Prelude To Vengeance

Ink fell into absolute silence at that very moment. His fear could be said to be palpable. It was the first time in a long time that Ink felt anything other than anger. "I… What is this feeling? I… I don't think I can beat him as I am now. But why? How is he stronger than me? I am a part of this world am I not? A fundamental force?" Ink thought as he trembled in terror for the first time ever.

"Seniors, please excuse my outburst just now. But I can't overlook Ink's comment. My 10th wife has inherited the First Light's Source and is rapidly improving her strength. Hearing a petulant child use such language is a bit irritating to say the least. Insulting the ancestor of my wife is akin to insulting my very own family. And I have never let anyone who speaks in such ways… Well, let's just say they don't have good ends." Lei Jin said with a sigh. 

"Oh please, don't worry about it. This old man hasn't seen Ink that terrified in all his life. It makes me wonder just how powerful you are." Cang chuckled lightly. "You've given this old man a new lease on life and now shown me something so funny. How could this old man hold it against you?" He added, and then began chugging some wine. 

"Good, now then, You go and do what you must. Leave this cage to Old Cang and myself. There must be something you have to do right?" Shi said, then shoved a large piece of meat in his mouth. "Damn this food is good! It's like it was raised for the express purpose of getting this flavor. Mhmm!" He added with a satisfied happy laugh. 

"Well, before I came here I wasn't exactly sure on how to kill Ink once and for all. But now I'm positive it won't be as much effort as I had originally thought. The fool probably thinks he is a part of this World. Such a damn fool. It's almost annoying that I cultivated this much strength just to deal with him. I overestimated his connection to the world. It seems like this war will be much easier to finish up." Lei Jin sighed. "Though I would still ask Seniors to watch this place for a little bit longer. My Human Race and our Ancient Allies could use a moment to breathe a breath of fresh air. And I still need to pay respects to my master and… make 5 Territory Lords feel the worst imaginable pain ever devised." Lei Jin said, standing up and stretching. "Senior Cang should take this as well, you'll thank me later." He said tossing a similar item over to Cang, and then Lei Jin vanished from the area. 

"Hmm, I wonder what this is… Oh! That young Lei Jin… This is a gift I don't fully understand how he could give so easily…" Cang said, shaking as tears nearly started to fall. 

"Just accept it, Cang. To be honest, if what is contained in that thing is what I suspect. Then you really have no need to worry. That Young man is called the Supreme Master for a reason. His power… I can't even comprehend. Let alone hope to defeat. I'd rather fight a thousand Ink's than be forced to fight Lei Jin." Shi said, then looked over at Cang with a serious look. "It would be much easier to fight Ink and win than it would be to hold a candle against Lei Jin's wind." He sighed. 

"I see, then this old man won't refuse the offer. With this I won't have nearly as much trouble staying alive here for longer." Cang chuckled. "Though, I am slightly concerned about Lei Jin's power. How is it that he possesses such strength and what if he turns…" He sighed, as he put the item into his small Universe and migrated a million people over.

"Like I said, I can't comprehend it. Though he has said it functions similarly to the Open Heaven Realm. Just on a scale that… Well, he and I had a short conversation about it on the way here. And apparently he can do this kind of stuff…" Shi said, sending the rest of the information via a light beam instead of speaking. "As you can see, it's not for Ink to hear." He added. 

"I… I can see why. So he really won't turn on my Human Race. His heart is indeed pure. You hear that old friends? Our Human Race has been blessed with a powerful Master surpassing all reason. Ahahaha! We really did the right thing all these years. Our sacrifice wasn't done in vain." Cang laughed and cried, as if a giant weighted boulder was lifted off his back. 

~~Azure Void Mountain Pass~~

Lei Jin appeared and flew directly to where his master was standing. "Master, this disciple has not failed in his mission." He said, cupping his hands and bowing after landing. 

Sir Azure Void stepped forward and placed a hand on Lei Jin's head, giving him a light fatherly pat on the head. "You've done well. You've made this master proud. And I know that your parents would be as well." He said, dropping the head pat and hugging Lei Jin. 

"Ahahaha, it's hard to believe that in such a short time you managed to bring out this many masters. How did you do it exactly?" The commander of the eastern army asked. 

"I could tell the story, but right now there is a more… pressing concern of mine. Forgive me this time, but I will be tending to a personal matter for a while. I've been eagerly waiting for this day and now that it's here I can no longer hold back my desire to gain vengeance." Lei Jin said, with a smile, coming out of his master's hug. 

"Good, then we won't keep you. But, if you don't mind. Would you be willing to perhaps make it a spectacle?" Sir Azure Void said, with a clear smile. 

"Ahahaha! What else could I do but that? It will be a spectacle the Heavens and the King of Hell themselves would be quite eager to watch. I think I'll give the King of Hell a few new ways to torture the souls of the evil." Lei Jin smiled, to hold his killing intent in.