Confront Kun Ao

Lei Jin smirked when he noticed that phoenix was eyeing Yang Kai. "Excellent! Seems my theory was right on. Senior of the phoenix clan I have a matter of importance to discuss." Lei Jin said, being the first one to break the silence.

Lei Jin motioned with his hand to sit down and pulled out a fragrant wine. The phoenix transformed and landed immediately after smelling this wine. Someone with just good taste couldn't possibly be bad. So she wasn't worried about anything.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Yue Zhuo. Junior has come to speak about an important matter with us. Even bringing wonderful wine. I wonder what it could be." Yue Zhuo said, taking a sip of the wine.

"I came here because of information I received from The Phoenix Empress and the Dragon Emperor. In short, I came here to establish connections and help you with some matters. Originally I was only able to deal with patching things up. Thankfully I found Yang Kai, he is the half-dragon race over there. With his help we can break that seal." Lei Jin said, swirling and sipping the wine.

"The Empress! Does that mean you know where they are? And do you also know what's inside of the seal? How many demons. How big of an army do we need?" Yue Zhuo burst out with an enthusiasm she hadn't had in centuries.

Just then another phoenix arrived and landed on the ship. Assuming that it would be fine since she had seen her sister Yue Zhuo on the deck.

"Apologies for the intrusion and my sister's behavior just now. I am Qing Luan." Qing Luan said, in a soft but firm tone. She was clearly the more senior of the two.

"Ahahaha, please have a seat, senior Qing Luan. We are just discussing some matters. I'll pour you some wine." Lei Jin laughed, since it was only too funny seeing these two phoenixes practically dance around him.

Sitting down now. "So what was it that got Sister Yue Zhuo so excited?" Qing Luan asked, tasting the wine with a satisfied look.

Yue Zhuo gave a brief explanation of the situation. Qing Luan was in mid-sip when she heard all of this explanation. She very nearly lost the wine back into the glass she drank from.

"Truly! If that's the case and we can open the seal then the problem of our procreation can also be resolved. This is a blessing." Yue Zhuo said nearly full on tears remembering that her egg hasn't hatched and lost all vitality not but a few hundred years ago.

"I see… So it isn't just my human race that is struggling in that matter." Lei Jin said.

"I'd like to go back and tell the other two sisters about this news. It will take their cooperation to handle it. Such is the nature of the seal. But what is in there?" Qing Luan asked, while Yue Zhuo guzzled down the wine.

"Oh so you're going to run away are you? Hand over that dragon race." A man said, appearing by the ship.

"Oh, and what are you going to do with the dragon race?" Lei Jin asked, raising his brow.

"I Kun Ao will obviously kill it. It's a grudge between the Dragon and Kun clans. Don't interfere." The man said, preparing for battle.

"You really are an idiot. I thought that the Divine spirits were all impressive and respectable beings. However when it comes to you I feel as though the evaluation has halved. You are an absolute disgrace. Try this again and I will mop up the sludge you call Kun!" Lei Jin said, standing up and releasing a powerful aura filled with killing intent.

"What! You… how dare a junior look down on me!" Kun Ao said angrily.

"I came here to assist the Divine Spirits with a rather precarious issue. And here you are causing problems. Why would I not dare to look down on you? Now shut up and go crawl back into the hole you came out of. While respectable people conduct business." Lei Jin said, not backing down in the slightest.

Kun Ao was furious but he had no chance of winning. So this only made him angry. However, this action of defending Yang Kai completely was not something to scoff at. This one action solidified the idea of Lei Jin truly wishing for a good relationship between Void Land and the Cave Heavens and Paradises.

"Then what is your business?" Kun Ao said, as his veins bulged.

"Ahahaha, you'll know in time. However, since your help is not required. Moreover your existence in this discussion would only bring further hindrance. In short, I only owe the Dragon and Phoenix clans any degree of explanation and favors. You are just along for the ride." Lei Jin said, with a cold face.

Kun Ao left in a fit after hearing this. Though the words Lei Jin had chosen made very clear what it was that he wanted to do. So Kun Ao's anger was only selfish and undignified. Which only made what Lei Jin said about him all the more true. "Cunning Junior indeed." Kun Ao thought after sorting the conversation he had just then.

~~On the ship~~

Lei Jin relaxed with a sigh and looked at the phoenix sisters. "Seniors have had it rough." He sighed, shaking his head in disbelief of the idiocy of Kun Ao.

"It usually isn't that bad." Yue Zhuo said, with a slightly flushed face.

"Let's head back and speak with our other Sisters on this matter." Qing Luan said.

Lei Jin changed the course of the ship and sailed off towards the 'Four Phoenix Pavilion'. He also saw how much those two liked the wine he had brought out. Though that wine was both incredibly rare and expensive. So he pulled out the lightly spiked tea instead. This way they would have a beverage to drink while talking about things.

The information Yang Kai heard during this time made him worried. It also gave him the realization of why he hadn't found any clues to the dragon race's whereabouts all this time. They were in a place that Lei Jin had seen, which meant they were on the Ink Battlefield.