"More fish?" Small Bird held out the platter to Brebeuf.

"Thank you," Brebeuf breathed, "Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. May the Lord bless you for taking me in and showing kindness to the least of His servants."

He sounded pretentious perhaps, yet looking into his eyes, it was clear Brebeuf meant every word, his words soft like one of their storytellers.

The Iroquois children leaned forward trying to understand his words, the tone of his voice soothing.

Falcon frowned. The white demon was already enchanting the children. He should have left when they moved their camp in the morning. Let him fend for himself. He'd keep Maggie away from this intruder for the remainder of the day, worried an evil spirit would enter their unborn baby as long as Brebeuf remained in their midst.

He glanced up to where his mother was hovering over Maggie, feeding her broth as she lay on their bed. He couldn't question his chief, but he was not going to put his family at risk.