Inflate The Re-kindled Ones (2)

~~In the Supreme Elders Courtyard~~

"So what do you think, Lei Jin? Was that a good number?" Supreme Elder Hong asked with a slight more color in his exhausted face.

"If they are of the 5th rank I believe Father-in-law should do this 75 at a time. I don't see this number posing a threat. It will also alleviate the weight on the father-in-law faster. Those below this 5th rank can come out in groups of 100 regardless of their rank." Lei Jin said, continuing to ponder the acceptable amount of 6th ranks at a time.

"Then we will do this. This Father-in-law will take out 100 4th ranks for Son-in-law to deal with next. After this we can discuss the numbers of 6th rank." Supreme Elder Hong said.

"Good! This time Son-in-law will also restore the Rainbow in father-in-laws Small Universe. Let's begin waking these gullible ones up and Inflate our own Re-kindled ones." Lei Jin said, stretching out and cracking his knuckles and cracking his neck.

"Then I will begin." Supreme Elder Hong said as he mobilized his strength.

"Ahahaha free at last. Now what happened to those seniors from before." An Ink Disciple said, looking around.

"No longer here. And soon neither will you!" Lei Jin said mobilizing his power once again.

The Ink Disciples let out a cry of pain twice as loud as the first time. A short moment later they were all completely purified. All of them had a moment of realization as if they knew exactly what had happened.

"I will now send you to meet the one called Yu Dao! There you will wait for further instructions. If you have any questions you can ask Yu Dao. One more thing. If you so much as attempt to harm them I will personally take your life and watch as the light fades from your eyes. Understood?" Lei Jin said, his eyes unwavering and extremely focused.

The former Ink Disciples saw the look in his eyes. There was no room for jokes in that gaze. It felt as if they were being stared down at by a Supreme Being. Naturally they had no choice but to accept. "Understood, Subordinates will act as instructed!" The former Ink Disciples resounded resolutely. Not wanting to leave any room for interpretation.

"Good! Now go!" Lei Jin said, waving his hand like the first time. The former Ink Disciples disappeared. "This son-in-law apologizes for being slow." Lei Jin said, bowing.

"Ahahaha, it's fine this father-in-law is not so weak as to cave after two cups of tea." Supreme Elder Hong chuckled half heartedly, he was still under immense pressure.

"Then stop this waiting. And get it over with already. This mother-in-law has… plans to attend with Hong'er." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, pouring more tea into her cup. Now on the third cup since Lei Jin arrived.

"Very good. Let's continue then. I'd like to get these people out as soon as possible as well Father-in-law. I don't wish for my wife to bear the brunt of the other matters for too long." Lei JIn said.

The process began once again. Supreme Elder Hong would mobilize his strength and release various numbers of Ink Disciples for Lei Jin to wake up. While Supreme Elder Azure Heart kept an eye on the released ones in the event any tried to get any ideas before getting woken up. Then there was a moment each time where the former Ink Disciples had a look of shock and respect at the sight of Lei Jin, just before they would be teleported out of the area.

~~Half a day later~~

"Ah, that was the last of them in my small universe. I really have to thank my son-in-law for his help this time." Supreme Elder Hong chuckled with a bit of relief.

"Mother-in-law, how many Ink Disciples do you have?" Lei Jin turned to ask.

"There are 20 7th rank Ink Disciples. Are you confident to handle all of them at once?" Supreme Elder Azure Heart asked, staring into Lei Jin's eyes.

"Allow this Son-In-Law to try. He will do his best." Lei Jin said, cupping his hands.

"Good, if you can do this it will provide us with good strength here. Soon we might even be able to go on that trip." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said.

Supreme Elder Azure Heart mobilized her power and pulled out the 20 7th rank Ink Disciples. She instantly felt a massive weight lifted off her shoulders. Like breathing was easier.

Lei Jin wasted no time and took action the moment these 7th ranks came out. The ensuing dance of Ink Force and Rainbow light made everything from before look like child's play. However, in the end there were 19 successful transformations.

"Ah what's wrong ah I'm going to…" The 20th groaned in worry.

"His small universe is collapsing! It seems he wasn't destined to survive this time." Supreme Elder Hong sighed.

"I'm not going to let you die so easily. You will work to repent for turning to Ink!" AHHHHHHH!" Lei Jin shouted out, summoning a flood of his own rainbow light.

The Light that was just summoned shined with a brilliant ever changing color. Lei Jin mobilized his Aura and contained the 20th ink disciple and himself inside it. This suppressed the change in the 7th rank's small universe. Lei Jin's light and Aura combined. The sensation this gave off could be felt even from outside the containment area.

"Junior, just forget about this one. I deserve death for what I did. I even killed my own child! I don't deserve the chance to continue living. I should be cursed to never rejoin the cycle of reincarnation. Condemned to hell forever." The 20th ink disciple cried completely distraught.

"I have heard these words before from others. So I will tell you what I told them. You commit a grievous sin. An unforgivable sin. However, if you die now. You'll only be making it harder on everyone else. If you die now before adding good back into this world then you're less than scum." Lei Jin reprimanded the Ink Disciple.

"But.. this senior doesn't deserve a second chance…" The Ink Disciple cried rivers.

"If you want to die then that's your own business. But I have put in effort to save your life. So turn those hands and frustration towards the enemy and use it to rip them apart!" Lei Jin said.

"Then… this senior thanks Junior for his life saving grace. Let this senior do whatever Junior needs." The Ink disciple said, with flowing tears.

They were different though, Lei Jin smiled.