
Everyone heard Lei Jin's words and then recalled their own experience. Lei Jin was indeed correct in his words. Though, how did he know this to such an extent? What happened while he was away? Though they knew better than to ask. Such questions were a bit too much for any of them to ask this.

"I see, Now that I reflect on Master Lei Jin's words. Master indeed speaks the truth. I have indeed enjoyed similar experiences." Yong Sheng mentioned, as he recalled his experiences from before he had been married, as well as the experiences after the fact. "It's not a fair comparison. The joy we experience now is so grand. How could any time from before compare?" He added, with a smile stretching across his face.

"Indeed, and more than that, the fun only grew with the more wives we took in. I had the pleasure of experiencing a marriage with one before my wives grew to number 5 at my side. Even my first wife Jun Sang has enjoyed having Sisters to share our burdens with." Yu Dao noted his own experience.

Elder Mei and Elder Kong both came into the Hall. They both clearly knew what Lei Jin had said. Though they knew quite quickly there were many meanings behind Lei Jin's words. So instead of berating him for spouting such things. They both decided to add to it.

They had both thought about doing this themselves. Mostly because Elder Mei was curious about what it would be like to have a Sister Wife. Though it certainly wasn't something she would just act on willy nilly. She and Elder Kong would also need to discuss these things in depth.

What better time than now!

"If you say so perhaps it isn't just our Son-in-Laws ability. Rather it could be some sort of force that attracts and binds many together." Elder Kong said, stroking his beard a little.

"It seems to make sense. We should search. But first, Lei Jin, did your wives make you do something?" Elder Mei said, walking forward and sitting down in her chair.

"So Mother in law knew of this then? Yes, and I prefer to never experience that again. My wives are far better than any random woman. In fact, it's such a vast gap in the experience that simply having relations with a woman is akin to indulging. What about this is different from following the path of living as a mortal? Whereas loving my wives is no longer a simple indulgence. Rather it is a soul soothing experience. It's more refined, akin to living as a cultivator. We search, build, and refine. What about this is different from marriage?" Lei Jin spoke with a magnificent degree of wisdom in his words.

"Son-in-laws experience must have been truly profound to be able to speak like this. Ahahaha!" Elder Kong laughed out as he took his seat beside Elder Mei.

"So Son-in-Law has discovered what it means to be married. Then, this experience you had was indeed worth it." Elder Mei said with a calm demeanor, and smiled.

"Indeed, though I am surprised they were able to keep such ideas hidden from me. Our Knowledge Seas have flowed together. I'm even able to use their Daos nearly as well as my own. So just how did they…" Lei Jin thought aloud. Just then his eyes widened. "They didn't hide it from this husband of theirs. Instead it was I who simply didn't wish to know it was really something they planned on doing. I guess I still have a lot to learn." Lei Jin said, sitting back in his chair.

"You really are funny, Son-in-Law. They could hide it from you because you let them. You could say that you have a great deal of trust with those wives of yours. And I see that you've married another young woman. Gu Pan was it? She is a very good match for you. I'm glad you accepted her." Elder Mei said in an approving tone.

"So will Son-in-Law stop at 9 wives in the future? Surely your bed could fit many more. I also think your heart would be able to love more." Elder Kong asked curiously.

"My current wives seem to think similarly to Father-in-Law. It's just that now… Even if we wanted to love more wives. I would not be able to treat them in a similar capacity in the future. I don't have the means to do so. At least this is the case for the moment. So while I wish I could say that I will give my wives more sisters. I unfortunately can not say what I do not know for certain. However, they are currently pondering thoughts on how to make something happen." Lei Jin said, standing up.

"Oh? Are they now?" Elder Mei and Elder Kong said, turning to look at each other. Then laughed lightly.

"Managers, have you witnessed any of the births here?" Lei Jin asked the four managers.

They all shook their heads in the negative. Once Lei Jin saw this he pondered for a bit. Then mobilized his ability to teleport himself and the four managers to the labor room.

Here there was a woman set up getting ready to push. It was clear to anyone's eyes that she was about to give birth. Hon Zai and Hon Teng's eyes lit up with a woman's curiosity. Ya Zong and Ya Ha, were surprised to be in the room while this was happening. Though they were going to inevitably take part in this event every once in a while anyways. So why not now.

There on the other side of the room there were many people watching. One in particular, had eyes that seemed to sparkle with an unrestrained joy at the sight before her. This was Xia Meili. Not only was she excited to see this process and become more familiar with the efforts she would later go through. But also learned a deep respect for the people helping the woman along.