Xiao Ling

Several breaths of time went by as the newly formed Artifact was filling to the brim with power. With each passing moment more and more land and sea could be seen forming. From Lei Jin's Perspective it was clear that from here on was the critical juncture. He continued to surge his will and flood all of the world force into this new Artifact.

From Supreme Elder Mei's perspective however… "This is… unfathomable. Just what kind of enemy is Jin'er preparing to face? Surely with this level a Royal Lord would be nothing more than a slight effort, right? Just how strong is he going to be once he breaks through to the Open Heaven Realm?" She thought as she watched the World forming inside of the Artifact. Then curiously as the World within grew to a degree she started gaining benefits to her own foundation by just passively watching this new world form.

"Heh, it seems like Mother Mei is gaining some benefits. Good, It would be great if she could reach the pinnacle of the newly 8th rank level. I hope she likes… wait a minute… is this…" Lei Jin's thoughts getting cut off by the surprise of what began to occur with this new Artifact.

The shape began to change. With each passing breath was a moment of awe. Even Lei Jin was speechless. Just then he heard a voice. "Little Lei Jin, This thing you've made intrigued me. So I have decided to help you. I have bestowed a small portion of my will upon this Artifact. Once you are done refining it there will be a surprise waiting for you." The voice said.

"Senior World Tree!" Lei Jin muttered, and then smirked as he saw something vaguely familiar albeit tiny in comparison. "This one will have to thank the Senior for his help. Once this is done show me a way to you. I have a gift for you." Lei Jin spoke with a satisfied smile.

"I'll have to confirm with Jin'er latter. Was that really the voice of the Fabled World Tree? Just how lucky is Zi Rong? Those kids of his will surely be blessed." Supreme Elder Mei thought after hearing Lei Jin's words.

~~A few moments later~~

A final surge of World Force and Rainbow Light Aura burst and mixed swirling a staggering amount of power inside the Artifact. Then pulses came off of this newly refined Artifact as its change in form began accelerating. The slow change turned into a rapid change. As the sphere-like object expanded and formed a pair of human-like legs, a pair of human-like arms and torso. A head formed with a pretty face.

"The Artifact was formed with a spirit! And even took on a human-like appearance!" Supreme Elder Mei thought in astonishment.

"Are you my papa?" The Artifact Spirit asked after taking the form of a little girl.

"Hmm…" Lei Jin thought for a moment. As it was quite the loaded question. However, the spirit thought this was him trying to avoid the question and so…

"Pa… pa… you're my papa right? You aren't going to abandon me papa are you? Pwease I don't wanna be alone. I wuve you Papa." The Artifact Spirit cried running over and hugging Lei Jin and rubbing her face against his belly.

"If I am your Papa I have to give you a name don't I." Lei Jin gave up trying to figure out if calling himself the father of this Artifact Spirit was actually right, And just accepted it.

"Really? Papa won't leave me?" The Artifact Spirit cried, lifting her head to look Lei Jin in the eyes. There were still streams of tears running down her face.

"That's right, now what will your name be… hmmm… I got it. Xiao Ling! From now on your name is Xiao Ling." Lei Jin said with a smile. And picking her up to hold her close, wiping the tears away.

"Xiao Ling… Xiao Ling… Xiao Ling… I love it! Papa, this Xiao Ling is here and loves her papa." She said rubbing up against Lei Jin's shoulder. Nuzzling herself close.

"Ahahaha, I love you too. Now then let's take you to go meet your mothers." Lei Jin said, as he reclaimed the resources that strewn the room.

"Will Papa make more sisters like me?" Xiao Ling asked, perplexed at the sight, though knowing she had been refined as a result of his and the other woman's efforts.

"Of course I will. But right now is not a good time. Your grandmother Mei is tired and needs to rest now. So I ask you to be patient for that day to come." Lei Jin said, releasing the restriction.

"Oh, Grandma Mei, thank you for helping Papa make me. I love you!" Xiao Ling smiled.

"Oh my, she's already so well mannered. Jin'er let me give her a hug." Supreme Elder Mei said, having already hopped into her usual attire. And running over close, unable to hide the desire to hold Xiao Ling.

"Alright, Xiao Ling, why don't you give your grandma a big hug." Lei Jin said, turning to make it easier.

"Grandma! Oof, grandma is warm. I love it." Xiao Ling said after being wrapped up in Supreme Elder Mei's embrace.

"You are simply too adorable. Jin'er You must take care of this little girl. I won't forgive you if you don't." Supreme Elder Mei, warned hmphing as she had to let go for the moment.

"Ahahaha, Mother Mei, you needn't worry about this. I will naturally make sure she has everything she needs. And I will teach her properly." Lei Jin said. "I'm sure her many mothers will also be quite excited to see her." Lei Jin added with a smile holding Xiao Ling again.

"I'm going to do my best and help Papa with that amazing plan! I'm excited to see what happens in the future." Xiao Ling shouted out as the two of them disappeared under Lei Jin's teleport power.

"I should raise my power quickly. I want to be less of a burden next time. Oh, I should have asked him about the World Tree. I'll ask next time. As for now…" Supreme Elder Mei said, her eyes flashing with desire. "I'm going to drain that Kong dry this time." She snickered and rubbed her belly.