Creating True Inner Domains

Lei Jin smiled and patted Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan's heads. "So what do you two think about this thing? I've already done some tests with it previously And I want to see if the two of you can gain access to one of your own." He said. 

"Can we really have one of these amazing things?" Xiao Ling asked, as her eyes widened with excitement and a big smile accompanied them. 

"Ohhh! So cool, so cool! Daddy, daddy, I want to get one of these things. Can I have one please? It looks so pretty!" Xiao Dan exclaimed, looking up at her father while pointing at the disk. 

Both girls were clearly very excited and waited for an answer. "It was my intention for the two of you to learn this thing for yourself. However, as I said earlier I have already done a few tests and have come to understand what I believe may be a few of the requirements. One of which is to learn how to refine an Artifact World from scratch. This means you'll both be learning the Dao of Artifact Refinement." Lei Jin explained, calmly. 

"Daddy, can we even learn how to refine artifacts?" Xiao Dan asked, curiously.

"Yeah, yeah, daddy made us through artifact refinement. Is… is it not possible…" Xiao Ling asked, tearing up. 

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to teach you everything you'll need to know. And one more thing we must do is prepare your Inner Domains for this change. Meaning you need to make your Inner Domains akin to mine. This is necessary as well. Because without it there is no perfect directional sequence." Lei Jin explained, calming them down. 

Lei Jin then showed them an image of the layout inside his inner domain. It was only a small portion of it but the principle was the same throughout. He was forced to take a small sample size due to their lack of understanding of big numbers. So what they saw was the perfect circle of the 9th rank worlds. And a link chain going from a 9th rank to 9 8th rank level worlds. Then so on and so forth.

"This is a sample portion of the layout in my Inner Domain. Right now neither of you have many high rank worlds and they are probably all different in terms of strength. However, so long as you have 3 you'll be fine to begin this process. The good news is that you both have 3 high rank equivalent worlds. So it is possible to begin this process. And I will help you throughout the process. So there is no need to worry about anything. I'll resolve all problems if they come up." Lei Jin explained assuring the two girls that they were going to be alright, either way. 

"Then can we start now daddy? I want a pretty disk like that too." Xiao Ling asked, eager to get started.

"Me too, me too daddy, I want a pretty disk as well." Xiao Dan said, beaming with excitement.

"Assume the lotus position and surge all of your strength to its peak." Lei Jin instructed. 

"Yes!" The two girls said and did exactly what their father asked. 

Lei Jin, then surged his strength wrapping each and every one of both of their worlds. "Citizens of the world. My daughters are going to be performing a massive change to their cultivation. But fear not! I, Lei Jin, have stabilized your worlds. Feel free to continue your lives free of fear. There may be some shaking from time to time but you will all be fine. And I thank you all for your efforts. It has not gone unnoticed and nor will it ever be as such. As thanks…" He announced, to all of the people in Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan's worlds. Then a second surge of his power was felt by all. 

"Daddy's power is so warm and mighty." Xiao Ling said.

"That's right! Daddy is the bestest there is!" Xiao Dan cheered. 

"The Supreme Master has granted a gift! We will strive to be deserving of such a gift!" The people throughout their worlds said with an emotional response. 

"No need to change yourselves. In my eyes you are already worthy of such gifts. But if you still feel like you are lacking in worthiness… Then live your lives with love and raise your children right. So they may live in honor and dignity as well. And from now on, anyone that reaches the emperor realm will be given the chance to leave the worlds of their origins and ascend to a higher realm. Do keep in mind everywhere needs emperors to keep the world's cultivation on track. This means that not everyone can leave. So you must work hard to stand tall." Lei Jin said in his final announcement to the people. 

"Daddy, we're ready to begin arranging the worlds." Xiao Ling said. 

"Daddy, we have the pattern down now." Xiao Dan smiled. 

"Good! Begin!" Lei Jin said. 

In the next instant both girls began glowing a familiar glow. The glow that they gave off when they were first created through refinement. And a thick and heavy haze appeared around them, showing exactly why they were doing this in a super remote part of Lei Jin's Inner Domain. Because they were both creating a few ripples that would shake an Open Heaven's existence. 

Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan were working hard and finally managed to separate their worlds from each other. And Lei Jin removed the Worlds from their core to facilitate their breakthrough. Their cores instantly churned into a frenzy creating something new. Something interesting. A seemingly empty space began growing. It was a true Inner Domain like the one Lei Jin had. Akin to the Great Domains of the 3000 Worlds. 

A clear change in their strengths manifested. And a radial pulse released several breaths later. The Inner Domain properly formed ready to accept the worlds back into their Inner domains. Lei Jin sent the worlds back to them one at a time. The girls showing a new found willpower began aligning each and every world in proper formation. Until the last one…

"Daddy… Father, I could stop now, but I feel like I can go further. Does father have more Artifact Worlds he can give this daughter of his?" Xiao Ling said, in a slightly more mature tone. 

"Me too Daddy, I can handle some more worlds too." Xiao Dan commented.