Children Begin Training

While the wives and concubines were doing their thing, Lei Jin had all the children 5 years and older. It was time for them to learn how to cultivate for themselves. To rise and be strong like their father. But in an environment unlike the one he grew up in. 

Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan arrived and sat down in the lotus position. Both eager to see what their father would have them practice this time. Moon's Nether Glimmer, Sun's Burning Shine and Forest's Morning Dew were waiting in a similar fashion. Each clearly excited since today was likely going to be the day that they learned a new step in their control. 

"You are now all present for practice. Forest's Morning Dew, you are going to start learning to control your power for yourself today. And your big sister and big brother will help you with the first few steps. This is the only method that you need to learn for the moment. And it is also something that all of you should learn. It is the key behind commanding your Divine Body's Innate Power. This includes the Rainbow Aura. However, my children, you must reach the Flowing Qi realm first before your Divine body's power will begin to truly manifest. So begin by practicing these moves." Lei Jin said, sending them all a book with unusually highly detailed movements. 

Xiao Ling caught a glimpse of one of the books. "Daddy, do we get to learn moves like this?" She asked. 

"No, I have something else for you two. But it will take some time to explain it properly. I want to make sure your brothers and sisters are set up to practice while I show you the thing. Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan, you both have an Inner Domain similar in nature to mine. So I will show you something in mine that might lead to a development for yourselves." Lei Jin explained. 

"Okay, daddy! We will focus on helping the people in our Inner Domain for a little while." Xiao Dan smiled, excited. 

"Before that, you may each have one of these to add to your Inner Domain. With the improvements you have made since last time there shouldn't be any problems." Lei Jin said, placing an artifact world in each of their laps. 

"Ohhhh! Thank you, daddy!" The two girls said as their faces lit up with excitement. Then proceeded to begin the process. 

"Now then, as for the rest of you. Your strength is similar to how I started out." Lei Jin started explaining. 

"Oh! Was daddy small like us too?" One of the boys asked, eagerly.

"Yeah, yeah, and our mommies were small and pretty too, right?" One of the girls asked. 

This instantly changed the scene into one of pure curiosity. And Lei Jin couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "That's right, I was small once just like you. And so were your mothers. But as time ebbs and flows one grows taller, wiser, and stronger, and in the case of your mothers. More beautiful with each passing day. Let's begin the lesson now. I will demonstrate the motions for you first so pay attention." He said, making his wives and concubines blush. 

~~2 Months Later~~

Lei Jin was watching his children's progress. And noticed that there was no longer anything to teach them. At least for this part of their training. Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan had finished integrating their new artifact world into their being. Which had a clear effect on their strength. A significant change as compared to Lei Jin's when a new world is added to his Inner Domain. 

"Alright, from here on you must listen to your mothers diligently. I will be instructing Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan on the things they need to learn." Lei Jin said, waving his hand taking Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan into his Inner Domain, effortlessly.

"Alright children, keep practicing for us. If you have questions then us mommies will do our best to answer. And if you get thirsty, come and have a drink." Qing Ning instructed. 

"Yes Mommy!" The children said. 

"I wanna be strong and handsome like daddy is!" Some of the boys said, and then went to practice even harder. 

"And I wanna be beautiful like our mommies! And then have babies too!" Some of the girls said, stopping all the children training for a moment.

The brother's and sisters looked at each other, then giggled. "One thing we all agree on though. Is to be strong like daddy." They said in unison and then went back to training in earnest.

~~Inside Lei Jin's Inner Domain~~

"WOW! Daddy is really crazy strong! Sister and I only have 66 worlds. But daddy has more than… uhm… how many now?" Xiao Dan exclaimed, getting confused by the sheer number. 

"What are you getting confused about, sister? Daddy has a whole lot of worlds that how many." Xiao Ling said, stretching arms out as far as she could. 

"Alright, I have hundreds of millions of worlds in my Inner domain. It's not something just anybody can achieve though. And everyone has their own limits. So keep that in mind. Now then this is the thing I wanted to show you." Lei Jin said, pointing out the disk he found earlier 

"What is this thing daddy? It looks so shiny and round… It's pretty." Xiao Ling asked, immediately inspecting it. 

"I don't know what this is either, daddy. What does it do?" Xiao Dan said, confused, and put a finger to her lips after asking. 

Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan then tilted their heads trying to figure out why this thing was so important to have their father show it to them. 

Lei Jin chuckled and tossed in a set of resources. "Watch this closely." He instructed. "And you'll naturally know it yourself." He added, chuckling 

When the Disk whirred up and started condensing the strength of the resources, The two girls' faces lit up with a great wonder and curiosity. With a look of utter entrancement at the display ongoing before them. They could only mutter one word… "Beautiful". They stayed this way for a short time after it was over as well just trying to wrap their heads around just how amazing what they witnessed was.