Many New 8th Ranks

~~A Few Years Later~~

Lei Jin had improved his and all of his wives' cultivation significantly after forming the link. With a constant flow of World Force or Ancient Source Qi, it was inevitable. The concubines were no exception to this. However it was once again time for them to get their procreation on. Which meant handing the children over to their grandparents once again. 

"Husband, don't forget we are getting 3 more sisters this time. All three of them are beautiful phoenixes." Qing Ning giggled loudly.

All the children heard this and looked right at their father, Lei Jin. "Daddy! Daddy! Are we really getting 3 more mommies!?" They said with a look of utter excitement. 

"It's indeed likely to happen this time. But don't let that get you sidetracked from your training. You'll likely have more children to make friends with this time around as well. So try to make some friends." Lei Jin smiled, a warm fatherly smile and changed the subject. 

"This child understands. And will listen to father's advice." The children stated relatively plainly. 

"Daddy! Are we going to see grandma now?" Yue Biya's little girl asked, looking up at Lei Jin curious. "What is grandma like?" She asked curiously, tugging gently on Lei Jin's finger. 

"Since you're curious, the others are probably just as curious. So why don't we go and see them now?" Lei Jin said, picking up his little girl into his arms and then teleported everyone out of the room instantly.

~~The Deck of Azure Void's Flagship~~

"Hmm… Not bad, you have all done well. So we will help you prepare your welcoming speech for when you get Migrants for yourself." Liang Changming chuckled happily as he stroked his beard. "With this many new 8th ranks Lei Jin the newly dubbed Supreme Master will definitely be happy. But I'm curious… Why did he not change the flow of time just yet? Surely he isn't waiting for some arbitrary reason?" He thought looking at the now thousands of 8th rank Open Heavens. Many of which were now at the peak thanks to the basically infinite resources they had at their disposal. 

"I'm curious… How exactly did you manage to get so many to promote so soon? Surely there was a method?" The first newly promoted 9th rank asked. His brow raised and overly picky. 

Lei Jin and his family appeared at this time. Which was akin to flooding the once serious atmosphere with a bunch of smiles and children running around inspecting things. "They used the Multi-directional arrays as a pseudo-connection. It's similar to how the many universe worlds in my inner domain function. And eerily close to the method my wives and I use. It's quite genius. The 8th rank core can control the strength of numerous 7th ranks after all. The only limit is how much the 7th rank can handle at that point. And with the rate of consumption that 8th ranks have, what resources can they not refine?" Lei Jin informed, as he placed a hand on that 9th ranks shoulder. 

"I see, and from there the 7th ranks can benefit a great deal. It's like 10 times the result with half the… no, with half of a half the effort. But even with that… Oh, interesting. Doing this method does not exclude the 7th ranks from refining resources either. And it could be used in a systematic method where one promotes at a time thereby rapidly improving the results each time. In this manner one could… that's a bit terrifying, such speed is too good. We should adopt this across the board." That same 9th rank said, in surprise at the realization. 

"You've touched upon the surface. However this method has a flaw hidden within it. It's not a big one so it could be easily missed or dismissed as negligible. Can any of you answer what the flaw may be?" Lei Jin half explained and half asked. One of the 8th ranks stood up cupping her hands and bowed deeply and respectfully. "Go ahead." Lei Jin continued. 

"Supreme Master, sir, This humble one believes the hidden flaw to be an inherent flaw. One that leaves the last one to break through with the least benefit of having no training in handling their new found 8th rank strength. I wonder, what does sir think?" The woman said, in a soft, tender, yet awe filled tone. "I can't believe it! I actually got to speak to the Supreme Master directly! Hehehe, I love this feeling. I'm totally going to brag to all my sisters later about this one." She thought as her mind went crazy with thoughts of a forbidden lustful admiration for Lei Jin.

"This is indeed the case. Since you have figured out the problem, surely you have thought of the solution to this problem?" Lei Jin smirked, testing not only the woman but everyone else. It really was an incredibly easy solution and one they have been doing ever since they started cultivating since the age of 5. 

There was sadly no response. And instead a big debate started among the 8th ranks about what the solution might be. And the 9th ranks next to Lei Jin couldn't help but sigh. "Since Supreme Master Lei Jin wishes for them to figure it out on their own. This Liang will refrain from explaining the method. Especially since they already know it." Liang Changming sighed. 

"Daddy?" Flare's Scorching Conflagration asked tugging on Lei Jin's outfit, as she looked up with a cute look of wonder and curiosity. 

Lei Jin picked her up in his other arm after removing his hand from the 9th rank's shoulder. "What does my darling flare want to ask?" Lei Jin asked with a smile and gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

"Do these people really not know the answer? Isn't it the same thing you taught all of us? You know the control thingy?" Flare's Scorching Conflagration asked, hugging Lei Jin. 

"Sister is right! It's that control thingy daddy always talks about. It can help even Big brother Sun and big sister Moon get stronger." Yue Biya's little girl said, excited and then the two looked into their fathers eyes. Clearly looking for approval. 

"Ahahaha, my daughters are quite smart. Indeed you're correct one must never lose sight of the basics when journeying to the mountain peak. These 8th ranks simply need to practice their control a little bit more. That's all, otherwise when they attempt to handle the process of breaking through to the 9th rank each and everyone of them will fail. It is important to always balance power with control and speed." Lei Jin laughed and smiled, hugging his smart daughters.