Human Race Young Pillar Lei Jin

The Sin Royal Lord continued to attack with a berserkers frenzy. Lei Jin kept dodging. This was just what he needed this time. "Finally, someone strong enough to be a worthwhile grindstone. Perhaps I should have just eliminated their army right off the bat…" Lei Jin thought as he continued to refine his movements.

"Just die already, you annoying livestock!" The Sin Royal Lord shouted angrily as he couldn't land a single hit.

"Why do you say that? It almost hurts. I am having quite a lot of fun over here. I finally found an acceptable grindstone. It would be a shame to be rid of it so quickly." Lei Jin chuckled.

"Why you! I'll kill you for that! How dare a mere Livestock say such things to me! I am a Royal Lord and serve our glorious Master Ink! I swear you will die here and then we will unite the heavens like our master desires." The Sin Royal Lord roared out angrily, still with flailing attacks.

"You know if this is all you got… you won't be able to handle being my grindstone much longer. A shame. A damn shame. Now come! Give it all you have." Lei Jin sighed and then smirked.

"You played with us all along! You could have killed the entire army alone from the start right!" The Sin Royal Lord asked, gritting his teeth and stopping his attacks. He glared daggers at Lei Jin, furious and confused. "That would be the only reason he can avoid me, a Royal Lord for so long. Is it possible there is…" He thought to himself and cursed the thoughts from his mind.

"Of course I could have! I just wanted to find a proper grindstone and teach my Human race a few things about fighting in a war. You see, while I absolutely can not stomach the thought of your existence. I am thankful for it as there is now a proper grindstone for my Human Race to train before going to the place I was born. A dark and hellish warscape of a battlefield, where many would die with every major battle. More would be injured and some would be crippled. This place is under my control so I can naturally ensure the safety of my Human Race while I am here. So in the end your only use is simply as a grindstone for my Human Race to train and gain experience." Lei Jin responded, slightly annoyed that the grindstone stopped moving.

"In that case… Brothers! Sisters! And Territory Lords, let us work together to kill this Human Race to ease the souls of our dead! Kill him and the rest will be crushed." The Sin Royal Lord said almost ordering.

Soon after The remaining Territory Lords reformed their 'Three Directions Array's' and clearly getting ready to basically be nothing more than sacrificial Pawns. The Royal Lords on the other hand performed a special secret technique. One that even the Territory Lords were baffled by.

"The Royal Lords are going all out! We won't slow them down!" The Territory Lords that acted as the core of the array all shouted out a war cry. Even if only slightly, this boosted the strength of the Territory Lords inching ever close to the Royal Lord's level of strength.

"Ah so you finally decided to take this seriously. Good! Then let us begin!" Lei Jin smirked and snapped his fingers.

"You've done that twice now. What does it… do… WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" One of the other Royal Lords shouted after seeing the result.

Over the vastness of the battlefield Lei Jin had just summoned numerous cyclones, discs and many tiny spheres made from his own Rainbow Light Aura. The sense of unease and danger these new additions to the battlefield brought to the Ink Clan was absolutely perfect.

"Quickly! These obstacles are dangerous and have started to weaken us. We must kill this boy now! Once he is dead Surely there will be no one among the Human Race who can… DAMN IT!" Another Royal Lord then remembered the reports of the Royal Lords that returned before about a Human Race Old Ancestor.

"Ahahaha! You're about to find out. That the Old Ancestor we have is no push over. Even if there are this many of you. If you even managed to find a way to kill me. There is no way you're getting past them." Lei Jin smirked, thrilled that he could now finally get back to cleansing the world of the Ink Clans disgusting kind.

"Die you brat! How dare you push me, A royal Lord this far. You will pay for your impudence! And then we will make your family pay! SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY!" The Sin Royal Lord declared charging in with the other Royal Lords.

Lei Jin glared angrily and didn't even move the slightest bit. Instead creating a super thick barrier around himself made of hyper condensed Rainbow Aura. This Armor of sorts came with… added benefits. The Wood element's natural recovery ability aided Lei Jin's stamina recovery affording him a far greater deal of mobility and endurance far exceeding anything he had prior. The Fire element would sear the soul of anyone who hit it. And the Earth Element allowed it to be further condensed and control its movement quickly and accurately.

The Royal Lord's attacks landed square on target. Followed by a deafening scream by all of them combined. Their souls burned with a mighty flame while their bodies melted on contact.

"How! I can't… No I won't believe it!" A Royal Lord shouted.

"How, you ask? I will not let my Human Race down! Let my image strike fear into the enemy and courage into my Human Race's Allies! I take my position seriously. I am the Pillar Disciple of Azure Void Cave Heaven! A Young Pillar of my Human Race! AND I WILL NOT FALL TO THE LIKES OF YOU!" Lei Jin Declared with a regal voice and Aura that reached all the way back to the Human Race inside the Rainbow Aura protective barrier. His Aura flare and burst of energy Radiated outwards. The Ripples of which could be felt multiple Great Territories away.

"You three leave at once and tell Senior Sister that there is a freakishly powerful human race. We need assistance!" A Royal Lord ordered quickly blocking them from the waves.