Planned Out

"Not bad. Seems I have improved quite a bit over these past years." Lei Jin said, looking at his hand then back at the result. "I knew I'd be able to do it. But this fast? I did not see that coming. Perhaps I could even return an 8th rank to their senses now. Wouldn't that be immensely helpful," Lei Jin continued his thought process.

"A dragon among men. Surely a man of such terrifying strength would be invincible." The woman Qing Ning had woken up stuttered out.

"He certainly has a mighty dragon. Qing Ning said, wrapping herself around Lei Jin and kissed him with a deep passion only soul lovers could hope to display.

"Sister is hogging husband to herself, again." Xin Xia humpfed, crossing her arms. Accentuating her breasts in the process.

"Alright, all of you will be sent to meet the others that I have woken up. Be sure to listen to Yu Dao. He will help you find a place to stay and explain what it means to be a Re-Kindled One." Lei Jin said before sending all of them away.

"Now that those ones are gone let's get everything prepared for our trip to the Shattered Heaven." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, calmly setting her cup down.

"Yes, I had tracked the amount of disbursement of my Aura. I feel we could be away for 3 years at the absolute most. This could naturally be extended by a significant margin if we disallow the use of the Artifact World." Lei Jin said simply.

"We can't do that since there are numerous people who use it. Not to mention it's a key point of research material we can't miss out on just because of something else." Supreme Elder Hong said, scratching his chin. "This is indeed troublesome." He later said after thinking for a short time.

"Indeed, it will be challenging since those three fools over there will likely have a hard time agreeing on things. Especially since one of them will be receiving the High Rank World Fruit as compensation. They might fight each other for it." Supreme Elder Azure Heart sighed.

"I don't want to seem too overbearing but we should not visit them without a minimum of 5 Supreme Elders. So I'd like to invite 4 others. 1 to stay here as a collection point to restrain the ink disciples and the others will travel with us. In this way no ends are loose." Lei Jin said.

"What about the time limit? We only have three years to convince them." Supreme Elder Hong asked curiously.

"It will take us wives roughly 2 years to sort out the relationships with the Re-kindled ones. Also some of us need to refine another material into our seals." Xin Xia said.

"In this way we can wait another 5 to 10 years before we depart. Which means Husband can increase the amount of aura in the residence while he also performs that experiment he had in mind before." Gu Pan said, setting her cup down again.

"Ah, so then what is this experiment?" Supreme Elder Azure Heart asked, leaning in expecting to hear something good."

"Remember the Tai Yi Soul Cleansing Water? Well, in order to fully replicate it I studied it over the past 10 years. I only need to verify something about it now. However, I need someone who is not afraid of losing everything. Someone at their peak being in the 5th rank. And has refined no more less than 2 3rd rank resources. If everything works properly. They will be able to break through to the 6th rank. Their name will be known by all." Lei Jin said.

"So long as Jin'er provides the resources needed for this I doubt it would be difficult to find someone unwilling. Do you have any other requirements?" Supreme Elder Hong asked.

"The last thing is that they must work for me in the capacity I assign them." Lei Jin said.

"Is that all? Then we will start gathering a large number of people right away. But I have to ask, why not do this to the Re-Kindled ones? They would be more than willing to handle such things for you." Supreme Elder Azure Heart asked.

"Simple, the interference caused by my power has had some unforeseen effects. I suspect they will not need the aid of this method to manage the situation. Though we will know more once Yu Dao and Yong Sheng reach the 4th rank. If they don't feel the shackles appear then we will know at that time they will not require the method using the Tai Yi Soul Cleansing Water." Lei Jin said.

"I see, then let us send these invitations out right away. Once everything is ready we will go and visit the 3 Divine Monarchs of the Shattered Heaven." Supreme Elder Hong said.

"Then us juniors will all take our leave first." Lei Jin and his wives all said, before the wives vanished.

Xia Meili, Le Xue and Lein Yue all went into seclusion to refine another 8th rank material. Qing Ning and Gu Pan went to the labor room. Xin Xia went to visit the Re-kindled ones, to begin the sorting process. Ling Shi visited her master and helped to refine more of the rainbow pills as well as other orders from the Cave Heaven. Zi Rong was similar and went to visit her master. However, she was unable to refine the Artifact world. Since it was something only possible for a master of the dao of space and time to manage.

Lei Jin stayed behind and finished waking up all of the remaining Ink Disciples. It didn't take nearly as long as last time he did this. So he finished it up quickly and then vanished after saluting respectfully.

"He is truly one powerful young man. The heavens have blessed my human race with such an excellent young man." Supreme Elder Hong said, with a favorable smile.

"Alright, let's begin inviting and send the word out that Lei Jin is looking for these kinds of people." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, standing up and stretching. Then gave Supreme Elder Hong that look. "Once we finish that we can have some fun of our own." She winked, waving her chest back and forth.