Old Ancestors Fight (1)

The sounds of the four Royal Lords screaming reverberated through the Void. All of the Human race army watching, had covered their ears to drown out the sound as much as possible. Then the sounds slowly died down. One of the four Ink Clan members that had been there before looked through a difficult eye to see a smug look on Lei Jin's face.

"You bastard livestock! What did you do! I'll have your head on a skewer and eat your insides for this!" One of them said, through grit teeth and clenching in pain and overwhelming agony.

"I did nothing but smile and laugh at your own incompetence. You are the ones who began fighting among yourselves. I only made a simple comment to suggest the discord. And now…" Lei Jinsaid before laughing a bit and then sighed. "You have suffered the consequences of what happens when the members of such an Array drop their trust and insist on fighting each other. You were never worthy to step onto the same battlefield I occupy." He added.

"You bastard! We will get you back for this! How dare you return us to being Territory Lords!" One shouted in anger.

"Apologies but you are no longer qualified to fight me. So I'll be killing you now. As thanks for demonstrating what happens when trust and common interest is brought to an abrupt halt. My Human Race has learned a great deal from this. So I will make it quick and only slightly painful." Lei Jin said, snapping his fingers.

"CURSE YOU! YOU DAMN LIVESTO…." The four cried out as their auras completely disappeared. Being torn apart from the very smallest parts of their bodies and souls. Being bathed in the beautiful radiant light of Lei Jin's Rainbow Light Aura. It was a truly stunning display to say the very least.

"Good riddance, you scourge of the living realm. I hope you enjoy what the King of Hell has in store for you. I bet it is quite something." Lei Jin said, taking a deep breath and exhaling. "Ten Royal Lords in just this short of a time. Thankfully they were all pathetic wastes and likely the runts of the litter. Otherwise I'm not positive I could handle a group of 5 performing the array, if they were peak Royal Lords. And I'd rather not use my trump card yet. It's best to make them wary of me first." He thought to himself as he clenched his fist. "I'll need to recover quickly and refine the other elements as soon as possible. I suspect there to be at bare minimum awake Ink Giant Spirit God or a dozen peak Royal Lords working together. Just what kind of person was it that was able to seal this place before?" He wondered. "I'll go and see how the others are faring with the weakened Royal Lord." he added, taking a step.

~~The Old Ancestors Battle~~

The two groups were relatively equal in strength and exchanged attacks with the other quite frequently. The Royal Lords only became more exhausted. While the Old Ancestors gradually grew a mutual trust between themselves.

When Lei Jin arrived the two sides had just finished a flurry of attacks that kept being neutralized by the other party. It was clear at a glance that there was now a disparity in their powers. "Hmm, it's almost as if I can see the purity of their Arrays. Interesting. The Ink Clan's version has so many inconsistencies. It's quite nice to get a break and inspect this for once." Lei Jin thought as he sighed.

"You three freaks! How are you able to contend with us! We have a 'Four Directions Array'! Are we not on par individually?" The Array core for the Royal Lords said, angrily, after the exchange just now.

"Ahahaha! Is it not obvious! We are just using you as a grindstone. You'll help us whether you like it or not." Liang Changming laughed, as he was the core of the array now.

"Oh stop it, you know it's my turn to be the core. Pass it on, why don't you." Han Qiu pestered.

"Alright alright, but when you experience this kind of improvement you'll understand why it's so good. Wow!" Liang Changming said giving in and swapping the control over to Han Qiu.

"Oh my, this is a very different sensation. Is this… Sister Azure Heart's people? No wonder the core gets so many gains.. I'll have to ask Jin'er for some people to live in my small universe as well. That would definitely change the situation." Han Qiu said, immediately upon receiving the control of the Array.

"I'm sure Lei Jin would be more than willing to do as much. Though he was a bit aggrieved when I took the fifty thousand. And it hasn't been that long since that time. So I'm not positive about the situation with them. But you could ask him after this battle." Azure Heart Old Ancestor said passing the idea on to Lei Jin in the future.

"Wait… Sister Azure Heart just said fifty thousand… but there are certainly more than that now. How did… that's impressive. They must have really tried hard for that high of an increase." Liang Changming said surprised.

"Brother is right, they care quite deeply about Jin'er and all have a desire to procreate. So it's not like all of the people living in my Small Universe are adults. There is a range and dynamic. Something that Jin'er likely thought of when giving me these original fifty thousand. A gift I am thankful for." Azure Heart Old Ancestor smiled.

"Still, to reach two hundred thousand in just 10 years. That's quite impressive." Han Qiu Old Ancestor said softly, gaining insight.

"For now let's just deal with these Royal Lords. Jin'er is waiting for us to finish this battle. So let's go all out. What do you say, Sister Han Qiu?" Azure Heart Old Ancestor said.

"I say Sister Azure Heart is right. Let us end these scourges. And cleanse Our 3000 Worlds of their kind. Jin'er has already finished his half. Let's not be too much slower than him." Han Qiu smirked with purpose.