Recuperation Party

"Master, you shouldn't blame yourself for my parents passing. There was nothing you could do even if you were healed. And if you acted rashly at that time, the whole mountain pass would have been placed at risk. If I had already awakened my Divine Body's aura there may have been a way. But I didn't have control over it until several years after my parents fell in battle." Lei Jin said, glancing over after hearing his master's musing. "I'm sure they would have loved to be here now. And see how far I've come. Now I can only hope that they can bear witness to my good deeds. Once the day comes they are reincarnated, I'll take them in and train them. Even if they don't remember their previous life. I will never forget." He added, downing a jug of wine. 

"You're right, treat it like I didn't say anything. I couldn't help myself, it just feels unfair to your mother and father. Only getting the chance to watch you from afar. I'd be willing to bet money that your mother's heart is aching knowing the pain you went through. And your father is struggling to hold back his tears, proud that his son has grown to be so mighty." Sir Azure Void said, swishing his drink around, staring into his cup. His tone was solemn and reflective. "Knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to find a way to come back from the 9 heavens." He chuckled. 

"I wouldn't go that far. They may be strong but if I can't bring people back from the dead, I don't think they can either." Lei Jin said, letting out a half laugh. 

"Ahahaha! The way you say that makes it sound like you've tried before." Sir Azure Void laughed, and took a sip of his drink. 

"I may have dabbled with the principle behind it. In theory it is possible. But to bring someone back to life requires an immense amount of energy. Though high rank Open Heaven Realms should be easier. After all, their small universe remains after death." Lei Jin said. "Though, it will still take more power than I possess as of now. And I'm busy handling the revitalization of the entire Ink Battlefield right now. My power, while immense, is still technically limited. It's just compared to everyone else, I can be considered an invincible existence. But to someone like Ink. That is a different story. He still has enough ability to kill me if the conditions are right. Though, I doubt he will win after I have removed all of the possible trump cards he has." Lei Jin explained, rambling on. 

"I see, then you are planning on reviving them? I hope you know the issues that would be surrounding such an event. Many others will come requesting your services. Resurrection would be quite an important tool to recover my Human Race's strength." Sir Azure Void said. 

"That, right there, Master, is why I will not be resurrecting my parents. As much as it pains me that I'll never know how they feel about what I've done. It's better I do this, than to completely destroy the order of the heavens. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how Ink became Ink in the first place. He went against the heavens and was punished for it. Resulting in the situation we see today." Lei Jin said, laying down with his head in Qing Ning's lap. "I have too many people relying on my continued existence for me to risk becoming a second Ink. The way my Rainbow Light works is similar to some extent. But I would sooner die than become an existence that would kill my own people." He said, as Qing Ning gently patted his head. 

"Hahaha, I have a good Disciple indeed. I'm sure your parents are a bit disappointed. But I'm positive they would understand." Sir Azure Void laughed out loud. 

"I too wish I could have met them. But unless the seats of the 9 heavens grant it. I don't think I ever will." Qing Ning said with a tearful smile. "I've always felt like my prayers to the shrine at home were not enough. It would be great to meet my mother and father in-law. I wish to thank them for such a good husband." She added, looking into Lei Jin's eyes, lovingly. "I should also thank Sir Azure Void for teaching him…" She said, snapping out of her trance. 

"No need for that. I didn't teach him much. If I did anything, it was to help him through a few difficult parts of his cultivation. He is my Disciple yes, but he is also mostly self taught. I was there once I heard of the situation that day. Other than that I didn't do anything." Sir Azure Void interrupted. 

"I simply can't accept those words. I know very well that you arranged for him to find someone he could be friends with. You helped him do the things he needed to do. Even with this war going on. And with very limited resources. Smiles was my Husband's first friend. And while there was an additional meaning behind it. I know the truth, and so does my Husband. Sir Azure Void cares for Lei Jin as much as a father cares for his son." Qing Ning said with a smile, giggling towards the end. 

"That's not…" Sir Azure Void stuttered and grew red in the face. 

"There's no need to be embarrassed, Master. My wife is right. Without the actions you took back then I would not have been able to reach this point today. So please accept my first wife's words and accept our thanks. This war will end because you decided to do the utmost for me." Lei Jin said with a small smile. His eyes closed and breathing slowly. 

"I see, Miss Qing Ning, I will accept your words. In exchange would you mind telling me more about the Shrine you pray at?" Sir Azure Void relented, unable to contest his Disciple's words any longer. 

"Of course! And once the war is truly over, I'll bring you to see it for yourself, Sir Azure Void." Qing Ning said with a cheerful smile.