Old Ancestors Fight (2)

The Royal Lords saw the change in their opponents' Aura. And instantly felt a mix of emotions. They had also just sensed the Auras of their companions, dwindled massively and then disappeared without a trace remaining. That was the reason they had to rest for a moment which allowed the Old Ancestors to have a short conversation.

"Everyone be on guard! That freakish Livestock might be nearby. If he intervenes things will become bleak." The Array Core of the Royal Lords said, through gritted teeth.

"That livestock brat killed 5 Royal Lords just like that! We should have listened to the report and acted accordingly." Another Royal Lord said, worried, causing the Array to destabilize slightly.

"Don't Worry too much. We still have this Array. My Ink Disciple said that trust is the most important and that willingness to fight to the end is next. So I ask you to trust me with your lives. Our goal is to flee this place as soon as we can. Which means if any of us dies, the remaining ones must reform the Array and leave at high speed. Inform the others of what happened here." The Array Core of the Royal Lords requested.

"Right! We must bring the news back properly. With such a powerful enemy… We can't let it go uncontested." The others said, correcting most of the fluctuations in the Array Formation.

"Good! Seems you're ready to fight! Let's see just how well you do." Han Qiu said, already launching an attack.

"That's not fair! We weren't ready!" The Array Core of the Royal Lords shouted, launching a quick attack to respond.

"HA HAHA HAHAHA, You say you weren't ready. I find that funny. Weren't you the ones who came to attack my Human Race first? You truly are the worst of the worst, the lowest of the low. I feel no pity for your kind. And ask the King of Hell to be the arbiter of justice when he receives your tainted and corrupt souls!" Lei Jin said, showing himself.

"You! You really are here you bastard!" A Royal Lord shouted in fear.

"Jin'er, will you be taking care of them as well?" Han Qiu asked, slightly disappointed that she might not get the chance to fight like this. Which in turn would limit the benefits she got from this fight.

"Oh, I planned on allowing you three to do the honors of spilling the enemies blood this time. I think it would be a good thing for my Human Race to see how 9th rank open heaven masters fight. Since my methods are a bit… beyond most people's reach. Likely only my descendants and their families could perform like that." Lei Jin answered calmly.

"Great, then I'm going to take full advantage of this battle." Han Qiu said with a big smile.

"That means we have a chance, brother." A Royal Lord said softly.

"You have fun. As for the Royal Lords… understand that I will intervene as I see fit. I am not a fan of watching my people die. I've seen and experienced far too much of that as it is already. I will not allow any Human Race to fall victim to the Ink Clan's people so long as I am here." Lei Jin declared, sending a wave of energy throughout the entirety of the Void.

"Enough talk! You're bluffing right now! There is no way you have the means to deal with us Royal Lords now. You had to have exhausted your power by now. Matter of fact… We will kill all four of you here and now." The Array Core of the Royal Lords shouted in anger. "How dare you underestimate us Royal Lords!" He roared, launching towards Lei Jin.

"How dare you ignore us!" Liang Changming said.

Han Qiu being the Core of the Array charged out at the Royal Lords with a far greater speed than before. This was because the fight was really about to begin.

"Ahh! Brother give control quickly! Quick! Giv… OHAAAAAAAAHHHH" One of the Royal Lords shouted out after receiving a super heavy kick straight and square in his groin.

"You don't deserve such things. I'll correct this mistake now." Han Qiu said, and a blade appeared in her hand. Then as she removed her leg the blade pierced, and with a flick of the wrist she changed the Royal Lord's Label. "That's for all of the Human Race women you captured, tormented and raped." She added with a smirk.

"Rahhhhhh! Fucking livestock bitch! Why shouldn't I enjoy your race's women for myself! I'll have my fill of you next for this embarrassment!" The Royal Lord cried in pain and embarrassment.

Lei Jin appeared and gave the Royal Lord what looked like a single slap. But there were in reality thousands. All on his face. "HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH BOLD WORDS TO MY MOTHER-IN-LAW! You should fall on the sword and kill yourself now because it will be a whole lot less painful than what I now have in store for you!" Lei Jin said, fuming with anger. He tried to let the Old Ancestors handle it but the Royal Lords crossed the line already.

Then a hand appeared on his shoulder. "Jin'er it's fine. He can say what he likes. I'll rip him apart later. Slowly… extremely slowly." Han Qiu said, softly. "But right now, I want to fight them. So please take a rest." She added with a smile.

"As you wish mother, but if they even remotely touch you in such a manner I won't hold back. I will unleash all my fury upon them. So be prepared to leave the battlefield if that happens." Lei Jin said, still shaking with fury. Family being insulted is the one thing he can't make even a single excuse to accept it.

"In that case, Brother Liang and myself would like to have some people migrate to each of our Small universes." Han Qiu said, laying that condition knowing he would agree to it, given the circumstances.

"Hmmm… There should be enough that it won't cause too much in the way of problems. I don't see a problem with it. Though I don't know how many I can give right now. Allow me to check after this battle." Lei Jin said, agreeing.

"Good! Then sit back and watch. I'll make them all regret their companions' words." Han Qiu smiled, hiding her own anger.