9 Bundles of Joy

~~3 Months Later~~

Qing Ning, and the other wives had gone into labor all at once. They really were in complete sync with each other. Lei Jin felt a sense of worry come over him. One that he knew wasn't something to worry about but he couldn't help but worry. Even special teams were crafted just to make sure everything went perfectly. No accidents.

"Master, you need not worry about anything. I'm positive that your wives and children will be just fine." Na Lou said, comforting Lei Jin.

"I know this. I just can't help but feel worried and excited." Lei Jin said, holding Na Lou close.

"Master should remember that all of the people a few months ago were born through this same method. So he should stop worrying too much. And simply look forward to the cute little babies. I know I am excited for today as well as the day when I lay in that position." Na Lou said. "For now I'll be satisfied with being in your arms." She added.

"Master Lei Jin! Master Lei Jin!" A midwife exclaimed, calling for Lei Jin to come closer.

"What is it?" Lei Jin asked, quickly appearing next to the woman who called.

In her arms was a beautiful little girl with her mothers eyes. The girl was sleeping soundly now only awaiting the blanket bestowed by her father. Lei Jin with a face full of happiness created the cloth and wrapped his new little girl. And then passed her off to her mother Zi Rong to name and hold.

"Isn't she beautiful? I love her!" Zi Rong exclaimed with an overwhelming sense of joy.

"Thank you for bringing such a lovely child into this world. I love you so much that words are too weak to capture its depth." Lei Jin kissed Zi Rong lovingly, carrying along all the meaning of his love for her.

The following next few minutes were filled with similar moments. Lei Jin was overwhelmed but in a good way. With all of this joy having come by was truly a blessing to him. He knew this day would come. But he didn't know he would feel this good. "This must have been how my father felt when I was born." Lei Jin thought as he enjoyed the sight of his beautiful newborns. In the end he had 3 boys and 6 girls.

"Seems like the girls father is going to have his work cut out for him." Xin Xia said giggling and then followed by the other sisters giggling.

"Sister is right, after all, how many boys are out there that could be worthy enough." Le Xue giggled.

"I'm positive it won't prove to be too difficult. But yes, I will have quite the workload in the future." Lei Jin chuckled with his giggling wives.

Soon after this they left to return to Lei Jin's Private Courtyard.

~~In Lei Jin's Private Courtyard~~

All of the other Concubines were waiting and doing a small bit of cultivation. Nothing too serious, it was just to get their minds off of worrying about the results of the day. It was decided that Na Lou would return first. When she did, the concubines stopped everything they were doing and looked at Na Lou's face.

"Sisters, it's a great result. Master has 3 little boys and 6 little girls. All are exceptionally healthy and beautiful little bundles of joy. Master even hand wrapped them himself. So let us welcome our family's beautiful new members." Na Lou said, gently placing her hands together and smiling with what could only be described as joy.

It was after this when Lei Jin appeared with his wives. Each of his wives were cuddling their babies and smiling great big smiles. The Concubines were so excited they started to rush over almost out of instinct.

"Please, I know you are all excited. But try not to crowd too much alright." Lei Jin said calming down the numerous rush of women.

"Master wants it this way then that's fine." They all said, almost pouting.

"Husband, you don't need to worry too much, they only want to see their new children, is all. So long as they don't crowd, everything will be fine." Qing Ning smiled.

~~A few moments later~~

"Where is my grandbaby? I want to see my grandbaby!" Supreme Elder Mei said, appearing in the sky above the Courtyard. She wasn't alone either.

"Daughter in laws, you have done well. Your babies are too cute." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, appearing in the Courtyard. "I'm glad I took a break when I did. I might have missed this great sight. Lei Jin, you've also done well. Your parents would be proud. In fact I know they would be." She said getting the chance to hold Xin Xia's baby.

"Mother in Law! You've come out. I'm glad you were able to see them but are you sure your cultivation is stable?" Lei Jin turned around only slightly surprised.

"It was unstable there for a while but I am fine now. I was hoping you could restore the True Rainbow again though as it has been depleted." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said.

"De… Depleted? You actually depleted that thing? Now that is impressive. Oh well here you go." Lei Jin said, with a Rainbow Light charging up.

"No not yet, I want to enjoy the sight of these little ones a bit more. They are simply too adorable. I love them." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, then realizing something and turning her head. "You ladies need to take care of yourselves too. I want all of my grandbabies to be healthy and strong. That starts with you." She smiled.

"We will listen to the Supreme Elder's wisdom. And look forward to the day when our children are born." The concubines said in unison almost like they had practiced… they did, they definitely did.

"Good, but in this setting you don't need to call me by my title. Mother, or mother-in-law will be fine." Supreme Elder Azure Heart smiled.

"Supreme Elder…" They said, about to contest.

"M.O.T.H.E.R." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said slowly changing the smile to one that hid a demon. The baby she held in her arms laughed.

"Mother." They all said realizing that the baby sealed the deal for them.