Langya Headmaster

Lei Jin and his small group arrived at the headmasters hall. One of the hall managers stopped them at the entrance first.

"I'm sorry the headmaster is currently in talks, he asked not to be disturbed." The manager said, clearly aiming the respect towards Elder Na Ren.

It wasn't out of disrespect. No! They just had no idea what the Pillar Disciple looked like. Only knowing the name at most. Funnily enough this wasn't uncommon. After all he had only returned for a year and has been "secluded" all that time as far as anyone else knows.

"Please go and inform the headmaster I have an urgent important matter that should not be delayed. Show him this token if there is any confusion or issue." Lei Jin said, holding out the identity token that clearly displayed his identity as the Pillar Disciple.

"Ah! Has Lei Jin come to see this master? Fortune smiles upon me, here I was trying to find a way to get in touch. Come inside!" The voice of the headmaster resounded in the wind.

Lei Jin entered the room and saw there were actually a few other 7th rank masters there along with some who could only be stated to be their disciples. Most of these people were from various Cave Heavens.

"It seems the HeadMaster had some quests already. Forgive for not having the time to delay this matter." Lei Jin said cupping his hands in respect.

"Don't let it worry you too much Young Pillar. I heard what you did for now Supreme Elder Hong. I will naturally make time for you. Allow this master to introduce you to the headmaster from Langya paradise, Li Yuan Wang." The headmaster said, motioning his arm over.

"I see, it's the Headmaster of Langya Paradise! This makes what I came to ask for a slight bit easier." Lei Jin said bowing respectfully.

"Ahahaha, I had heard tales that you were quite the young man. Seeing you now certainly leads credence to the legends spread. Tell me, are you really able to tell the difference between an ink disciple and one who hasn't fallen to the abyss?" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said, rubbing his chin.

"Naturally, I am also capable of bestowing similar abilities to others. Something that my Azure Void's supreme Elders were able to utilize with great efficiency recently." Lei Jin said.

"Oh! I'd very much like to see such an ability. It would make hunting them down far easier. Sadly there is no way to reverse such an effect." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"You suspect there to be ink disciples intermingled with your Paradise disciples. I see, open your small universe and I'll give you the ability. Unfortunately it is the only way to give it to you." Lei Jin said.

"I see, if it can help me notice ink disciples it might be worth it. But…" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said, worried about revealing his cultivation.

"It also grants you some degree of immunity to being corrupted by the ink force. It's called True rainbow. Over time it will slowly vanish as the ink force is neutralized. Unfortunately I have yet to make a permanent one." Lei Jin said.

"Then I will accept this gift. Any extra resistance against the ink force is nothing short of a blessing of the heavens." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

Headmaster Li Yuan Wang opened his small universe and received the true rainbow. He then did an initial investigation on the power that lay within such an ability. His eyes grew wide in shock. With such a powerful ability behind this Lei Jin, if he had enough energy to grant this power to all the disciples old and young. Well the ink force would no longer be a problem. The main advantage of the ink clan would practically be a non-issue if one at all. His eyes wandered to the young woman standing beside him.

"Azure Void's Lei Jin, may I ask to know who this young woman is next to you?" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Senior, this is Disciple Xin Xia. She was the closed door disciple of my mother. She is also my fourth wife." Lei Jin said, introducing Xin Xia.

"I see, so you have four wives already. Young Xin Xia was it? How is your relationship with your husband and his other wives?" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang asked, clearly trying to take things in a certain direction. Let alone the fact he was having a conversation with his disciple standing there beside him through whispers.

"Senior, my relationship with my husband and my sisters is unshakeable. Let alone unbreakable. We love each other dearly and all wish to make Husband Lei Jin's Grand Plan a reality. Any sister that joins us will be certain to have similar feelings." Xin Xia said, smiling flushed.

"Ahaha, well then…" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Senior, I'd like to stop your words there. Respectfully there is little time for discussion and thus we must focus for the time being. After this group departs for that… Disgusting place I was born. Then we can discuss this other matter weighing on your mind." Lei Jin said, quickly before the Headmaster finished those words.

"I'll have to hold you to that. Now then what is it you wished to talk about?" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Simple. Each Cave Heaven and Paradise will send a team backed by a Supreme Elder 3 Elders and their 6th rank disciples to the training grounds in the star boundary. It will be there that I give all of these members a true rainbow. These teams will be the backbone of locating the remaining ink disciples in hiding. The Supreme elders will suppress these ink disciples' cultivation so they can't kill anyone including themselves. Then return them to my charge. Where I will eliminate the ink force corrupting them." Lei Jin said in a long wind.

"I see, with a Supreme Elder it would be a cinch to suppress even 7th ranks cultivation. But You just said you can return them to the way they were before, is that true?" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang asked.

"Headmaster Li Yuan Wang, it is true! I witnessed this action myself. In less than a breaths time son-in-law Lei Jin woke up 55 ink disciples. He even did it as easy as breathing." Elder Na Ren spoke up, knowing that her words as a 7th rank would carry an immense weight behind them.

"I currently have 60 former ink disciples at my residence. All of which begged for a chance at redemption. It is my belief that even if their initial intentions to advance had led them to desire greater power. Such things have since disappeared. Even the first 5 I woke up decided to marry and now all three of the women are with child." Lei Jin said regaling the past events.