Inflate The Re-Kindled Ones (3)

~~In the Re-kindled One's Commons Courtyard~~

The Courtyards were bustling with the now three thousand new Re-kindled ones. It was quite the sight to see. Yu Dao and the other's were busy managing to explain many things about the area they now lived in. The most important thing was the rules however, since no one was told what would happen with the influx of more powerful Re-kindled ones, no one dared say for certain what all of the newbie's tasks will be.

"I hope Master Lei Jin arrives soon… This is starting to get more than I can handle. Thankfully some of the children keep these new arrivals at attention. Otherwise I might pass out from exhaustion." Yu Dao thought to himself in exhaustion, his face growing paler day by day.

"Oh look up there! It's… it's… Great PAPA!!!" A little boy shouted, and started to run over.

"To all of my Re-kindled ones, I thank you all for your work in this matter. Later you may come to me with a request and so long as this King can fulfill it, so it shall be. Use it wisely. Understood?" Lei JIn said, floating the air with Supreme Elder Hong and Supreme Elder Azure Heart.

"Subordinate understands and thanks the master Lei Jin for this great opportunity." The 58 of them sounded out, all deeply thankful for it.

It was rare for one's master to bestow such an opportunity. However, coming from Lei Jin, this had an entirely different degree of meaning. He was the only person in the entire 3000 worlds who could speak an order and mobilize the forces of all 1st, 2nd and 3rd rate forces under the cave heavens. So a reward from someone with his authority was not a small matter.

That said, the Re-kindled ones knew that it would be inappropriate to ask for something exorbitant. Like a world fruit for example. Besides, they all already knew exactly what they wanted. So while it may have seemed like a wealthy big spender giving out a gift. In reality it was really that Lei Jin knew what they had wanted for this whole time but were unable to get as a result of many things getting in the way.

"Good! Very good! Now, to all of the newcomers, I say good morning." Lei Jin smiled, as a couple of the kids were practically begging to be held. Lei Jin motioned for the children to calm down.

"Thanks to sir we were woken up from the hellish nightmare!" The 3000 of them sounded out, along with the 20 7th rank open heaven realm cultivators.

"Good! I will give those that have the strength to reach the 7th or 8th rank a choice. Sadly I can not give this to anyone below as you are not qualified to stand in that place." Lei Jin sighed, pausing for a moment and looking around. "This is the first option. If you of the mindset you wish to fight the enemy I will arrange for you to be sent as reinforcements right away. In doing so I will also provide you all with a peak mid-rank artifact that will aid you in slaying the enemy." Lei Jin said, looking around once again, sighing. "The other option is the one I would prefer you take. I won't force you. However, I do require you all to hear the second choice. It is as follows, You stay here in my residence, live and work under my orders. I have much that needs to be done. And thus need many hands. However, due to the nature of the work I can not allow anyone not born here or saved my very own hand to be a part of it yet. So choose wisely." Lei Jin said, landing down to play with the children some.

"Live savior, this one wishes to ask a question." A recent former ink disciple said, kneeling down and saluting with his hands cupped.

"Ah, if one has questions, others may also, so let these questions be known." Lei Jin said, as a horde of children appeared around him.

"Thank you, great benefactor. I ask you, what do we await here, should we choose to stay?" the former ink disciple asked.

"Simple! I will ask a great deal from all of you. You will all participate in the grand plan I have for my human race. When my wives have the time to spare. They will match you together in families. However I am sure you can see just from the looks of the surroundings there are a great deal more women than there are men. Though worry not, my wives are excellent match makers." Lei Jin said. "Here, so long as you wish for it, conceiving is not a difficult chore." Lei Jin added.

"We choose to stay here and follow sir's, no, Master Lei Jin's orders!" Everyone sounded out.

"Ahahaha, Good! I'm glad that you have chosen. Now then Yu Dao!" Lei Jin said.

"Subordinate is here to follow the master's order!" Yu Dao appeared in front of Lei Jin and bowed.

"Go ahead and find them all lodgings. These will be their temporary places for the next several years. Until my wives come out of seclusion to help make the best matches possible." Lei Jin ordered.

"It will be done as the master has ordered!" Yu Dao said.

"Good!" Lei Jin said, floating back into the air again. "From this moment on the count of my Re-kindled ones has surpassed 3000. Now we have 3060 total. Congratulations on seeing the dawn break." Lei Jin spoke with confidence and a dignified appearance.

"Does the master have any other orders for us subordinates?" Some bowed and asked politely.

"Indeed I do! First everyone open their small universe and receive my true rainbow. With it your cultivation will improve faster, stabilize faster, and even defend against the ink force for a certain time. After this, find your way around this area. Get comfortable and make friends. If you find yourself a partner or multiple partners do not fear, I will not part you. Rather it would be nice if you could do this. It will be another four years at the earliest when my wives will come to help. It wouldn't be fair to restrict you in this matter now would it?" Lei Jin said calmly.

Lei Jin and the two Supreme Elders disappeared from all of the Re-kindled one's sights.

One turned to Yu Dao. "The Master is quite powerful and relaxed." They noted.

"Master is one who knows what hell is truly like. This is where he gets his kindness. It is also where he gets his anger. Master is powerful, but at the end of the day. For the moment he needs helpers. Much weighs on his mind. Things that this Yu Dao is not qualified to ponder." Yu Dao responded, as he patted his child's head.