The Battle of Black Prison Territory

"You really think I will be defeated by such things? You would be amusing if you weren't so stupid." Lei Jin said through grit and anger.

What followed his statement was nothing short of impressive. His Aura moved like whips through the void targeting the Ink Disciples and teleporting them over to one of the Azure-Void's Ship decks. The Ink Disciples remained as such. Seeing this the children of Lei Jin sprang into action. Forming multiple 3 Directions Arrays and surged their Auras to cleans the Ink Force. 

It may have been dangerous, but what could a 4th or 5th rank do in the presence of a 7th rank master ready to intercept them. Lei Jin's children on the other hand could use this time to gain more practice with their aura. After all, gain can only be achieved when one first exhausts oneself and recovers. There is no shortcut. 

It was an unfortunate reality that even Lei Jin had to bend his ideals a little. Even though he wanted his children to never know the horror of such battles… In this case it was undeniably the thing to do. The efforts of Lei Jin's Children were not much. But even still they were enough that it alleviated a slight effort on Lei Jin's part. Something he felt a great pride in his heart brewing and bubbling to the surface. Another reason to fight.

"You bastard! How dare you ruin our plans! It took us years to come up with that strategy!" A Rouge Royal Lord called out angry.

"If it took you that long to come up with such a useless strategy then you must be dumber than I thought." Lei Jin sighed. "But there is no need to wonder about that. As the time for talk has passed. It's time you die." Lei Jin said, shaking his head, annoyed. 

At that moment a surge of power came from Lei Jin. One so powerful a seal quivered and began weakening. The wave radiated through the void and resonated with the Great Territory. The reverberations like before had been felt in neighboring Territories. Even extending all the way through all of the Major Forces and beyond. It even gave the World Tree a slight breath of fresh air so to speak. 

~~Chaotic Dead Territory~~

Zhang Ruo Xi could be seen in the Lotus position cultivating, with an incredibly calm and powerful spirit. Then a light smile appeared on her face. "Brother-In-Law, the Young Pillar… Lei Jin. He must be fighting now." She said, while retaining focus on her cultivation. 

"That… that was the strong man!" Sister Lan said, with a bead of sweat dripping down her face. 

"Yes, and it seems like he is going all out. For the first time. The enemy must be immense and fierce this time around. I hope he can win." Ruo Xi said, finishing her practice for the moment and took a big stretch. 

"I… I don't think that will be a problem… He is very strong." Sister Lan commented hugging Ruo Xi like the little kid she acted like. 

"Oh and why's that? From what I could tell He has only refined 5 elements. Even for him it would be quite difficult to defeat a couple dozen Royal Lords and there is the threat that the Ink Giant Spirit God provides." Ruo Xi asked curiously and held sister Lan close making her feel comfortable. 

"Mother, you should sense that again. That wave of energy… I'm afraid it was nearing about half of my strength. A feat that should be commended. But it isn't just that…" Brother Huang said, with a bead of sweat running down his face. "If he and I fought… it might be my loss… And he has yet to break through to the next Major Realm…" He thought as he also hugged Ruo Xi.

"That's right mommy. You haven't been sensing the Yin & Yang as clearly as we have. Maybe you will see it this time." Sister Lan said, with a cute smile and nuzzling close. 

Ruo Xi was quite curious about the comments and entered a deep focus sensing the whole situation. "Oh my… Last I saw him… he only had 3 Elements refined… Now he has… wow. Who could beat him now? Even you two say he is strong." She said, opening her eyes quickly leaving the focused trance-like state she sent herself to. 

"We could take him… for now at least." Brother Huang said, enjoying the warm hug. 

"He can control his strength which means he is already beyond our power in a sense." Sister Lan admitted. 

"He can use all of his strength while you can only use a portion of it an

~~Black Prison Territory~~

"Where did this strength come from!" Another Royal Lord called out in fear. 

"The human Race has another sort of realm called the Half-Open Heaven. I didn't think it came with a boost in power. Care to tell us why?" Their leader asked, glaring at Lei Jin. 

"Ahahaha! You thought that if one completes the formation of worldly powers… You really are stupid beyond my expectations. OF COURSE THERE IS A BENEFIT! Each force creates and destroys another. The cycle churns on. Only becoming stronger with each element. You miss calculated. And now I can only hope you've washed that neck of yours. Even though I doubt that you could clean off so much filth with any amount of effort." Lei Jin said, vanishing and then reappearing with the corpses of two Royal Lords. He smirked, and thus began the battle. 

"Ready yourselves! And circulate the Arrays. We must kill him today! ATTACK!" A Royal Lord Ordered. 

The Void became filled with the Ink Clan's Royal Lords attacks directed at Lei Jin. They were too stupid to aim at anything else. "Make it easy on me, why don't you…" Lei Jin thought, as he proceeded to battle it out with the Royal Lords. 

The Void was chaotic at this time and the battles were fierce. Yet there was another threat coming. The Ink Giant Spirit God. There was no time for leisure now. It was time for war to defend their home. Their family and their people.