Many New 9th Ranks

The 8th ranks after over hearing the two little girls talk, revealing the secret, they realized just how dumb they were being. Embarrassed, one of the newly promoted 8th ranks couldn't help but stand up. "The Supreme Master has opened this one's eyes today. I will strive to make up for this oversight in my cultivation." He said, shaking as he bowed so deep one could mistake him with a rickety table. So of course the two little girls couldn't help but giggle. 

"Ahahaha, no need to worry about that. Everyone needs help to strive for the proper path. Once you reach the point of the 8th rank it becomes increasingly more important to never once discount the basics." Lei Jin said, glancing over at the remaining Peak 8th ranks that have been attempting to break through since the start of the Army's Seclusion. 

What happened next blew everyone's mind. Save for Lei Jin and his wives. This was due to him personally keeping an eye on them. He wanted to act immediately in the event there was a mishap. So naturally he was secretly giving these 8th ranks some vague hints over the years. All of it combined together to form this. That said, he was a bit surprised at how well the method the other newer 8th ranks had been using, worked. But it wasn't as if he was unaware. Just impressed. 

Seemingly all at once the remaining peak 8th ranks broke through to the 9th rank open heaven realm. In an event that shook a small portion of the area. It was after all, several dozen 8th ranks performing an unnaturally difficult breakthrough. All at once. 

Once the newly minted 9th ranks realized what happened. They quickly made note of just how ludicrous this power increase was. Showing it on their faces. Then they looked at each other and then over to Lei Jin and then back to each other all wearing difficult faces. They followed it up by landing, cupping their hands and bowing in what they guessed would be proper. 

"Thanks to the Supreme Master's guidance we have finally managed to break past that final hurdle. We are in your debt." The eldest of them spoke. "Incidentally the supreme master's strength is so mighty we can still not see its heights. I hope we don't offend you by not giving proper courtesy." He continued. 

"Ahahaha! There is no need to worry. I'm not one to be overly strict about things like that. Lest the situation is serious I won't push anybody beyond the limits if they are comfortable. So I may feel at ease around me. It was I who requested you to attempt this breakthrough. Now that you have succeeded in doing so, it is I who should be thanking you." Lei Jin laughed, completely unbothered by the situation. 

"The Supreme Master means?" The spokesman of the group asked, wearing a puzzled face. Though he couldn't help but relax after hearing Lei Jin's words. "It's like a father letting his children relax from formality while at home." He thought, waiting for a response. 

"I am the one that will be relying on you. I intend on building the most powerful of mountain ranges. And now I have added many tall peaks among that very range. Because, remember this and remember it well. Everyone here is a valuable member of our Human Race's allied army. I also won't be of much aid in the battles to come. Ink, the progenitor of the Ink Clan, he is my opponent. I must be at my absolute best for that fight. Which is why I am thanking you. Every time anyone does anything in this protection it grants me just a sliver more understanding of my own power and ability. Thereby increasing my fighting potential while also increasing the masters of the army." Lei Jin answered, explaining more of the plan. 

"Wait just a second here… We now have more than double the Royal Lords on the Ink Battlefield. Couldn't we go now and sweep through the Ink Battlefield? Or does the Supreme Master have different thoughts?" One of the newer but not brand new 9th ranks asked, rubbing their chin in thought. 

"It would be useless to go now. The report I got from my master was there weren't any significant hands being played. Which is why we must hide our trump card at all costs. I suspect that the Ink Clan's Royal Lords are attempting something similar to us right now. But what they don't understand is just how much more powerful we actually are. The first ten had performed an incredible feat in sealing the Ink Clan's Progenitor, Ink. This means that their most powerful piece has been out of play all this time. Yet they have Ink Giant spirit Gods. Even I don't know the exact number of those that are out there. With all of this information, I have decided that we should follow a different path." Lei Jin answered, revealing a few details of the situation and thus why he thinks the way he does. 

"If that's the case then…how are we supposed to deal with the Ink Giant Spirit Gods? As far as I know, the only ones that are strong enough to handle them…" A 9th rank started saying, then stopped. "The Supreme Master must already know this… I should let him explain before embarrassing myself." They thought. 

"A simple change in our thinking is all that is needed. First of all, how many 9th ranks can form a 6 directions array?" Lei Jin said, posing the question. 

"Currently, none of us can manage to get past 5. And even that is quite unstable. The most stable is the 3 directions. And then 4 directions, though even that has some flaws still." Another 9th rank said. 

"And this lies the problem. None of you are putting enough trust into each other. You all trust or believe in me quite a bit. You should also put the same faith in your realm's peers. I'm not saying it will be easy. But I am saying it should be done. I'll give you some motivation to help. If you manage to perfect the 6 directions array… There is no Ink Giant Spirit God that could hope to win against you. And that is as you are now. What do you think it would be if you were at the peak?" Lei Jin said, hinting with a confident smirk on his face.