Midwives Test

The 40 midwives that had never once experienced Lei Jin's aura, nearly fainted. Each having to activate their full strength in order to avoid catastrophe. 

"Husband, I think the midwives might not be able to handle the full power of your presence. One of them is about to collapse." Qing Ning mentioned. 

A barrier of sorts appeared around the midwives. And the burden they had felt before was significantly lessened to a bearable degree. And a look of relief appeared on the women's faces. Sweat rolled down their forehead after an experience like that. 

"Pillar Lei Jin's aura is quite impressive. I overestimated myself. Thank you for teaching me this lesson. I won't soon forget it." One of the midwives said, saluting with a deep bow. 

"It's fine, everyone needs time to learn things they do not fully understand. For now Open your small universe's and I'll restore the True Rainbow you have. And you can have these resources. Be sure to think clearly about what materials you choose to refine. You only have about 2 to 3 months. So be smart about it." Lei Jin said, handing them a bunch of resources for their respective ranks.

"Hmm… It's the same amount and same resources? Does this mean that there is indeed a right answer?" Another midwife asked, confused about the situation. 

"There may or there may not be. The answer is up to you to discover if there is one or not. Though if you read into it clearly you'll understand if for yourself. Because only when one knows oneself can one truly understand others. If you don't manage to figure this out I will grant you one answer to one question. But you must ask the right question, understand?" Lei Jin said, speaking in riddles. 

"Madam Qing Ning, Is the Pillar Lei Jin always this mysterious? I kind of like it." Another midwife asked, the currently giggling Qing Ning. 

"Who, my Husband? No, he has already given you the answer that you sought. It wasn't hidden much at all actually. And in fact I'd say that he was more direct than the things he tells our children. You're quite lucky that he gave you the answer." Qing Ning giggled. 

"Is that right? Well then I will consider this a great honor then." The midwife said, confused, but also knowing she really shouldn't question further.

"That's right, Lei Jin, doesn't give anyone the answer right away. And he tailors his teaching for the individual. It's just that in this case all 40 of you were curious about the same thing. I do hope you figure it out. I'll add that if you can't figure it out it is likely that you are overthinking it. So just do your best and relax. Cultivate diligently and you'll find the answer." Xin Xia said, with a giggle. 

~~2 Months Later~~

Lei Jin retracted his aura and began stretching. He grew a significant amount over the last couple of months. The amount of Low rank and worlds continued decreasing. And the high ranking worlds increased. The mid ranks also increased but they are subjected to fluctuation as a fundamental result of being in the… well… the middle. Such is the nature of his cultivation. 

However, he was unable to cultivate the methods with his wives this time. And so his growth was slightly slowed. But not by a significant amount of course. After all, he was the core and always would be. None of his wives would be able to handle bearing all of his power.

In any case it was time for him to prepare more of the Artifact Worlds to generate resources, as well as, test something else out. This would be easy and quick for him to verify. So it was of the utmost importance. It also just so happened to be a task he could easily drop or put on pause so he could dote all over his newborns when they come around. Shouldn't be much longer now. 

Lei Jin had another thing to worry about for the moment though given the task he had given the midwives prior. It had come time to see if they had figured it out. Lei Jin hoped they had since when he thought about it, deeply of course. Even his children when they were rather young only took a few breaths to understand his meaning. 

"If the open heaven cultivators can't figure this out I'll have a very different problem on my hands. After all, a competent enemy is still a better situation than incompetent ally." He remarked through the connection between his family's women. 

"I agree, It would be quite difficult to fight a war on the scale Husband is thinking if we have incompetent allies." Chen Yun mentioned in agreement. 

"Pillar Lei Jin, we thank you for your guidance." The midwives said, seemingly realizing something was up. 

"So, have you figured it out yet?" Lei Jin asked, thinking he knew the answer to his question. 

"Indeed, And the answer was that we must know it for ourselves. And I have to say my cultivation advanced more in these two months than it has in the last 2 years. With Pillar… Supreme Master Lei Jin's advice, I have increased my cultivation speed by more than ten times." One of the midwives mentioned. 

"I also improved, about 8x times faster than normal. I have the Supreme Master Lei Jin to thank for this. 

The other midwives all started clamoring to say similar praises. Lei Jin raised a hand indicating for them to calm down. 

"The improvement you made this time was through your own effort. I only gave you the chance to walk along the path. But it was up to you to decide to walk it or not. So give yourself some worthy praises. As a reward for performing well you may continue to lounge here and chat among my family until the babies start coming. Just don't disturb me in my efforts." Lei Jin said, in a calm and respectful tone, carrying the dignity of a supreme master. 

Afterwards, Lei Jin went to work on refining more Artifact Worlds. And generating more of the Highest Rank Materials. After all, he was going to require a lot of them.