They had sincerely believed the miracle of rain would have softened the natives' hearts, proving once and for all that theirs was the one true God. It was not to be.

Over the next few months, the women learned the language, although not yet fluent. Maggie grew round and was heavy with child. An autumn birth seemed likely.

Although Chief Long Knife respected the God who sent the rain, he and the others were insistent that they would never convert. To do so would be to turn their backs on their customs and people. No, a miracle or not, it was not enough.

As a show of appreciation, Chief Long Knife allowed Brebeuf to invite several more Jesuits to join them. They were harmless, as it turned out, and loved to spend time with the children, telling the kids tales they had never heard.

The children listened wide-eyed to Bible stories, even to the oral telling of the catechism.

"One soul," Brebeuf breathed aloud every night as he prayed by his sleeping quarters, "Just one soul, Lord."