Earnest Preparation Begins

Lei Jin and his wives spent a month to retune themselves all together. This was so they would all have an innate ability to communicate with each other and how Le Xue and Lein Yue would be able to also mobilize Lei Jin's Aura contained within the residence. The remaining month was nothing but pure desire and blissful pleasure. With all of them now sharing an unbreakable connection Le Xue and Lein Yue had their eyes opened. They now knew the full extent of Lei Jin's grand plan.

"Husband has a wonderful plan. This wife will certainly be more than willing to stand by you in this matter." Le Xue said, with a kiss to Lie JIn's cheek.

"This wife will certainly stand beside a man such as husband. Allow Lein Yue to help her husband make this Grand Plan a reality." She said kissing Lei Jin's other cheek.

Then Le Xue and Lein Yue's eyes made contact and kissed each other just above Lei Jin's face. They slowly brought the kiss to his lips so all three of them would enjoy each other. This sparked another round of making love. With their auras bursting and mixing in the air. Their souls make love with each other along with their bodies. All floating in the air, opening themselves up to an array of different positions and love making.

It was after this they all left the chamber Lei Jin had a mild improvement in his cultivation while his wives aside from Qing Ning soared. Qing Ning's cultivation wasn't nearly as easy to improve. This was due to her already being in the open heaven realm and thus primarily focused on the accumulation of World Force, not Emperor Qi, unlike the other 5 wives. This was not to say that she gained less than the others. No! She gained the same amount as them but in terms of just how much of an effect it had on her strength was negligible.

"It doesn't seem like mother and father in-law have come out of seclusion yet." Lei Jin said, slightly annoyed by this.

"Perhaps you can take care of the other issues with the Headmaster? Us wives will make sure the residence is in working order." Qing Ning said.

"You're right, I do need to pay a visit to the Headmaster. It has been a little more than a year since I have returned. My plan is still behind schedule though. Hopefully that map is ready." Lei Jin said.

At this time Elder Na Ren, Elder Mei and Elder Kong appeared quickly having sensed that Lei Jin was out. It was a good idea to check up on the situation.

"Ah, my disciples have indeed grown during this time. It seems I was not wrong to give them to you son-in-law." Elder Na Ren said, a tear in her eye was wiped away.

"Elder Na Ren had given this Pillar disciple two women. I gained two wives who will stand by my side. Mother-in-law need not worry, both will be treated well under my care." Lei Jin said with cupped hands and a bow.

"Good! Then I will be able to rest easy knowing this result. Lei Jin I may not know your Grand Plan but I'd like to see what it holds for the future." Elder Na Ren said.

"Don't worry Master! We will not stand idly. This Plan will be seen through to the end." Le Xue said.

"It's quite an elaborate and complex plan master. This is why my husband was unable to tell you directly." Lien Yue said.

"Good then I'll trust that this is what the situation is." Elder Na Ren said.

"Ahahahs, this reminds this elder of what it felt like giving my disciple up." Elder Kong said.

"Lei Jin touches the hearts of everyone and puts their minds at ease. Elder Na Ren won't need to worry about this any longer. After all there is no better man amongst the younger generation." Elder Mei said.

"Alright. Qing Ning I'd like you to pass your knowledge onto the two new sisters. Especially since Qing Ning has such an elaborate role here it will be helpful to have their aid. I'm also going to magnify the Aura within the residence here." Lei Jin said.

Then in that moment the strength of the rainbow light Aura within the residence tripled in strength and doubled in size. Everyone in the residence could feel the awesome heeling strength of the PIllar Disciple. This included the highered workers that were expanding the residence.

"Husband's strength is vast. Worry not, I'll be sure to watch over my sisters." Qing Ning said.

"Good, And Elder Na Ren, would you mind coming with me to visit the Headmaster?" Lei Jin said.

"I'd love to escort you to see the Headmaster." Elder Na Ren said.

"Good then, let us depart at once. I'd prefer to get this matter resolved quickly. I'll need his help for the next part of my plan." Lei Jin said.

Lei Jin, Xin Xia and Elder Na Ren all flew off towards the Headmasters hall.

"Alright! Let us go and make our rounds, sisters. There is no shortage of work to get accomplished." Qing Ning said.

"First Sister is right. Let's make sure that husband has everything he needs." The other four said.

"Good! Zi Rong can help create some of the tools on my list of artifacts that must be produced." Elder Mei said, ecstatic at the fact she could finally have her disciple to herself for some time.

"And Ling Shi can help with the pills Lei Jin had asked this master to create. It is no small number." Elder Kong said laughing at the prospect of having his disciple help ease the workload even if only a small bit.

"I'd love to help, Master!" Zi Rong said, cupping her hands in respect.

"It has been a few months since I last refined pills, Master. I look forward to the instruction." Ling Shi said, cupping her hands in respect.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled. Each knowing the exact details of the situation. This would be a great chance for them to learn more about their respective fields. Which would allow all of their sisters and their husband to draw upon such knowledge when needed. Aside from the fact that growing stronger would make the grand plan far easier to carry out.