Flow of Time

~~Lei Jin's Private Courtyard~~

Lei Jin appeared in the courtyard holding Xiao Ling in his arms. The result of his appearance alone is enough to bring his wives and concubines' attention to order. Qing Ning was the first to greet Lei Jin since she was sitting with the other wives watching the concubines practice using the Rainbow Aura to a small extent. Though that wasn't all they were doing.

"Husband, it looks like you were more successful this time around than you were hoping." Qing Ning smiled, while she fed her baby from the breast.

All of his wives were either currently breastfeeding the newborns or had just done so. Those who had finished opted to leave their breasts out. This was a very private place and after the last break in by the In-laws Lei Jin had made it so only he, his wives, and concubines could get in lest it be an emergency. It was supposed to be their family's heaven after all. As such it no longer mattered if they decided to remain open to the air and feel the breeze blow by.

"Papa, are these beautiful ladies all my mama's?" Xiao Ling asked, with a cute look on her face. This sent a feeling of warmth down all of the women's spines hearing that. With such a cute little girl calling them mama is not something they could resist.

"Yes, however, take a wider look." Lei Jin said, turning to show the Concubines as well. "All of these women are the mothers of my children." Lei Jin said, with an arm motion.

"I'm your child too, right Papa? Then… that means they are all mama?" Xiao Ling asked.

"Ahahaha, you are too cute, why don't I let you down here and you can go greet your mothers as you like." Lei Jin said, setting Xiao Ling down and crouching in front of her. Giving her a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the head.

"Yay! I have so many Mommy's! Papa is super great!" Xiao Ling said with a bright smiley face and went on her way to greet the 9 wives first, then moving on to meet the Concubines.

Lei Jin looked at the beautiful sight before him. And then sat down and wrapped his arms around Zi Rong and Ling Shi. He looked down at each of his kids that were feeding in his wives arms. He smiled and took in the moment of peace and serenity that he felt from the scene.

"My darling wives, please forgive this husband for being away for so many days." He said, half lamenting the fact he was away from his kids for so long like this. Though it wasn't because he worried about them thinking he had abandoned them. He just ached missing the days he didn't spend with his babies.

"Husband. You left to move forward with your Grand Plan. The plan that will create a bright future for all of our children. That's nothing to be aching over. Our children, if they felt anything like that, they would understand why. So don't beat yourself up." Ling Shi smiled, and kissed Lei Jin. She, like all the wives and concubines, loved having an excuse to kiss him.

"Husband also brought back a little girl. She can be their big sister." Zi Rong said, leaning her head on Lei Jin softly and smiling. In such a way that their baby girl could see her mother and fathers smiling faces. "Isn't Lei Zi Meihui so adorable? I love her so much." Zi Rong added after her little girl smiled a little.

"She is adorable indeed. I want to protect her just like her brothers and sisters. I am happy they get to grow up in this place. It's far better than where I was." Lei Jin said, laying his head on Zi Rong's head. This made Zi Rong blush satisfied.

"When they are old enough to understand, I want to introduce them to their grandparents, as well as their great aunts and uncles at the shrine." Lei Jin added.

"We planned on this from the start. When they are 6 years old one of us mothers will take them to the shrine to greet them. This is just in case their father isn't here at that time. I am certain that all of us would agree that having their father introduce them and tell the story would be far better. Don't you think so?" Xin Xia said, swapping Lei Xin Ya to her other breast.

"Good, I look forward to that day. But I will enjoy the lovely time with them until then. If I'm not mistaken I think all I have left to accomplish before I can truly begin refining my resources is to wait for my other children's arrival in this world. And get Xiao Ling set up with everything she needs. The number of people born will soon soar quite high." Lei Jin smiled happily, as Xiao Ling came running back with a happy smile. Then climbing onto her papa's lap.

"Husband, you rarely hide anything from us. Why are you hiding the rate of time inside Xiao Lings' World? Is it really such a terrifying number?" Le Xue asked, still smiling at the baby boy, Lei Le Xiaoli, taking a nap with his mothers bosom for a pillow.

"Can I tell my mommy's, Papa?" Xiao Ling asked, looking at her adorable little brothers and sisters.

"Everyone should be fair warned. It is not a small number. You should keep in mind that creating a single Artifact world at 5 times the outside flow rate is a snap of my fingers." Lei Jin said warning ahead of time. Everyone nodded.

"The flow of time inside me is 50 times the flow of time outside. But there is something even cooler. I have 63 of those Artifact Worlds that are 5 times the flow of the outside also in my world. That means the flow of time in those worlds is… 1, 2, … Ehm." Xiao Ling said only getting confused at the last part.

"250 times the flow of time as the outside world. With such speed the Grand Plan seems to be a bit more feasible." Lei Jin said, lamenting his inability to be everywhere all the time.