Shi Revived

Cang looked at the orb-like artifact he was handed. His face grew to show a difficult expression. His shock was palpable. And then he started refining the resources produced from it after shoving it inside his small universe. 

"Young man, this thing you've given me is nothing short of outstanding. And you said you have more of them?" Cang said, wearing a confused and hopeful look. 

"Indeed, I have so many of them that I lost track. A few of my disciples learned how to replicate my refinement of these and then they decided they would handle the rest themselves. I won't tell you the count of them since it seems like there is an eavesdropper. But senior Cang doesn't need to worry about accepting that gift." Lei Jin explained. 

"I see, then…" Cang started saying. 

"I could give you more but it won't help you out enough to be worth it. Unless, there is something else you have to say I don't know about." Lei Jin interrupted. "Those are designed to match the refinement of the average cultivator. And even then they could use all of it. But I suspect you will be able to. Instead, I'll treat you to some good food and wine." He added, snapping his fingers and a large spread of food appeared on the table and a stack of several jugs of wine appeared as well. 

"Then I should thank you for this as well. And you take this back from this old man." Cang said, as a beam of soul light flew into Wu Kuang's head. 

"Ahahaha! It was successful! I really did reincarnate! How is it, Cang?" Shi, the newly reformed Devourer asked laughing.

"Welcome back old friend. As you can see for yourself, the situation wasn't too good. My strength nearly left me completely. If it wasn't for our new little friend bridging you back here I would have had a hard time holding on for another thousand years." Cang smiled with a chuckle. 

"I see, I wonder though, Lei Jin, how exactly did you know I was Shi?" Shi asked. 

"That was honestly the easiest part of the whole thing. Out of everyone in history there had only been one other that had the ability to devour anything and everything. I would have to be an idiot to not know after reaching my current strength." Lei Jin said, plainly. "Instead of talking about those things, I'd like to ask about Seniors to hold Ink back together. I could fight him now but I'd prefer to save that for after the armies have had a chance to recover." He added. 

"With this old man's strength on the road to recovery and the addition of Shi here with me, holding Ink back in this cage won't be too difficult. I alone could guarantee a solid 10 to 20 thousand years. But with Shi helping out that number is only going to rise." Cang laughed. "Though I do have a request… If you don't mind weakening him a bit It would help out a lot." He added with a slightly nervous look. 

"No need to worry about that. I'll weaken his forces considerably. Give me a second." Lei Jin said. 

"Oh yeah! And just how do you plan on doing that puny weakling! I am infinite!" Ink yelled out, opting to break his silence. 

Lei Jin snapped his fingers. And the Ink Clan within the restriction suffered massive and absolute losses. Ink Giant Spirit Gods died by the dozen. Royal Lords died by the hundreds. And everything below them died by nearly incalculable levels. This rapid and massive culling of the Ink Clan went on until there were only a few tens of billions remaining, or in other words just a few seconds. 

"What! How dare you! I'll just create them again! I'll get out and kill you right now!" Ink Roared angrily. "Heh this is the spot I tried attacking the last time and considerably weakened it as a result. I'll hit it here again." Ink thought, as he angrily rushed to the weak point. 

"Do you really think I was simply culling your clan? You must be far weaker and dumber to not understand this point. You would need to be at least several million times stronger than you are currently, to escape my reinforcement of this restriction. Oh, before I forget I added a little extra gift for you in there. Good luck with increasing your numbers, you petulant child." Lei Jin said with a confident smirk. 

"You… What did you do? I'll just go to this world… Ah I'll fucking kill you for this!" Ink roared in pain after being exposed to the True Rainbows throughout the entirety of all the worlds contained within the Heavenly Beginning Great Restriction. 

"I simply made it far more difficult for you. Mostly because I don't really feel like killing you just yet. I have… some other individuals to take care of first. I guess you could consider it a personal vendetta. But I refuse to let anyone else kill those 5 territory lords." Lei Jin said, with a stone cold gaze in the direction that Ink was hiding. 

"How… how does he know where I am hiding… Just how strong is he?" Ink thought, to gain the confidence to speak under Lei Jin's gaze. "No matter how strong you are, you'll never be able to kill me! Even that Bitch first light wasn't able to do it!" Ink said, as he laughed nervously. 

A massive surge of energy could be felt coming from Lei Jin, he was angry now. "Congratulations Ink. You have actually managed to piss me off to an even greater extent. I'll enjoy the moment I watch the life the world wrongly granted you, finally leave your eyes, slowly, and incredibly painfully." Lei Jin smiled with murderous intent. A thick killing intent that put even Ink's full power to shame. 

"Foolish! I'll just grow stronger from… Wait! Why is your killing intent not strengthening my power!" Ink yelled furiously. 

"Because you rely on borrowed strength. Whereas I don't. There is no way for you to defeat me. Nor become empowered by me. It is why only I have the power needed to kill you, Ink." Lei Jin coldly stated.