The Sin Royal Lord

A brief pause occurred when Lei Jin appeared in front of the Ink Clans Horde. They all stopped and began laughing. Some pointed and spoke nonsense to their neighbor.

"Ahahaha, this weak human just came to die. And he… HAHAHAHA he said this was his power. There must be rot for brains in this one." A Low Rank Ink Clan said laughing hysterically.

"Ahahaha, this human is too arrogant and stupid. The power he has isn't even comparable to the servants. Let's Ink this one to keep for some jokes later on." Another suggested.

"That's the first good idea you've had in your life." A High Rank Ink Clan said, to his subordinate, then turned to his superior. "I will pass these honors to the Feudal Lord." They said, eyeing the Feudal Lord's body. "With this I might get to have some of that chocolate milk again." He thought with a lustful mind.

"You idiot's there is surely a reason why a human so weak would come alone. If it has a death wish let it do it itself." The Feudal Lord said, smacking the High Rank on the back of the head. "Also get back to formation you idiots." She ordered with a death stare.

The Royal Lord saw this reaction. "And that's why they always go first. Idiots." He grumbled. Then looked at a Territory Lord close to him. The Territory Lord had brought one of the Ink Disciples with them to report.

"Sir Royal Lord, this subordinate has a report on that young man. I feel it is quite interesting. If Sir Royal Lord would hear it from the Ink Disciple directly perhaps we can form a plan." The Territory Lord said.

"Very well then, go on and speak. Before I decide to have some more fun with you specifically when we get back." The Royal Lord said, talking down to the Ink Disciple.

"Sir Royal Lord, this lowly one reports. There are only two people among the human race who are this fool hardy. And only one is at the Great Emperor Realm. I believe this person to be the Pillar Disciple of Azure Void Cave Heaven, Lei Jin. You must be careful around him. While he looks weak now. It could be a result of using his power to sustain this suppressed movement." The Ink Disciple reported dropping to their knees, under the intense pressure the Royal Lord was emanating after hearing the mention of that Cave Heavens name.

"Those bastards from that accursed Azure Void. Damn Livestock doesn't have the slightest weakness to our Ink Force. Of all of the Human Race Cultivators… They are the absolute worst to face. Almost always taking 50% to 100% more of my Ink Clan's people at the same time. And you're here to tell me this is arrogant. Livestock is here to challenge all of us. Hmph! A great Emperor is it? Just trample it and continue the march. I'll intervene with this space distortment. Now let's get a move on." The Royal Lord grumbled angrily.

"Right away Sir Sin Royal Lord!" The Territory Lords said, and dragged the Ink Disciple away.

"Continue the March! And kill the enemy. Such a weakling shouldn't even be on the battlefield! Teach it a lesson in whatever way you want. Eating it alive sounds like a good plan. If someone brings its liver to the Royal Lord they will be rewarded with Ink Coins once we return." A Territory Lord shouted out the Order. "I wonder what kind of tasty dishes I can make with the meat from each gender?" The Territory Lord thought looking at the Ink Disciple he had chained.

On Lei Jin's side. "Oh, so they have begun their march once again. That look in their eyes is priceless. I can't wait to see their faces full of eagerness to kill… Twist into fear and torment. They deserve that at the very least. It's a shame I can't just torture the vile Ink Clan to their deaths. A shame… perhaps I'll keep a few of them alive? No, I'd rather just kill them." Lei Jin thought, narrowing his gaze but keeping his power under control. "Hmm… that Earth Element has truly helped in a big way. It is far easier to control the massive power I wield." His thoughts continued.

A few moments later The Ink Clan Royal Lord's pressure began disturbing the space confinement method. However, Lei Jin didn't mind. This way, the Royal Lord would stay out of the fight for quite a while. Wasting its time with something that Lei Jin is just slowly weakening on purpose.

"There is no longer enough disturbance to keep the Army from advancing. Continue forward and Kill our Lord's enemies to unite the heavens!" The Royal Lord exclaimed with great difficulty. "Hmm, this feels like multiple Old Ancestors are working together. Is the Human Race's heritage this big? Are many more, are there?" Sin Royal Lord thought in his grunts of struggle.

"Ah yes, you have decided to march towards death. Good! Now then let's see how you fare!" Lei Jin exclaimed, summoning forth numerous floating weapons created out of the very Rainbow Light he has grown so adept with handling. Filling most of the Void of an entire Great Territory is no easy feat, after all. He naturally gained a much deeper understanding and higher degree of strength as a result from such a massive undertaking. Let alone healing the injuries of battle.

"Ahahaha! I'm the first to you arrogant brat! Let's see how you die!" A Low Rank Ink Clan said, rushing out in front and away from the formation.

Lei Jin didn't even respond to the Low Ranks taunts. Because… it was already dead. Falling apart into little chunks of vile creature. "One down, an army to go. I, Lei Jin, Pillar Disciple of Azure Void Cave Heaven, offer this slaughter to honor the heavens. And I offer the King of Hell the lives I claim in battle this day. Be well prepared, because it's about to be an absolute blood bath." Lei Jin said, pulling out two war hammers and infusing his Aura into them.