A Real Battle (3)

A look of dread appeared on the Royal Lord's face as a brilliant spiraling multi-colored light closed the distance. The light dazzling in her eyes. "So this is where I die…" The Royal lord thought, as her vision quickly became nothing but the beautiful view of Lei Jin's power.

"Sorry! But we're not dying with you!" The other four Royal Lords said in a panic.

The Array fell apart and the effects disappeared. Each of the Royal Lords immediately suffered a backlash the likes they had never experienced before. Each of them quickly gathered to a spot to regroup.

"You're unworthy to be on the same battlefield as I! YOU COWARDS! You dare to come to kill and torment. Yet cower in fear at the first hint of death!" Lei Jin said, angry that the Royal Lords are simply too despicable.

"Of course I value my life more than hers!" A Royal Lord shouted.

"You bitc…" The Royal Lord who had been the center of the array tried to say. Then was completely enveloped by the attack that had been hurtling towards her. As the core of the Array, if it is forcibly broken the backlash will render the core weak. From there it is quite obvious why she couldn't get away.

"Everyone lets form the array again and use this time to flee! If we work together and push it hard we can escape before the others. Only then do we have a chance." A Royal Lord said offering to be the core.

"Ha! If you want to form a core again… well… Let's see if you have the ability." Lei Jin said with a look of utter disgust.

"Just try us! You're nothing more than a livestock fawn!" The new core shouted.

"Yeah! You're the one who shouldn't be on the battlefield!" Another said, with one more nodding.

"We will kill you dead!" Another declared.

"Pretty comical coming from someone that just declared their intention of fleeing before the enemy. And you, kill me? Allow me to correct you! It is I who will kill… you." Lei Jin said, narrowing his focus.

A chill went down all of the Royal Lords' spines. Including the ones the 3 Old Ancestors were fighting. Giving the three Old ancestors a slight advantage. Even the True Rainbow in each of their Small Universes was humming. Invigorating their strength and causing their strength to rise quite substantially.

"This True Rainbow that Young Pillar gave us that time is quite the good thing! I feel like I have gained a full year of cultivation during just this small fight." Liang Changming laughed.

"I am the same here. But I feel like Sister Azure Heart is a bit different. She is acting as the core and she has the humans living in her small universe. Surely she has a larger gain." Old Ancestor Han Qiu giggled.

"I… I am receiving too much praise. Though I can't deny I have received about 10 times the gain. Though it does not come with effort. Would Brother or Sister like to swap and be the core to see if there is any change?" Old Ancestor Azure Heart smiled.

"Sister has just broken through recently, and done it on her own. I see, then allow this Liang to take control for now. And after, Sister Han Qiu and I should switch." Liang Changming said, preparing himself.

"Very well, I'll be the core last. You have fun while it lasts." Han Qiu said, and then they noticed that Lei Jin had killed another one of the Royal Lords. "Now that's commendable. 6 Royal Lords felled by his hands in a matter of a month!" She smirked.

"With feats like that he makes me wish I had a Disciple to marry him as well. Such a shame I can not call him Son-in-law." Liang Changming said. "I'll just have to train a good young man well enough. Perhaps then Young Pillar will take notice." He added, with great spirit as they rushed in and continued fighting.

Lei Jin was exchanging blows with the other four now barely alive Royal Lords. "It's a shame I can't just end them all in one go. If I try that again I might get one but… then at best case one will most certainly escape me. Perhaps I should… Yes…" Lei Jin smirked with determination.

"That smirk means you're up to something! Everyone be prepared to leave." The Array Core said, anxious that he might get betrayed as well.

"Disgusting, you're learning… that could be bad. Hmmm… seems I will have to kill you all. Too bad I'm reaching my limit and I might not be able to kill all of you. Only 1 will leave alive." Lei Jin said, stretching out a middle finger and smiled.

"How dare a monster like you dare to call us disgusting! You'll pay for that!" The Royal Lords all said in agreement but then… silence.

"You won't try to abandon me when the going gets tough…" The Core thought. "I see how it is. You three bastards!"

"What!? We value our own life more than yours." One of the other three said.

"You know that Human Race saying… "I don't need to be faster than the enemy. I only need to be faster than you" With this in mind even I can escape. I am the fastest here after all." Another said, smugly. "Also, he said only one would survive. That's clearly going to be me. You idiots." He continued.

Lei Jin watched, keeping his demeanor rigid while laughing uncontrollably inside. "These idiots. They are about to kill themselves. If they ran now I would just kill as many of them as possible. But it's not like it matters much. They don't really have a decent way to heal. I can win this easily." He thought through the laughter.

The Array that the Royal Lords were using started fluctuating between different degrees of power enhancement. Occasionally reaching a point where one may see it flash into their faces. And then *BOOM* a loud explosion of power occurred when the Array fell apart. No one was controlling it so the power just kept on going. Creating a result that Lei Jin was beyond eager to see.