
The look on Lei Jin's face combined with the result of him killing a Royal Lord so quickly, understandably struck the highest of all fears inside the Ink Clan's vile hearts. With panic setting in and Lei Jin having snapped. It was only a matter of time. "Who is going to be next?" They all thought.

~~Inside the Rainbow Barrier~~

The ever increasing number of spectators watched as a Royal Lord was seemingly killed. Even sensing the Aura of the Royal Lord disappeared completely.

"That Royal Lord must have said something. Otherwise I find it difficult to believe Lei Jin would kill it out right. Even for him such an action must be quite pricey." Liang Changming sighed.

"It was probably something like a threat to his family. That would most definitely get him riled up beyond comparison." Han Qiu commented.

"In that case we should be prepared to witness an absolute blood bath from here on out." Qing Ning said, having arrived to see what was happening for herself and her sisters. She was the strongest and thus was chosen by default.

"Why does Junior Qing Ning say as such? Would he be willing to lose his grind stone just like that?" Liang Changming asked, raising his brow confused a little.

"The reason I say it is because I know what that Royal Lord had said to my beloved husband. And with how much he cares about his family. He would go against anything if it meant his family would be safe. Naturally he responds to threats to his family with great prejudice. And with no remorse. To him, it is worse to make a threat against his family than just about anything else. That aside, the words that were said this time… All of us Wives would have been surprised if he didn't act this way." Qing Ning replied, with a lengthy explanation that really only amounted to the depth of a man he was.

"You said you knew exactly what that Royal Lord said. Is this true? And if so, could you share it with us?" A Supreme Elder from Myriad Demons asked, a bit worried.

Qing Ning looked at the Supreme Elder almost in complete disgust. "Did this bastard senior seriously just ask me to repeat those words? Idiot! Complete Idiot!" She thought, and conveyed that through her gaze as if seeing through the idiot who asked. "Fine, I'll tell you." She sighed after a bit of silence.

It wasn't but a short moment later that Everyone understood why Qing Ning said that Lei Jin was about to rampage.

"It makes a lot more sense now. I just wish we could help him more." Han Qiu sighed.

"Mother-in-law worries too much. We know exactly how many Royal Lords there are on the enemy's side now. And keeping you two available is definitely needed. Even my husband's Aura Barrier here might have a hard time dealing with it." Qing Ning said, leaving out the numbers from her explanation. Then whispered the number to Han Qiu and Liang Changming.

Both of whom raised their brows in shock and acted quickly to hide their sense of worry. Hearing numbers like that was simply too shocking.

~~Back at the battlefield~~

Lei Jin just stood there menacingly in the void as if he was waiting for something. He was trying to keep his cool and fight with a level head. But those comments about his whole family being attacked were a bit too much. "At this rate I will lose my grindstone. I can't do that… Oh I know…" Lei Jin thought to himself, then cracked his neck. "I'll do it like this then." He smirked, and then vanished.

"Where did he go? Everyone be on your guard, this livestock is slippery!" A Royal Lord shouted.

Lei Jin instead of appearing in the battle area he arrived in the area with the Ink Disciples, an incredibly injured feudal lord and a preoccupied Royal Lord. The look of fear in the Feudal lords face was palpable and almost filled the void with a thick existence of dread and helplessness.

"What are you doing! Get up and kill the Livestock already!" The Sin Royal Lord ordered angrily. "At the very least turn him even at the cost of your life." He continued, idiotically not understanding the situation.

Realm is not everything when it comes to fighting. And Lei Jin was living breathing proof of this fact. In any case Lei Jin paid no mind to the Feudal Lord or Ink Disciples at the moment. Instead he glared death at the Sin Royal Lord.

"You don't seem to understand the situation very well. A shame… A real shame. For you anyways. To think that you still believe a mere Feudal Lord is stronger than I. It's honestly laughable to be completely honest. Now then, bear witness to what happens when you force me into the battlefield." Lei Jin said, giving a smirk mockingly.

An absolutely gargantuan sized sphere of Rainbow Light Aura appeared. Engulfing the entirety of the Ink Clan's Army. All of the Feudal Lords and below died on the spot. The Territory Lords screamed out in agony a few of the weaker ones dying as well. While the Royal Lords grunted through most of it before letting out screams of pure agony as if every part of their being was being forcibly removed from each other the whole time. After a while the Sphere dissipated. And nothing was left of the Ink Clan's Army. Not even corpses or parts thereof. Even the Ink Disciples had disappeared.

"You monster! That was so much of my Ink Clan's future in one attack! You don't deserve to live!" The Sin Royal Lord roared with agony releasing his control on the area manipulation Lei Jin had put him under.

"You… in what Army?" Lei Jin said, with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"I don't need an Army! I have myself and that's enough to kill an unruly Livestock like yourself! How dare you kill my Ink Clan!" The Sin Royal Lord roared again, aiming to hit Lei Jin.

"I admit you are a little bit stronger than the other Royal Lords. But only a slight amount. Honestly it's quite negligible if I'm being honest." Lei Jin said, effortlessly dodging the Royal Lord's attacks.