Scout Mission Response

"You really want to go through with that plan of yours don't you." Old Ancestor Han Qiu said, then chuckled. "Alright let's continue the plan. Jin'er is right. We may be the top Forces in the 300 Worlds but none of us have any experience in dealing with the Ink Clan. So we should take this chance to get as much experience as we possibly can. In this way the next group of people… to head to the battlefield will be all the better off. Even if only a little." She added.

The discussions began and a short moment later the scout teams were sent to investigate the area outside the Rainbow Light Aura Barrier that Lei Jin had created once he arrived. This was the first proper step in fighting a war. Gaining information. A simple but necessary task. Even the smallest of details going missing could prove to be a fatal problem.

~~Several Days later~~

The scout teams returned from their mission with mixed looks on their faces. The captains reported to the Supreme Elders the situation.

"I trust your mission was successful, yes?" A Supreme Elder asked, and waited for a nod. "Good, then give your reports." He said.

"The enemy has amassed a force of over 10 million strong. However, considering the strength of each of their members. 9 million are Low Rank or below, 450 thousand are High rank. And then 49 thousand Feudal Lords and 1 thousand Territory Lord Level." One of the team captains said, shaking as he relayed the answer.

"And that was just what we were allowed to see." Another Captain said.

"WHAT! That many! With a force that large why is it they haven't left to take over the 3000 Worlds." A Supreme Elder shouted in surprise.

"We should also consider the force to be 10 times larger than this report. They are cockroaches after all…" Another lamented slightly.

"Perhaps the reason why they are still here is related to the production of Royal Lords. After all, it is relatively safe here. The Ink Clan could probably nurture many of them while in the safety of this place. We should expect in the worst case that there are multiple Royal Lords and several Territory Lords ready and waiting to break through." A Supreme Elder with a big head mentioned, causing everyone to look over to Han Qiu in hopes of some kind reassurance.

"Ahahaha, very well then. In that case we should prepare for the worst case scenario. Hopefully the others finish up their breakthroughs quickly as well. For now though, If a royal Lord were to appear I will confront them." Han Qiu said, revealing there are others who are working on the breakthrough as they spoke.

"And if any others dare to create a disadvantageous situation… Well… I'll give them an end… one befitting of their disgusting kind. In fact if it weren't for providing my human race the chance to train… I would have already been destroying their numbers. I hate their very existence, with every smallest essence of my being." Lei Jin said, with a look on his face, one that on its own could kill the enemy.

"This… Are you saying that you'd be able to handle all of them? Those are entities on par with the likes of us." A Supreme Elder said surprised. And curious.

"Since I have said it… I naturally can do it. I know very well what their strengths are. However, against my rainbow the Ink is annihilated and purified. Had I learned this ability before I returned from the Ink Battlefield it would have been significantly more difficult to allow my passage. So the Supreme Elder doesn't need to worry. I will naturally save any of my human race if those vile pests swarm." Lei Jin explained, with a look of nothing but confidence.

"Good! Then we will be counting on you for such support… I have a feeling that it will prove to be a much needed reliance." The Supreme Elder who asked previously said with a heavy sigh.

"I will begin refining my other elements now. In the meantime You should do your best to handle everything within your means. If in need of a truly safe place just reenter my Rainbow Aura I have filled the Void with. The Ink Clan will… well you won't need to worry about them when you come back inside. I would fight now but… To truly rid this world of their kind of vile scum. It all begins with my break through." Lei Jin said, vanishing into the Void.

"He is correct. With his ability if he became a 9th rank it would truly be a wonderful blessing to my Human Race. Alright let's begin preparing for an assault." A Supreme Elder said.

"We need to take the initiative in this fight. With the Young Pillar here we can attack them relentlessly." Another Supreme Elder declared.

"Are you a buffoon! The Young Pillar should not be disturbed until he has broken through! The only exception is if we get overrun by the enemy. And even then we must make every effort to lessen the chance of that happening. To do that we should take the initiative and utilize the Rainbow Aura to our benefit." A woman jabbed at the other Supreme Elder.

"Eh… Fine, then I must insist we only engage in small battles along the Auras edge. It would be too much to bear if the disciples were lost before they grew." The Supreme Elder said, giving in quickly to the Supreme Elder from the Ying Yang Paradise.

"Good! Then it is settled. Let's go and kill the enemy." Han Qiu said, standing up, raring to test her own strength. "You guys can have the other ones. I'll take the Royal Lords." She said, stretching with a bit of excitement.

~~In the void~~

Lei Jin sat in the void in the lotus position and pulled out the Earth Element and began refining. "Hmm, it seems that… I… I see. So I was right to think something similar to that would also occur. Interesting. I wonder… The look on the Ink's face will be priceless once I confront it." Lei Jin smirked as the mighty power of the Earth Element Resource was refined into his Dao Seal. All the while throughout the whole of the Rainbow Aura the power of Earth Aura could be felt at various degrees though, none of it made sense and was un-traceable to those who tried to search for it.