Four Phoenix Pavilion

~~At Four Phoenix Pavilion~~

"Seniors! A giant ship has appeared outside the barrier!" One of the younger phoenix clan said, worriedly running up to report the situation.

"Ah… uhm.. Ah… sister Hong Hu what should we do? Do we know who it is?" Yuan Chu spoke frantically. She was not used to sudden reports to her. Even Hong Hu who was standing there was surprised as well. Who would dare. And who could even manage pulling it off.

"Sister Yuan Chu let us go and greet these people and test their intentions." Hong Hu said.

~~On the ship~~

"Alright We are going to leave the ship here so everyone is safe from the ancestral qi's monsterification." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, engaging the array to anchor in place.

It was true that the ancestral qi was dangerous to humans. However with the addition of Lei Jin's aura and the ship's arrays. It provided a place where everyone would be able to recover readily.

"Four Supreme Elders will be on the ship at all times to keep it and the others safe." Lei Jin commanded. "Unfortunately, I can not take all of my wives off the ship this time." He added after with a solemn look. They really did like to do everything together.

"Don't worry so much, husband. We wouldn't want your burden to grow anymore. I'll be staying on the ship with my sisters too this time." Gu Pan said, softly and warmly.

"That Kun Ao person really tried to create problems with us. Just what exactly was his deal? How dare he cause problems for Jin'er." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said.

"I'm not positive but the Kun clan has always had an irreconcilable grudge with the Dragon Race. In my opinion it's because they are jealous that Dragons have a far better innate bloodline ability." Yue Zhuo said, hiccupping through the whole thing.

"Oh! Apologies for offering that wine. I didn't realize it was that strong." Lei Jin said, scratching his head and laughing nervously.

"Don't worry about it. Yue Zhuo just can't hold her alcohol when that topic comes up. Come Let's go inside to talk." Qing Luan smiled warmly, holding back her own feelings about that touchy issue.

"I see, it's only natural for a woman to weep over the loss of a child. Just as much as it is… The other way around. Now, let's go, I'm eager to meet these two other seniors." Lei Jin forced a smile in return.

~~Inside the barrier array~~

Hong Hu and Yuan Chu arrived to see Qing Luan and a rather drunk Yue Zhuo. Behind them were two 8th rank open heavens. The reason only those two came was because the other 5 were more comfortable with the ship they were on instead. Along with those two there were two other young men.

"Sister Hong Hu, that one there is half-dragon and 6th rank open heaven. I understand how he can handle the Qi here. But how can the other young man there be unfazed by it?" Yuan Chu asked, puzzled. Since she was the youngest of the sisters her eyes were naturally less practiced.

"I… I'm not sure, but this feeling. He gives off a warm sense of life. As if he is a harbinger of life. Like an Emissary of the heavens beyond the heavens." Hong Hu said, her spirits clearly rising.

"Everyone, these are our guests, please treat them well. They have said you may even visit the ship they have anchored outside. So try to make friends. And ladies, there are some young women whom you can learn a lot from." Qing Luan said, to disperse the tension.

"So we have guests, then welcome. I am one of the Four sisters of Four Phoenix Pavilion. Hong Hu." Hong Hu said, with a warm welcome.

"Ah… I'm Yuan Chu, I am also one of the four sisters of Four Phoenix Pavilion." Yuan Chu said, nervously, still contemplating the words Hong Hu spoke before.

"I must thank the seniors for such a warm greeting. I am Lei Jin, Pillar Disciple of Azure Void Cave Heaven and Direct Disciple of Sir Azure Void Old Ancestor. I have come to speak with seniors about some matters that have been entrusted to me by the Phoenix Empress and Dragon Emperor." Lei Jin said, introducing himself and stating his business.

"Then we should sit down and talk right away." Hong Hu said, putting the pieces together. Yue Zhuo was drunk and there was only one topic she could never handle after all.

"Seniors quick! Something has happened!" A person ran out clearly panicking about something.

The look on all four of the Phoenix sisters there turned solemn and full of sorrow. They knew the type of dress the person wore meant he worked in the incubation chambers. Him being so panicked could only mean one thing, bad news. Lei Jin noticed this reaction and sighed, he didn't know exactly what it was that caused this but he wasn't going to let anything bad happen while he was there. That is, unless he could do nothing. But he still must try.

"Seniors, I don't know what the problem is but why not let me take a look. My abilities are vast so there might be something I can do to resolve the problem." Lei Jin said, cupping his hands.

This changed the look on the four phoenix sisters' faces to looks of hope. They knew exactly what happened but Lei Jin didn't. Yet he still offered to try and help.

"Then come with us. We don't let outsiders into our nests let alone near our eggs. But that one might not survive either way. We should give it a shot." Hong Hu said, hurriedly.

It wasn't clear just yet whose egg it was. But one thing was clear, and that was Hong Hu had an egg in the incubation chambers. And given her position only three people could tell her no. 2 of which had experienced failure before and understood the hope. The third didn't have the ability to make an opinion about it quite yet.

"Let's lead Lei Jin there. If he can help that would be excellent. If not then we haven't wasted anything." Qing Luan said in agreement.