme elder we could make 6 Artifacts a day. So we managed to make 26 over 5 days." Lei Jin said.

"Hmm, what happened to the other four?" Elder Mei asked.

"The Supreme Elder Feng Guan wanted to test and see if he could manage 2 refinements each time. So a day was spent on that while the Elders watched carefully. So we 'lost' four. However, because we were able to confirm the Supreme elders idea we were able to make 6 per day as opposed to 5. So in the end we would have gained 25. However we instead earned 26 and will continue to get 30 every 5 days instead of the 25." Lei Jin said.

"I see, Supreme Elder Azure Heart must have had a hard time then. Giving up that much cultivation in such a short time." Elder Mei said.

"I wouldn't worry about that mother-in-law, Mei. Supre Elder Hong and Supreme Elder Azure Heart will likely shut themselves into dual cultivation after this next 5 days refinement." Xin Xia said.

"Oh, if that's the case then there certainly won't be a problem recovering Supreme Elder Azure Hearts cultivation. Wait… Supreme Elder Hong?" Elder Mei said.

"Yes, father-in-law Hong has broken through to the 8th rank." Xin Xia said.

"Oh, it seems we missed a good event." Elder Mei said. "However, I don't think we missed out. It was quite… enjoyable." She continued.

"Good, Let's go and continue refining. After this is over I'll be busy for several months." Lei Jin said standing up.

Knowing that there was going to be some time before they see eachother again Xin Xia and Lei Jin kiss each other passionately. Elder Mei and Elder Kong do the same thing. With that over Lei Jin teleported away. Followed by Xin Xia. Elder Kong walked towards the Alchemy side of the residence and Elder Mei made her way to the Artifact refinement room where they were gathering to refine the Artifact Worlds.