The Young Find Love

After some rounds of Lei Jin's wives teasing him little by little, it was time to leave the room. It was also after a discussion with his wives that Lei Jin understood the meaning behind the sudden improvement in growth speed. It was just as simple as having his wives close to him and living in a thick Rainbow Aura. The power was nurturing his children in the womb, causing his wives pregnancies to continue at a regular pace. That is to say that, his children would not take ten years to nurture until birth thankfully.

"I think now is as good a time as any to matchmake the servants." Lei Jin said, with a stretch.

"Husband is right. We have kept them waiting for quite some time. Let them find love as we have." Zi Rong commented.

"Good then I will send for the order to have all of the young single men and women that serve my great residence to assemble. We will hold this meeting in the Grand Courtyard that has recently finished construction." Lei Jin said.

"Good, we will all have to trouble husband to take us there." Ling Shi said, glancing at all of the concubines.

"Very well, I'll take everyone there. It's best this is the case anyways. As one of your responsibilities will be to matchmake the servants in our absence. It will be a good learning experience." Lei Jin smiled.

"Husband is wise, and thoughtful. We will make sure to perform our duties to the best they can be done. Such things are trivial since you have given us such a wonderful gift already." Na Lou said, rubbing her now pregnant belly, gently.

Lei Jin smirked, confident that he made the right choice and teleported everyone away from his private Courtyard.

~~The Grand Courtyard~~

It was a truly large place and was built for the express purpose of situations like this. It could easily fit 100s of thousands of people around and even more if they chose to remain flying. In truth it was not so grand as compared to some of the things Lei Jin had planned. It was just easier to finish constructing first. Other things would require several hundred times more resources and manpower. While Resources were no longer an issue for the most part. The manpower needed to construct much of what he needed was more than all of the Cave Havens and Paradises had currently. Which was one of the major reasons he needed people.

Right now there were nearly 4 thousand people the other Cave Heavens & Paradises brought in terms to the agreement made with Lei Jin. All of them had been healed almost instantly upon arrival. So when Lei Jin appeared they revered him as if he was a Great God.

There were also many thousands of people crowding the area. Lei Jin and his wives had seen all of these people being born. Some of them were even held in their arms as they had come out of their mothers womb. So there was a sense of nostalgia as they looked out. Lei Jin even found that the ones he had wrapped in a blanket made of his own Aura were in the crowd now. They still had the blanket with them even now. In any case it was quite Chaotic since the sheer number of young people gathered here were anticipating the reason. And even half expecting what it would be.

Lei Jin raised his hand to calm the situation so that everyone would be able to hear him clearly the first time around. "Thank you for coming. First I bid the newcomers joining my Residence today, a great welcome. And secondly, today is the day you have been waiting for. There are now many more places to live and start families. So today is the day I will help guide you to the ones you will have the brightest future with." Lei Jin stated. "Oh and the newcomers don't need to worry. It is voluntary and you need not participate. That said, you are also free to take part provided you are in this group's generation. As for the others, I or one of my wives will arrange something for you at another time." He continued.

"Do not worry about any of your tasks for now. Others are well aware of what is going on and are taking care of the situation. This is your moment to find your partner. If you have already found your partner beforehand, come forward to receive your 'Great Papa's' Blessing. Let the love begin." Qing Ning said, motioning for everyone to start.

The resulting situation took several days to finish up but by the end of it. Lei Jin had handed out numerous more homes to all of these new families. And realizing that if he hadn't found those resources before this step he wouldn't have been able to afford this degree of development.

"Outstanding! You all have then 2 weeks off to get used to your new situation. And have yourselves a grand time. I look forward to your bright futures filled with happiness." Lei Jin said with a great smile. Before teleporting his wives, his concubines and himself back to his Private Courtyard.

~~In Lei Jin's Private Courtyard~~

"From here on until the day when my wives give birth all of you will study the powers you are now able to touch upon. And make updates on your physical condition. Just because you are concubines doesn't mean I won't treat you like the mother of my children. Let me know immediately if there is any discomfort or irregularities." Lei Jin said in an overwhelmingly loving voice.

"Husband doesn't need to worry that much. I'm sure everything will be fine." Chen Yun comforted Lei Jin.

"I don't want to have the slightest possibility of losing a single one of you or the children. Which is why I will begin raising my power further to make sure you will all remain healthy during this time. A child should be able to see their mother. And a mother should be able to see their child, after all." Lei Jin said, a tear forming as he remembered his own mother and how happy she would have been to see how many grand babies she had.