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Hearing this explanation was more than enough to pique Xia Meili's interest. She wanted to raise a large family of her own. Not just a disciple she took in. But children of her own flesh and blood. This was her mentality before having heard there was truly such a good thing. She now only needed to see it in work to fully believe it. If such a thing was truly possible she just had to become Lei Jin's Wife. Not only did their goals align but she even had a way to make it even easier on herself. So she was overjoyed by the thought of this and blushed out of pure excitement.

"That would be amazing! Please Supreme Elders! Can you tell this one what she needs to do to be worthy of Lei Jin!" Xia Meili said, with a great deal of excitement wheeling up to the surface.

"Ahahaha, Young Xia Meili, I'm certain that they have already made a choice. But either way you shouldn't worry about this too much. So long as you visit this residence. And are bathed in this Aura You will naturally be able to conceive more easily in the future. So you won't lose out either way." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, hinting at the choice that she knew quite clearly that had already been made.

It wasn't as if Lei Jin and his Wives hadn't considered her potential. In fact they already had. Not only that but they indeed come to a solid conclusion. It well… There was already a choice made. It was now up to Xia Meili to decide if it was really Lei Jin she wanted to love. Or any man that could give her a large family. With the knowledge of this Aura of fertility that basically bent the rules of cultivation allowing for any man to have the ability she most desired.

~~Back With Lei Jin~~

Lei Jin had moved into the main hall and sat down. The four managers along with Yong Sheng and Yu Dao were sitting there with him. Lei Jin, after sitting down and taking a deep breath, exhaled. A new rich flood of his Aura filled the residence. Everyone could feel this change. It was almost an invitation to stop working and go relax for some time. Thus the servants all did so. The men with non pregnant wives knew what they were going to spend their time doing.

"Alright. Let's hear your reports. Then later I will explain an important task to you all." Lei Jin stated after the flood of his Rainbow Aura filled the residence.

"Yes, Master Lei Jin. First, we have had many people who have come to visit. Though none of them had any desire to be rude. So it was quite easy to handle. As such we had no need to distract the Elders for this purpose." Hon Zai said, pleasantly.

"Good, then it seems that the headmaster has done his part in veting the rabble." Lei Jin mentioned, with a degree of thought behind his words.

"However, we did have to bother Elder Mei a few times. Well, it was more that she had called us over to talk about the Dao, and help us achieve large strides." Hon Teng said, smiling a bit.

"I see. Well that's just like my Mother-in-Law. Kind, Caring and beautiful. You two ladies have lucked out a great deal from this. I can tell that you have all gained a great deal. Soon you'll all be 2nd order Emperors. Your growth is not bad. Just remember to keep yourselves safe. You two are carrying now. I don't want those ones to suffer." Lei Jin said simply, with a calm and almost fatherly voice.

"The two of us have already prepared our own maternity dresses. We have Madam Qing Ning to thank for this. But we didn't notice we were pregnant. Oh! It was just the other day." Hon Zai said, surprised, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Ahahaha, good. Now where is the family registrar? I'd like to take a look at it." Lei Jin sipped his tea as the registrar was handed to him. "I see, so the newborns have all been properly accounted for. And it seems we have finally hit double the population of the Rainbow Residence. Be sure to continue to take care of that well." He said, before floated the registrar back to the managers.

"Master Lei Jin can rest easy. With us taking care of things this will be kept safe." Ya Zong said, collecting the registrar back.

"Good! Now then, Yong Sheng, Yu Dao. How have things been on your end? And how have the families been as of late?" Lei Jin asked

"Master Lei Jin, there have been a few issues with the families that were created out of us Re-kindled ones. However they have all been taken care of quickly and were nothing major. Only minor arguments over which of the wives would be given a child to carry." Yong Shen said frankly yet respectfully, knowing full well Lei Jin hates needless ceremonies.

"We all decided to take a page out of the master's book. So each of us brothers impregnated all of our wives at the same time. Shortly after, all were pregnant." Yu Dao said, scratching his head.

"So you are now feeling the reason that was the wrong plan then? You shouldn't do this to yourselves or your wives again. I trust you learned something from this." Lei Jin said.

"We sure did master Lei Jin. Without any way to relieve ourselves we have been slightly unfocused. If we could go to a…" Yong Sheng started.

"It's best if you don't go to such places. You all have 5 wives each. I'm sure you can work something out. There is nothing better than lying with your wives. Hundreds of thousands of women would still be incomparable. The feeling of intimate love between you and your wife or wives. It is simply not possible to match." Lei Jin said, sounding as if he had spoken from experience. No one there would dare to ask what it was exactly that he had done to speak with such wisdom.