Inflate The Re-Kindled Ones (1)

~~In Supreme Elder Azure Hearts Courtyard~~

The rainbow aura began to churn and flow before the two Supreme Elders eyes. In a moment Lei JIn appeared before them. Saluting them upon arrival.

"Greetings supreme elders. This disciple is here and thank you for holding out for long." Lei Jin said, confidently.

"It's good you came so soon. Otherwise we really would have had a tough time. The number of Ink disciples is not small. And many of them are… mid rank open heaven realms. Are you certain you can handle this many? There are no less than 3 thousand." Supreme Elder Hong said, wearing a face full of exhaustion. It was clear that he was suppressing a great deal of these ink disciples.

"Yes, Hong'er took over the ones below the 7th rank for me. As the true rainbow Jin'er has given to this queen in the past is now gone. I can hold out for a while longer yet. Work on the disciples that your father-in-law has first." Supreme Elder Azure heart said, also wearing an extremely exhausted look.

"Mother-in-law open your small universe first. This son-in-law will restore the rainbow first. Which will relieve the pressure on mother-in-law first. After that I'll take on 100 of the ink disciples at a time." Lei Jin said, knowing full well wasn't going to be fast enough to not perform treatment on Azure Heart first. If there hadn't been so many… spectators close by then it would have likely been able to happen.

"Good, help your mother-in-law first! I can hold out a bit longer. Father-in-Law is tough." Supreme Elder Hong said, forcing a smile while sweating quite heavily.

"Fine, if this is how it must be… I'll listen, Jin'er knows his limits better than even his wives. So I'll trust him to make this decision." Supreme elder Azure heart sighed.

Supreme Elder Azure Heart opened her Small Universe. Lei Jin didn't waste any time in rebuilding the True Rainbow in Supreme Elder Azure Heart's small universe. In what felt like an instant a massive and brilliant rainbow stretched across the sky in Azure Hearts small universe.

"That feels a lot better! Thank you Jin'er you are a good Son-in-law. Now quickly begin fixing the problems for your Father-in-law." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, as the color returned to her face.

"Of course, after that I'll send them to Yu Dao to await further instructions." Lei Jin said, turning to Supreme Elder Hong. "Father-in-law please begin whenever you need. My limit for now is 100 at the same time though… since there are mid ranks mixed in it would be best to keep it at 50 to 75." Lei Jin continued.

"Good! Then this father-in-law will begin with 50 mid ranks. These are all at the 5th rank." Supreme Elder Hong said releasing 50 5th rank open heavens from his small universe.

"Ahahaha, that old fart couldn't keep us in there anymore, it's time for our counter attack." An ink disciple laughed. "Oh this boy is cute. He will be mine." She continued.

"In your dreams!" Lei Jin said, as he activated his power and summoned a massive wave of his rainbow aura. It passed over all of the ink disciples and in that moment well it was quite loud to say the least.

"Glad there is a sound proofing array setup over the area. Otherwise that may have caused some unintended worrying." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, going slightly pale from the sound.

"Indeed, it's best if we keep it secret until Lei Jin is prepared. That is… prepared to handle the situation with the ink clan." Supreme Elder Hong said, his face becoming serious.

"I'm me again! Oh thank the heavens! This humble one thanks the young master for his kindness." The former ink disciples bowed quickly.

"Listen up you will be held responsible for your actions as an ink disciple. However, for now you will go and meet my subordinate. His name is Yu Dao. He is a 3rd rank open heaven realm. Don't let that fool you into thinking you can do anything to harm him. Because if you do I will destroy your very existence. Understood?" Lei Jin said, still in a bad mood, that an ink disciple thought he was cute. He shudders at the thought of being liked by that sad excuse for a person.

"Understood! We will not harm this man named Yu Dao or anyone else under your charge!" They all said, after seeing the look in Lei Jin's eyes. They knew he wasn't messing around. He was able to wake them up from that nightmare, effortlessly. Just imagining what Lei Jin could do if he put in a slight effort was enough to send shivers right to their cores.

"Good, now go. I'm going to be busy for a while. This pillar disciple will come by later to assign responsibilities. For now just listen to Yu Dao." Lei Jin said, waving his hand. The 50 of them disappeared from the area and were sent to Yu Dao, who was waiting to receive them.

~~In the Re-kindled One's Commons Courtyard~~

This place had been slowly constructed over the last several years. Growing larger in preparation for the time when there are many more ink disciples. Currently Yu Dao was waiting in front of the fountain with several of the other rekindled ones. They were there waiting to receive the new members of the Re-kindled ones. When in a moment there were 50 that appeared at once.

"Ah, welcome to your new homes. Here we are all family. I know there are many more coming so I unfortunately can not accompany you this time. So I will leave it to one of the other members here. Please forgive this one for doing so. However, since master Lei Jin has given a specific order it must be carried out. Please wait here until 200 have arrived. It shouldn't be a long wait. Master Lei Jin is quite powerful and handy. In the meantime please feel free to ask any questions you like. The others here will be more than willing to answer." Yu Dao said, greeting all of these newcomers.