Help Wanted

The look of shock on Headmaster Li Yuan Wang's face and the faces of others after hearing this account. Let alone the fact it seemed like a dream come true. A heavenly blessing. A sign that the heavens have not yet given up on the human race.

"Forgive me for asking this but would you mind showing this Headmaster such a sight? If I see it myself I can certainly help to sway the minds of others." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Ahahaha, of course! I'll escort you there myself after I get my Headmasters permission for the other… thing I need." Lei Jin said.

"Ah! That's right I do have that map ready for you Lei Jin. Here, take a look." Azure Voids Headmaster said.

Lei Jin looked at the absolutely massive map he had asked for. Rather he had ordered it to be produced. Such a thing would be absolutely essential for his Grand Plan.

"Good, Top priority will be the world's closest to complete death. In this way I can maximize the effects while minimizing the losses. Good! Now then. On to the other reason for my visit. I need the Headmaster to mobilize the Alchemy Hall and Artifact Hall to begin production of these. Later on I hope to build my own Halls and staff them myself but I unfortunately do not have the time to do this now." Lei Jin said.

"Done! You will have all the aid you desire. Though, what does this pill do exactly?" Azure Void's Headmaster asked, holding it up.

"2 things, first it grants the user a true rainbow similar to how I do the same thing. Though it is far weaker than what I can produce. It is a good method to supplement the war effort. Second, it can restore the strength of the true rainbow I personally lay in someone's Small universe. Hence why I'd like to acquire an ample number of these. The only problem is that my aura must be present in the area for it to even form. Hence the need for this Artifact to be produced." Lei Jin said tossing over an Artifact World.

"This! This is a solidified small universe contained within an artifact. You even managed to get it to run multiple times faster than the outside world. Incredible!" Azure Void's Headmaster said.

"Truly! Let this headmaster take a look!" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said. "Azure Void has a Disciple with incredible talent. Your master must be proud!" he added.

"I certainly hope that Sir Azure Void Old Ancestor is proud. I can only send him the results of my efforts. I trust it will be enough to let my master know that I am still doing what I can to help ease the pain of the war." Lei Jin said.

"I'm sure if you even sent over 5 pills alone it would be enough to change the course of the war. Without having the need to protect oneself against the ink force how can a feudal lord be a match for a 7th rank. Or a territory…" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Those territory lords will know a degree of pain unseen in the entirety of existence for what they did. The ruthless incarnations of pure malice and evil will meet their match one day." Lei Jin said, nearly going into a trance.

"Well, then I'll send the order to both halls to send as many masters to your residence. This much is simple enough, let's head back to see these former ink disciples. I remember the initial 5 but I haven't seen them recently." Azure Void's Headmaster said.

"Yes and on the way perhaps Azure Void's Young Pillar wouldn't mind talking about that other matter." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"One more thing. I'd like to ask the Headmaster to send over a trustworthy Disciple that would like to gain experience in managing a residence. As I will be needing them to handle a variety of tasks while I am away." Lei JIn said.

"Done, there are many that would indeed want to help in any way they can. Though won't some of your wives remain here?" Azure Void's Headmaster asked.

"No, I will not leave my wives behind while I go off to work on this Grand Plan. There are many reasons, however the most important. Well… I simply don't wish to be apart from them for too long." Lei Jin said.

"My sisters and I will go where Husband goes. We have to… otherwise how could we stand by his side? Also in this way we can see our new sisters in advance. Then once this happens… Well perhaps I will have one of my own." Xin Xia said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"I see! You are indeed worthy of these wives you have. Still to claim so many beauties. I must admit this Headmaster is a bit jealous." Azure Void's Headmaster said.

"Ahahaha, I admit the same! Brother Xiang Xi, don't you know only the talented could be so hungry!" Headmaster Li Yuan Wang laughed.

Lei Jin sighed. "I simply want to build a family my honored parents would be proud of. I won't ever treat them wrongly. I love all of them! Including the 3 wives who have yet to join my family. I have to thank Supreme Elder Azure Heart for this idea." Lei Jin said.

Xin Xia couldn't hold back anymore she wanted to kiss him and so she did. The two embraced each other and kissed lovingly right there for some time. That was until the 4 prospective managers came in after receiving the order. Once that happened the two stopped.

"Thanks for the meal, husband." Xin Xia said, seductively after she slurped up the drool between them.

"I love how you just kiss me like this. It's enough to stop the world around us." Lei Jin said, lovingly.

"Achem, Azure Void's Pillar Disciple Lei Jin. Allow me to introduce my Disciple Gu Pan. She is an excellent young woman and I'm sure the two of you would get along well." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said, completely forgetting the fact they were going to discuss this matter later.

"So it's Senior Sister Gu Pan! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lei Jin said.

"A pleasure indeed Junior brother Lei Jin. Junior Sister Xin Xia. The love you two have is quite good." Gu Pan said, her face a little flushed at the sight.

"Now let's have these four prospective managers introduce themselves." Headmaster Xiang Xi said, sitting back in his seat and hiding the notes he had taken.