Birth Of The Primordial Element

Lei Jin sighed in his heart. He needed this element for his own breakthrough. However, he also knew he would need more 9th rank materials in the future as well. After all, the gap between a newly promoted 9th rank and a peak 9th rank was not a small difference and would easily take up a plethora of resources he had on hand. That number would be incomparably more vast if forced to use 8th rank materials instead.

This was the only Resource of the earth Element he had that was capable of creating the 9th rank materials. He had to improvise with the Artifact Worlds he handed out to the Re-Kindled Ones so they could continue to grow stronger. Instead of using the Primordial Elements, he used their lower ranked ones. To the point the highest rank was 9th rank. He just added several of them in the Artifact World so there would be enough generation for everybody.

"Perhaps I can manage something with what I have." Lei Jin thought as he watched intently as the Earth Element surged in the Artifact World.

Time passed and more lesser and lesser ranked elements continued to form. With each new day more power of the Earth Element could be felt. It was increasing at an exponential rate. Lei Jin noticed something after a month inside the Artifact world had passed.

"This… I wonder if the power of this Earth Element could be fused back together. Yeah, like how the method I devised for continued advancement in the open heaven realm worked at the end. There was a phenomenon where a higher rank material absorbed the lower ranked one." Lei jin realized as his eyes widened. He then quickly realized that would be far too easy.

"That's right! The World Tree Senior said I had already found the Primordial Earth Element. I wonder if he might have meant 'The' as in the only one when I spoke with him. It doesn't have to have multiple of its kind anyways. The other 6 all had different amounts as well. Not only that, but they also appeared in pairs. Perhaps there was something to having the resources in pairs." Lei Jin continued thinking.

Lei Jin removed another Artifact World and put one of the Wood Primordial Elements in along with the Earth Element. Even though he needed this to work it was very likely that it wouldn't. After all, they were Primordial. To create something that was supposed to be Primordial whilst being in a point where time has already begun. Well, it wouldn't be easy if it was even possible to begin with.

Time passed and… nothing happened. "As to be expected. I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. These materials exist both in and outside of time itself. They are Primordial. Wait a minute…" Lei Jin thought out loud.

Lei Jin took the Artifact World and surrounded it with a veil of power. Then he stopped time from progressing within that small area. It was considerably difficult and Lei Jin instantly started sweating buckets. However, there was indeed… something happening as a result of his sudden thought.

The reaction of Wood overcoming the Earth Element was not small. And the Earth element was forced into a difficult scenario. It was a Primordial Element. So it could not be destroyed. However, the Wood element was also just as strong. So much so that the Earth Element might as well have been food for it. Lei Jin at first felt uneasy, but not worried.

The Wood Element continued to devour the power of the Earth Element. Suddenly, in a flash like a cornered animal, the Earth element fought back with an intense vigor unlike anything Lei Jin had ever seen before. He was now bearing witness to how the Primordial Elements had generated so many of each other.

"I wonder… what would happen if I… put the Earth with the Metal Element." Lei Jin Thought as another powerful event occurred within the space.

The Earth Element had split into 2 separate pieces. Each of which had the same strength as the first original one. A giant smile stretched across Lei Jin's face as he began to let time flow once again.

"Now I have the ability to create new ones. Though I am still lacking strength. Seems I will need to break through soon. Though now that I have this extra one, I finally have the ability to do this like I wanted. Boy am I glad that I didn't need to fuse the lesser resources into the higher ones. That would have taken far too long if it was possible." Lei Jin said out loud.

Lei Jin then proceeded to organize his Artifact Worlds in a particular way. He had one for each Primordial Element. And then another one set to contain all 7. Lei Jin was the kind of person not to leave anything unexplored. So if he could do it he would do it. So long as it didn't conflict with his world view. That was, how precious life truly was.

"I will defeat the Ink Clan once and for all. This war will end and blood will cease to flow into barren wastelands." Lei Jin said to himself, standing up. "Time to move onto the last thing to verify before leaving." He added, as he lifted his legs up to float in the air.

He manifested his Dao Seal, and began inspecting it thoroughly. He was, after all, very different from others. He created a Dao Seal that would put Great Emperors to shame. That being said…

"This… Now, I know that I've been neglecting this part of my cultivation, right?" Lei Jin thought as he continued inspecting his Dao Seal.

"This… This is not normal… How did it get stronger?" Lei Jin thought to himself.

His seal was indeed stronger. And not by a small margin.

"Perhaps it was the dual cultivation with my wives? It has been quite intense, and for long stretches of time. Then again it could also be due to the link between us. Perhaps I should wait until they all break through to Open Heaven before I do." Lei Jin said, returning to a standing position, and looking at his hands.